I’m so used to sharing day to day life stuff on Instagram stories (follow me here) that it felt strange yesterday to pull out my nice camera and take pictures of our day instead. It was nice though! I find I really enjoy photography- not because I’m especially gifted in it, but because preserving memories means the world to me. That’s why every 6 months or so, I like to document one of our days. It’s amazing how fast the girls change without me noticing and I sometimes get lost in the blog archives just smiling and remembering what life looked like at different ages and phases. So here is the next installment of Day in the Life: 7 Years Old and 4 Years Old.
4:50 AM: My alarm went off and I rolled out of bed and into the bathroom where I put on my workout gear with my eyes still half closed. I’ve gotten into the habit of doing the 5:00 AM Burn Boot Camp twice a week and running twice a week. I’m usually up on those days at 4:30/4:45 AM, which sounded atrocious at one point, but now it’s not so bad.
I was driving to the gym to run in the early mornings, but two weeks ago I asked my neighborhood Facebook page if anyone had a treadmill they were looking to get rid of and lucked out! We bought a used NordicTrack for $100 and at only two weeks in, I can already tell you it was a GREAT decision.
5:00 AM: I don’t eat or anything before I run (though I’ve started playing around with a few pre-workout powders), so I pulled my car out of the garage, lowered the treadmill, and got to it. I ran about 4 miles and walked another half-ish mile in about 45 minutes. I really am loving it, and the fact that I watch Dawson’s Creek to help pass the time may or may not have something to do with that.
6:00 AM: I usually shower right after, but wanted to maximize my computer time so I went straight to the office. I use Mixbook and finally finished our 2017 family album, ordered it, and broke into a celebration dance. I’m going to bask in that victory before starting to tackle 2018. I returned some emails, worked on an upcoming post for next week, then heard Kaitlyn’s door open at 7:03 AM. Since daylight savings, she has been waking up right at 7:00 AM, which I know I shouldn’t complain about, but I miss the 7:30 time frame. She started downstairs then heard Hailey’s door open. Hailey usually sleeps until 8:15/8:30 AM so this was strange! They came into the office and gave me a hug. I told them I’d be in to make breakfast in just a few minutes so I could tie up a couple loose ends.
7:15 AM: I went to the kitchen and found them coloring. I sliced them some oranges, heated up some muffins, then went to shower. After I got dressed and ready for the day, I went back to the kitchen to make my own breakfast- avocado toast, some orange slices, and a fried egg with Earl Grey tea.
8:15 AM: After a leisurely breakfast, I sent the girls off to brush teeth and get dressed while I cleaned up. Of course they were playing some kind of crazy game so there were shrieks, giggles, and plenty of running up and down the hall.
8:45 AM: The girls finally made it back to the kitchen. I pulled out the November No-Prep Packs that I bought from The Moffatt Girls and snagged them each a sheet to start working on.
We started our homeschool early this year in anticipation of slowing down around the holidays. I can’t believe that time is already here! We reached a stopping point in our core curriculum and I’ve put that on hold until January, when we’ll pick it back up. For the next six weeks, we will be focusing on reading, learning and practicing math and language arts with themed worksheets, doing crafts, watching holiday movies, learning about Christmas, baking, going on field trips, and being as intentional as we can about slowing down and enjoying the season. So far, the girls are loving the November, turkey-themed sheets. I bought the 1st grade pack for Hailey and the kindergarten pack for Kaitlyn. They are especially loving the word searches and any game involving a spinner or dice.
9:30 AM: After about 45 minutes of school stuff, we got ready to head out to my women’s bible study. We meet every other week. It’s a group I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep up with now that I have both girls at home, but I adore the ladies in the group and they all have been so gracious with letting my girls come. I’m so grateful for them!
A quick note on my outfit: My beloved Birkenstocks have been traded in for my beloved Sorel boots. I don’t know why I own any other shoes. I could live my life in just these two pairs! I also got so many comments on my sweater on Instagram yesterday, and yes, it is the Cloudspun sweater (in mustard) and it is just as wonderful, warm, and cozy as it looks! I’m considering buying it in another color.
10:00 AM: We arrived at my friend’s house and another homeschool mom had her girls, so all four of our kids took off to the playroom. I relished in the adult chit chat, devoured a couple deviled eggs and spiced nuts, and really enjoyed the discussion on our current unit. I ended up staying a bit longer to chat with friends, then the girls and I took off to grab some lunch at Jimmy Johns.
1:15 PM: We picked up a friend and headed to Poetry Teatime. Once a month we get together with four other homeschooling families for this event and it’s one of the highlights of our month. We take turns hosting and each person can plan whatever theme they wish. Yesterday’s theme was Little House on the Prairie (which I adore!). The girls got to make their own butter by shaking cream and a marble in a small jar (here is how in case you want to do it too), recited their prepared poems, read a couple poems out of the Little House books (Pa’s songs mostly), drank apple cider and ate maple sugar candies.
