…or trying to. I don’t know what it is, but lately I’ve felt the desire to start wearing real clothes more often. Not everyday, I mean, I wouldn’t want to completely neglect my yoga pants (what kind of SAHM would I be?!), but I’m noticing that I feel so much more put together and able to adult when I’m wearing real clothes.
Note: this post includes some affiliate links. Thanks for supporting A Healthy Slice!
When walking in my closet though, I would naturally gravitate towards my work out clothes over my hanging clothes and I finally realized why. I had a good number of clothes in my closet so I couldn’t justify buying anything new, but the majority of the things in my closet, I just didn’t feel good in. However, they were too “nice” to throw away. I was stuck in that conundrum for months until mom came to visit and encouraged me to just bite the bullet and do a closet clean out.
I tried everything on and went with my gut reaction. Did I feel good in it? No? Giveaway pile. (Well, actually a ThredUp pile, which I will report back on after I try it)
The before:
The during:
and the after:
Oh yes, after a thorough clean out, mom and I spent a day at the mall, which is so not the usual for either of us. David joked this was our personal version of girls gone wild and with the help of friendly store employees, we filled the gaps in our wardrobes. Now I’m feeling spoiled and well stocked, leaving few excuse for opting for gym clothes.
So since I’ve well documented my evolving efforts at fashion on here:
My first Stitch Fix (toddler Hailey in that picture! Melt my heart)
and even my maternity fashion post
I thought I’d share a few of my finds!
…as always, please be kind. A model I am not.
plaid shirt // black leggings // black booties
So let’s talk leggings. They are a trend I am ALL about, but am learning how to wear. For this in particular, do they need to go all the way down into my boot? Or is ankle showing ok?
I am fully embracing plaid this year, as well as booties. In fact, let’s chat real quick about the new loves of my life.
These boots. Were they a splurge? Absolutely. But they are so comfortable and I can wear them for years to come. Every time I put them on I feel giddy. It’s love.
Next up- new jeans!
Jeans // Vest // Wedges (similar and similar)
The jeans are by Seven and are called slim illusion. Are they working? Ha. I needed some jeans that got skinny enough at the ankle (I have really skinny ankles) to not be baggy with boots. These were the best option I could find and they feel really good on- just a little bit of stretch, which works well on my legs.
You can probably tell that my definition of fashionable prioritizes comfort. There is nothing I love more than feeling warm and cozy so when this showed up in my last Stitch Fix box, I knew I had to keep it.
I’m wearing a white top under it here, but do you think I could wear other colors too?
Another realistic daily “look” for me is this:
Shirt // jeans // boots (for similar look and lower price, these are similar)
My trouble with tops being too long continues, but this one was only $18 and I figured I could layer it and wear it with leggings.
Now let’s talk about these boots!
I love these boots.
I wore holes through my toes of my last Uggs (I guess wearing them for 5 years straight will do that), so I feel confident I’ll get my money’s worth with these, which showed up new at Nordstrom the day mom and I were shopping.
We both put them on, fell in love and are now the proud owners of matching pairs. Ha! 🙂
Ok, almost done, I promise. One more!
I need your thoughts on the jeans in booties. I actually think tucked in looks the best for my short legs. Cuffed seems to break up my leg line too much, but what do you think?
I just need more ways to wear my new boots, so all (well-intentioned) input is welcome!
Also, that shirt is from a previous Stitch Fix (they now have an app too which makes it easier to connect with your stylist!)
So that’s what I’m working with this fall and would love your input on the following:
How do you wear leggings? (and where to get tunics long enough to wear with them? I had little luck!)
Booties- are you a fan? What’s your favorite way to wear them?
What fall fashion staple are you fully embracing and loving?
John J. says
Pretty gal looking mighty stylish!
Kate says
That stich-fix cardigan is adorable!
I think you could layer a light grey T-shirt underneath. Or creams, beiges, that kind of thing. I wouldn’t go too colorful, so the cardigan gets all the spot-light. 🙂
I love love love Chelsea boots and wear my jeans always rolled up with them.
