I first wrote a version of this guide in 2014, when Hailey was 3 and we were counting down to the Christmas holiday. Now, Hailey is 6 (how is that possible?) and it’s her little sister Kaitlyn who is eager and excited to see which gifts will be waiting for her under the tree.
My girls have very different personalities, and play in different ways. Hailey tends to be a bit more reserved and thoughtful (even at her birthday party, she opened one card and gift at a time, keeping everything orderly!). She loves to read, do art and help me in the kitchen.
Kaitlyn is a tiny little thing, full of sugar and spice, and the word feisty always comes to mind when I think of her. She is loud and funny and messy and a born performer (watch the video in this post and you’ll see what I mean).
Even so, there are some toys, games and other gifts that they’ve both loved, and that I love, too. Some are educational, in a sneaky way. Some allow them to explore their artistic sides. But most? They’re just fun.
So, this year, I have put together what I hope is your new go-to guide for shopping for a 3-year-old — I’ve included a lot of items that my girls like, but many would be great for boys too. I’ve also taken some of the recommendations readers have shared in comments here on the blog or on social media, and added in a few that we don’t yet have but are on my own shopping list this year.
Oh, and one final note? Each year, I try very hard to remember that less is more. We talk a lot at home and in homeschool about gratitude and giving back. So if you are looking to save some money or cut back on the tangible gifts this year, here are a few ideas:
- A reader shared this thought, which I love: pick one gift that your kids want, one that they need and one that’s something to read.
- Look on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or a consignment store to find local, gently-used items.
- This is a great age to give experiences, not just toys. So, that could be a membership to a local museum or aquarium, or vouchers for special days with Mom or Dad, just one-on-one.
If you have other ideas, I’d love to see them in the comments.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Check out this giant gift guide for 3-year-old girls!” quote=”Check out this giant gift guide for 3-year-old girls!”]
Gifts for 3-Year-Old Girls
OK, on to the list! Please note that these include affiliate links, which means I get a small commission from your purchase, although you don’t pay any more.
Toys & Games
Magnatiles. These are always a huge hit, and not just for 3-year-olds, so I love that this is a toy that can grow with your kids. Their imaginations can run wild while their knowledge of geometry grows, as they build different shapes and towers.
Microphone. Even though she is sometimes shy about it, Hailey is really into singing and making up songs and at 3, started to give us little performances. Kaitlyn? She loves being in the spotlight. There are so many fun options, from hand-held to karaoke micrphones on stand. (I’m especially intrigued by this one that can be hooked up to an iPod or iPhone!)
“Kid”noculars. A friend of mine has these and they’re perfect for letting kids take a closer look at plants or animals or even at their older siblings’ sports practices and games. They’re also really sturdy and won’t break when dropped (plus, there’s a breakaway cord so it takes away any risk of choking). The same company makes this microscope, too!
Other great options:
For her first Christmas, Hailey received a Christmas Bear personalized book and loved it. And both my kids have had so much find finding the letters of their names in books, so having something just for them is a really special idea. I See Me! has some great options.
A few other favorites in our house:
- Gregory the Terrible Eater
- Berenstain Bear Books (with special mentions to Kindness Counts, The Trouble With Chores and The Joy of Giving)
- Leap Frog Books (that link takes you right to those that are most approriate for ages 2-4 but there are great options for older kids, too)
Stocking Stuffers/Under $25
We first discovered these when Hailey received one for her 3rd birthday — it was a huge hit then and is such a great option for this age. Kids can color the outside, the inside and play house with toys, too.
Board Games. At this age, it can be hard for kids to understand the rules or pay attention long enough to finish, but there are some really fun options for beginners. Candy Land will always be a classic!
Kid Aprons. Again, my kids and I love spending time together in the kitchen, and this is such a fun way to help them get involved and feel like it’s a really special thing. Plus, there are matching options for mom or dad!
More inexpensive but great options:
- This Fisher-Price Think & Learn Seek & Spell Penguin
- Melissa and Doug’s Shape-Sorting Wooden Dump Truck Toy
- An 80-Piece Mega Bloks set
- Base plates for building Lego towers
- Paper Bag Puppets
- Puzzles like this jumbo option or this fun alphabet version
Just for Fun
Dress Up Clothes. Imagination is really kicking in at this age and it’s so much fun to watch it run wild. Zulily is a great place to get discounts on costumes and fun items, so keep an eye on that. Plus, Amazon has some great options like this 4-piece set of capes and masks.