3:30 PM: We hopped in the car to head home. After dropping off our friend, Hailey and Kaitlyn proceeded to push each others buttons and were both in tears by the time we pulled in the driveway. I could tell they were overtired and the constant rainy and cold weather we’ve been having wasn’t helping. We got home at 4:15 and I sent them both to their rooms to chill out. I made myself a mocktail (a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar, club soda, and a splash of apple ginger juice), ate some leftover lentil marinara, and plopped down on the couch to respond to some messages on Instagram and scroll the feed. After about 20 minutes, Hailey came out asking if she and Kaitlyn could play together. It’s amazing what a little forced separation can do!
5:00 PM: They played upstairs (dressing up in princess outfits is still a hit around here and I hope it doesn’t change anytime soon) while I got to work on dinner. The girls had leftovers from lunch, so I made them a Greek salad (and their nightly Elderberry Syrup) to go with it.
5:30 PM: We all sat down to eat. When David isn’t home for dinner I often read to them. It’s nice for two reasons: one: it gets some quality read aloud time in so we aren’t cramming it in before bed and two: it is the only thing that keeps them both in their seats for an extended amount of time!
A note on their plates: I wanted to have them start eating off of glass plates so I ordered these glass plates with a silicone cover and these suction glass bowls with silicone covers. The covers are a little annoying to take on and off, but I’m trying to eliminate plastic as much as possible.
6:10 PM: Have I mentioned that it was cold and rainy and that the kids were way overtired? After dinner I sent them right up to brush teeth. I did a little happy dance when I heard the garage at about 6:20 PM. By this time of night I’m usually pretty fried. David came it and took over for story time while I cleaned up the kitchen (does anyone else have to sweep every single night?) and made his plate.
6:40 PM: I filled up their waters and went to help tuck them into bed. This was on the early side, as both girls usually go to bed around 7:15 or so. Neither one really fought it, even though Kaitlyn, true to form, came out of her room twice more with really important questions (like what are we doing tomorrow). She was asleep by 7:05 though, while Hailey read and colored in her bed until 7:45 before giving into sleep.
8:00 PM: I sat with David while he ate, then uploaded and edited the pictures for the day before meeting him on the couch. We chatted for a bit, watched the opening to the CMA Awards, then watched at episode of Silicone Valley. Then we brushed our teeth and made the rounds, checking to make sure the garage was closed, turning off lights, then hopping into bed.
9:45 PM: Asleep!
And that’s the day! Not the most exhilarating recounts, but sometimes the ordinary days are the best ones to look back on. <3
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2 Years Old (25 months)
2 Years Old (and me, 5 months pregnant)
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6 Years Old and 3 1/2 Years Old
6 1/2 Years Old and 4 Years Old
K says
Can you tell me about the large dollhouse in the pictures? Do you have one for each girl or do they share? Is the dollhouse used frequently? I’m gathering opinions as I try to figure out Christmas for my two girls 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Yes, they are KidKraft dollhouses! We have 2 of them. They girls each had one in their rooms, then we moved them both together into the playroom and they use them more. I’d say they use them sometimes, but not all the time. I have seen some on sale in Facebook marketplace and it might be a good idea to search for a used one so you don’t have to assemble it. They seem to hold up pretty well 🙂
K says
Thanks!! What dolls do they use most in the dollhouses? Barbies?
Brittany Dixon says
I bought them some generic dolls off Amazon, but they use Barbies most of the time 🙂
John J. Stathas says
What an All Star day in the lives of a very special family! You guys are living life fully for this stage of y’all’s life. So wholesome!
sherry says
Love to see your “ordinary” days–full of love and adventures. There is much to be said about having an ordinary day!
Jess says
Thanks for sharing. Question – what art kit is that the girls’ are using. I want to buy one for my kids for Christmas (the marker bin chaos has got to go).
Brittany Dixon says
We have two of those kits (one upstairs and one downstairs) and they are great! We made it a house rule that they have to put one back before grabbing another. We usually get the girls a new one every Christmas, too! Here is the affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2Doq2bF
Jess says
Eva says
What does your hubby do? Just curious! Looks like something in the medical field?
Brittany Dixon says
He is is sales; thus the odd schedule 🙂
Holly says
Just curious why your kids don’t eat off of regular plates? They’re certainly old enough.
Brittany Dixon says
Yes, they totally could (at least Hailey; she is a little more careful than Kaitlyn at this age), but we just haven’t yet. No real reason 🙂
Callie says
I love your day-in-the-life posts! I don’t have kids yet (though I hope to someday soon–I’m already 30, so I need to get a move on ;). I love reading your blog and seeing glimpses of what my day-to-day life with kids might look like. 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Thanks for the kind words! And no rush, you have time 🙂
Sarah says
“Does anyone else anyone need to sweep every night?” I need to sweep after every meal consumed at home! My girls are also really into “cutting” and will cut paper into tiny pieces for 20 plus minutes at a time…so we have a lot to sweep! I loved your day in the life! That rain last week was killer. Hope we have many sunny weeks to come!!!
Brittany Dixon says
That is so Kaitlyn, too! Cutting post its into a million tiny pieces. Whyyyyy 😉
Kelli H says
I would definitely have to mop every night after Camryn eats if I didn’t have a dog and a Shark vacuum. haha. Dang, girl. I’m impressed with your early morning workout commitment.