Have a great weekend!
Michelle G says
I love these posts!
Katie says
I love booties! I think a little ankle showing is fine, especially in warmer climates. My ankle showing days in MN are VERY limited. My mom and I have also been Nordstroms twins before, so I’m glad others are doing it. As for the sweater, I think you could wear navy or black under. Maybe coral too?
Katy says
Absolutely love the boots and the jeans! They look great! I too feel so weird cuffing my jeans because I feel like only long legged people can pull that off. But honestly, I think it’s just one of those trends that takes getting used to. I saw just cuff ’em and own it! You’ll get used to it!
sherry says
You definitely could be a model!! Looking great and I absolutely love your black boots–you wear them well. It hasn’t stopped raining here since we went shopping so I have not worn my Uggs out of the house. One of the blouses I bought matches a pair of Stitch Fix pants that I had but had not worn since I didn’t know what to wear with them-extra bonus. Guess I better go decide what to wear today—so many choices 🙂
Nicole says
You are adorable! I LOVE the leggings/plaid shirt/booties combo. All of the outfits look great!
We just moved to the Lake Norman area and are absolutely loving it!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
Love these outfits! Especially the plaid – plaid all day everyday. Those boots are so cute, too! I’ve had my Uggs for almost five years and we’re still going strong. I highly recommend getting some kind of maintenance/waterproofing/cleaning kit. They’re usually about $20 and SO worth it!
jackie says
have you thought about getting your jeans tapered by a tailor? i am also petite and have skinny ankles, and i find getting the jeans tapered at the ankle gives an all over sleeker look, and also the jeans (i think) look great with booties when they are tapered! it is generally not too expensive and i do it to every pair of jeans i buy 🙂
as for the cuffing, i feel you on making us short girls look shorter but i have grown to love the look! might just need to grow on you!
i love your purchases!
Amanda says
Love the looks! With regard to the jeans with booties, I think that if you got your jeans tailored so they have more of an “ankle” look (tighter at the ankle and a little shorter) you could wear as is or cuff them and they would look perfect. They look great now though, so either way you win 🙂
Kiki says
Love the booties and the uggs! I love the looks. I am with the others on tailoring. Often a little tailoring makes a world of difference. Enjoy!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
I love everything you bought! I think we have the same fashion sense because I would wear all those outfits. All the questions you asked are questions I’ve asked too. As for rolling the jeans with boots. I’m in the same boat. I feel weird doing it (being short an all) but I think the main thing is to just do it and own it like other women mentioned.
Heather says
Personally, I’m a fan of cuffing and ankle cleavage. In the winter I just wear funky socks so my ankles don’t get too cold, otherwise it’s more of a personal thing – I just don’t like when my jeans bunch up in my boots. If it doesn’t bother you, though, I think it looks fine – you may just want to roll them a tad so they don’t bunch too much. 🙂
Layne says
Roll up your jeans once or twice at the bottom, I’ve seen that look a LOT and love it actually!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
The cozy Stitch Fix sweater is my fav…along with the booties. The way I look at is shoes are the things we put on our feet. Our feet support our entire body. If it’s ok to splurge on something, it’s shoes!
Ashlee Brown says
I think you are off to a great start! I recently starting following this blog that I think you might like. This post I’ve linked is all about tunics that you can wear with leggings and I love them all. Check it out!
Julie says
Those jeans look fabulous on you!! I love the 1st outfit as well, but I immediately noticed that the leggings didn’t go all the way down into the boot (LOVE those booties btw!!) & wasn’t a fan; however, several other people have commented favorably so maybe it’s just a personal preference thing (I am also not a fan of cuffing the jeans w/ booties, & I know that’s in style…). You should do whatever makes you feel comfortable; I don’t think there’s a “wrong” way. I’m also not crazy about the Uggs for some reason – I think I’d like a regular boot better w/ that outfit & maybe the Uggs w/ a chunky sweater? I think they look too much like snow boots w/ that light, bright top. I love everything you picked, though. I def think we have the same taste in clothes. Love these posts, too!
