A lot of my bandwidth is going towards Finley right now. They don’t call them velcro vizslas for nothing!
She’s so sweet and snuggly but I definitely forgot how much attention puppies take. She’s sleeping pretty well through the night, up one or twice before being up for the day around 5:45. No whining when she goes back to sleep after going out though so that’s a huge win!
We’ve watched some puppy training videos (David is a big Cesar Millan believer) because Finley is in puppy biting stage. When she gets excited, she mouths and that turns into bites and really scares the girls.
We’re trying to teach them that they are in control, and to be bold in redirecting her, but right now they usually end up jumping up on chairs during those moments, then waiting for her to calm down so they can get their snuggles in.
To be honest, I feel like a new mom that can’t talk about anything else but her baby. And it makes sense- anything that fills up our day is what we tend to talk about, so I’m just over here chatting about nothing but puppy snuggles, vet visits, and floppy ears (soft Vizsla puppy ears are pretty much the best thing in the world!).
It’s about 6:00 AM now and I’m getting my mind right for the day. I have a long list of things I need/want to accomplish but I’m doing my best to set up my mind to go about it in a way I feel good about, with patience and calmness.
Kaitlyn’s next math lesson is a new concept and I know I need to be engaged and excited about it to help her get into it. I need to do a quick fridge inventory and get to the store. I need to finalize our Christmas shopping list, go the chiropractor, and want to ensure we have read aloud time on the porch. Those family albums though? I’m still WAY behind on.
Gift guide for 10 year old girl / Gift guide for 7 year old girl / Gift guide for him / and for her
Listing things out helps me, and so does doing a meditation with Insight Timer. I’m so grateful that y’all recommended that app to me; it’s great. While I’m not consistent enough to do it every day, when I do, there is something about those few minutes of peace and intention really helps me focus on the day.
I am feeling some of that Monday motivation energy that I love so much, too. This weekend was rejuvenating! David had to work Friday night but the girls and I got started on some Christmas decorating.
Saturday both girls had basketball skills day, then we swapped out family pictures with our friends. We snapped them; they snapped us. It ended up being a lot of fun!
Saturday night David made brisket and we watched football and played Samba. The boys beat us, which usually isn’t the case, so we clearly need a rematch soon!
Sunday I had blocked off as a day of rest, and rest I did. I didn’t have my phone pretty much the entire day. I alternated walks outside with the pup and naps. The girls and I cuddled and watched The Muppets Christmas Carol. The Best Christmas movies for Kids 5 and Under
David and I ended the evening with the first episode of Yellowstone. I didn’t realize it was a 90 minute episode when we hit play, but ended up really liking it. Maybe it’s because we had a snoozing pup in our laps to snuggle with.
I’ll try to have some more topic-focused posts soon, but for now, thanks for reading my puppy-dominated stream of consciousness diary entries 😘 Off to take Finley outside and debate buying her a sweater to stay warm even though David says no way…. 😉
What’s on your to do list today?
Sarah says
She totally needs a sweater! Wink.
Brittany Dixon says
That was all the encouragement I needed… 😉
katie says
Thank you for this “old-school” blogging. I am behind on my reading, but really love seeing these slice of life posts. This time next year I’ll likely be prepping for getting a puppy, so seeing all your posts is helpful. I’m also engaged, so I’ll likely be buying your state of the family book to help me and my fiancé navigate our soon-to-be joint finances.