Speaking of fun clothes — my kids love twirly dresses like these, and not just for dress-up!
Along with the dress-up clothes, my kids love playing with jewelry. They have day time and night time rings that they will switch out as they get in and out of bed. They like bracelets and necklaces too. Having a place to keep their treasures is a great way to teach them how to take care of “precious” things, plus, it helps keep what could become a tangled mess fairly well organized, but this one on Amazon is lovely, too.
Sleeping bags. Whether it’s for an indoor slumber party or to take on a travel adventure, these kid-sized bags are great. This alligator version is adorable, but I know my kids would also love this ladybug option!
Life Factory Water Bottles. There are baby bottles, open cups and then these 16-ounce options that are BPA-free, easy to wash and come in a silicone sleeve so they’re easy for small hands to hold on to.
Kid Lunchboxes. Even though we homeschool, the kids and I often go on adventures and need to pack snacks and lunches that may be eaten hours later. There are some great options, including these Bentgo boxes (my friends love them!) and PlanetBox which is pricier but really nice. Plus, there are so many fun and colorful boxes, many of which fit into a backpack or have handles that make it easy for younger kids to carry.
What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child? What is your favorite gift to give to a child?
Jodi says
Great ideas lady!! Growing up , my family didn’t give a lot of gifts throughout the year. We got gifts on our birthday and clothes for back to school, so Christmas was a magical time for us bc Santa never disappointed!! My favorite toy was always the one present that was unwrapped which signifified where our gifts were under the tree ( since there were 4kids) I would always play w it in the middle of the nite!
I am having a hard time reigning uti this year w the girls. Initially I was stressed bc I like to buy gifts with and for a purpose. Like the potterybarn anywhere chairs or the table and chairs they use everyday. So this year I got creative and we are revamping the playroom bc the girls are so into imaginary play! I got a couple new kitchen piece on Craiglist for a quarter of the price and a new canvas garden cottage in amazon using a gift card I had. So I keep justifying that I am totally NOT spending a lot, but is keep thinking of more things… think we are going to put a table and chairs up there to make a little kitchen. And flower and tree wall decals. And with that, I will stop…. 🙂 but I can’t wait to see there faces when they follow a little ribbon from the tree up the stairs to the playroom! I am definitely more excited for Christmas this year now that the girls are old enough to understand!!
Brittany Dixon says
What an awesome idea! Their faces are going to be priceless. And so is H’s when we come over to play in it with you 😉
Melissa G says
I agree with all of these. =) A doll house could be included. Train table and trains are also fun. We got both our kids (boy & girl) that for a big gift last year, best gift ever!! My husband made the table, which is perfect for other toys as well, like legos. Legos are on their list this year. (Ages 3 and 5)
Jess says
I had to comment because you mentioned personalized books. I got this one (https://www.lostmy.name ) for my daughter’s first birthday a couple of months ago. She’s too young to get it, but the illustrations are unreal! The site let’s you enter the name, pick the gender, and see how it will turn out. Highly recommend! And I have nothing to do with the company, I just actually clicked an ad off Facebook for the first time ever haha.
Brittany Dixon says
Totally checking this out- thanks!
Sabrina says
Love this list! Just put the frozen karaoke machine on Ali’s list. I realized yesterday that the kids didn’t have anything cool to open so I am adding a few fun gifts. Thanks for the idea!
And we have a bunch of magnatiles so none for our kids this Christmas, but I bought the 100 piece set for my niece. Hurray!
I can’t wait for Ali to be into jewelry. Any fave brands or stores to check out for pretend jewelry?
Brittany Dixon says
I need to look more into this myself but the jewelry she has now is mostly favors from birthday parties or necklaces she made from noodles. And while I’ve got you… CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🙂
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
So cute! 3 is a fun age! 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
When I was a kid I LOVED getting a fresh new Barbie, all perfect and in the box (before their hair got all messed up and they were still pristine!). Seriously was one of the best gifts, haha!