Kerry says
Love posts like this! You look great and you’ve got great fashion sense. Thanks for inspiring this mom to bust out of the active wear rut 🙂
Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me says
I love the vest and wedge outfit! You are a hot mama. Seriously, you look incredible in everything Brittany!
I wear leggings with everything! I tend to go for loose flowy stops though. I like forever 21 for decent sized tunics, if that’s of any help to you! I’ve been looking for a vest, so I’m definitely going to look at your link. 🙂
Lauren @ Oh Hey! I Like That! says
You look adorable and are SO ready for fall and winter!!
Lauren 🙂
Lindsey @ Simply Lindsey says
SO many cute clothes!! Love all of your new outfits! 🙂 I typically wear leggings with a long, dress-like sweater top and riding boots/regular boots. I feel a little too exposed if I wear them with something that doesn’t cover my backside haha.
Giselle says
I’m so jealous of your shopping spree! All those Nordy bags… Swoon 😉 I tend to buy a few things here and there rather than a bunch at one time. Although I’d love to do a big purge and splurge each season. How fun!
Maria says
I just did a huge fall shopping haul myself. It’s my favorite season to get dressed because of all the cozy options.
For leggings, I wear them with a long fitted tank underneath because I want to make sure that my front and back are covered (the number one cardinal rule of leggings, along with not being see through!) and then layer a looser shirt on top. You have beautiful ankles, so I vote to show them off!
I haven’t been a fan of booties since they’ve been popular, but this year I’m embracing them! They add height, which I need and are much easier to wear than tall boots in my opinion (I have a hard time finding tall boots that are short enough and wide enough for my legs). I got the Tom Desert Bootie wedges and I LOVE your Cole Haans! Definitely worth the splurge!
Love your fashion posts and wouldn’t mind seeing more of them 🙂
Elizabeth says
I love your fashion updates. I used to LOVE to shop & dress up but I don’t put my energy into that as much now that I have 2 little ones. My fashion looks a lot like yours but I love a good dress – pants just don’t look/feel great anymore. My 2 favorite things that you have: that stitch fix sweater (I want one!!!) and your black booties. Super timeless & cute. I’m going to make more of an effort now that I read this. One new thing that I’ve noticed, when I shower at night & dry my hair at night I feel much more put together the next day. Have a great weekend! Jared is hunting in NC (Roxboro) for the next 10 days – wish me luck.
Jess says
I love these type of posts! Looking good, mama! I’ve recently been trying to do some updates/refreshing to my wardrobe…and it feels so amazing to have items in my closet I love and feel confident in. Even if I’m just wearing them to sit on the ground and play legos with my three year old. 😉
Tunic suggestion for you: Lush Roll Tab sleeve tunic from Nordstrom. I have this in three different colors and LOVE it! Just a tip: the care instructions say “dry clean only” but after hearing from a couple others that it did just fine in the wash, I took the plunge and washed in the machine on the delicate cycle (and then hung to dry). So far, so good.
ALSO, if you’re looking for another good skinny (skinny) jean, I recently bought the AG Farrah jeans and am in LOVE.
mary minutella says
Love these posts. The black plaid shirt is awesome and those black boots – swoon!
In addition to the usual skinny pants I’ve been wearing my ankle boots with tights and a skirt or dress and it looks awesome! Give it a shot!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Super cute!
Liz @ I Heart Vegetables says
I actually read something that I think there IS supposed to be something showing between leggings and an ankle boot but maybe I’m remembering wrong? Haha but I am NO fashion expert!
Hilary says
I love that first outfit! Those booties are so cute, and I love them with those leggings!
Lauren Brennan says
You look so great! LOVE the booties!!
Megan O'Connor says
Love your fashion posts! I would want to see the jeans cuffed with the booties before making an informed decision, but if you are comfortable, I think it looks fine the way it is. Very flattering styles on you. I love the Stitch Fix cardigan – I actually think you could pair the sweater with neutrals (white, cream, black) in addition to the yellow and red/orange blouse you have on in the posts. Personally think yellow would be really fun!