Joanna @Makingmine says
Oh those Magnatiles are super cool! I think I’m going to get my daughter a Bitty Baby when baby #2 is born. I always wanted one growing up haha
Brittany Dixon says
H has a bitty baby and it’s been a huge hit. They’re so cute!
staci says
Do you still do the want, need, wear, read gift categories?
Brittany Dixon says
I do! I love it. I am sticking with just those for Kaitlyn, but am trying to reel it in a bit for Hailey because I can think of more than one want for her!
Kelly @ The Fit Skool says
Those dress up clothes are awesome, I can’t wait until my little one wants to play dress up!!
Erica { EricaDHouse.com } says
I read this great article on teaching kids the value of gratitude and the meaning of the holiday. It suggested you get your kids three gifts; something they want, something they need and something to read. Or some variation of it; 3 things they want, 2 things they need and 1 thing to read. I LOVED this idea but when I told Travis I’d want to do it if we had kids he looked at me like I was certifiable.
Brittany Dixon says
That’s what we do too- want, need, wear, read! Isn’t it great? This is the first year I’m struggling with wanting more than one want for H 😉 It’s tough sometimes!
Shari says
Love your choices for Hailey!!
I got a My Little Pony game for Hanukkah when I was four or five, and I adored it. Would you believe I still have it packed away in the basement? Some things it’s just hard to get rid of, you know?
Brittany Dixon says
Oh I know it! I’m at my parent’s house now and my mom and dad have asked me repeatedly to get all my treasures (old junk ;)) out of their storage haha
Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says
My son is three-and-a-half and he cannot get enough of his magnatiles. They are pricey, but one of those presents that inspires creativity and never gets old. I totally agree with this choice!
And although my son is not a girl (obviously) I am going into look into those knives you recommended. I am a HUGE cook and I have recently started to include my son in some of the kitchen activities. I would love to involve him in cooking!!
Thanks for these great tips!
Laura @FitMamaLove says
These are great ideas, many of them for boys too! I was nodding my head at a few that my son loves too. And OMG, I LOVE the AG babies! I can’t wait to give my daughter her first AG doll!
Brittany Dixon says
I know these would work for boys too! I guess I was half asleep this morning when I specified girls 😉
Jen says
Those knives are awesome! My little who is almost 3 would LOVE them.
Lauren says
I am so going to look into those knives! C loves to help me prep and chop too and sometimes her little knife just doesn’t cut it–ha literally! I just gave my niece magnatiles for her bday and she was playing with them before opening her other gifts 🙂 I might give C magformers since they are less expensive to go with the other gifts we want to give her. It is so hard to not go crazy on your kids because you know what they would love, what they don’t have, etc. But yes, I totally agree with your mindset that less is more! One of my fave gifts as a kid was an American girl doll in elementary school and also the bitty baby. I have all of them packed up and plan on giving C the bitty baby with all the accessories in May when her baby sibling is born 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving, Brittany!
Rachel says
If I can be nit-picky here for just a second, your gift list need not be specific to girls. My son, along with most boys would enjoy all of these items!
We have those Magnatiles along with Magnaforms and they’re awesome! Pricey, but awesome. Just get ready to pick all those pieces up that end up everywhere :/
I love to get my kids things that encourage creative play. Both my son and daughter love doing crafts and making “projects”. I go to the dollar store and load up on pipe cleaners, fuzzy balls, googly eyes, etc. And because we’re lucky enough to live in AZ I’m always looking at toys and games for them to play with outside 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Oh yeah, I know these gifts are great for boys or girls- I think I was still half asleep this morning when I specified for girls. I’m surrounded by them so I tend to be female-focused 😉
And I love creative play too! Great idea with the dollar store. Seeing their minds stretch and imagine is pretty amazing.
Sarah (SHU) says
love the jewelry box idea! Love this post.
A’s fave gift ever was a cute mermaid sleeping bag.
Josephine says
Great list! I’m getting my three year old;
a jewellery box too,
doc mcstuffins operation, giant snakes and ladders, ladybug counting game by Oxford,
Sophia the first play doh kit and Disney Princess Create a Palace Play doh kit.
Would love to get her blocks with a theme to build (she has plain duplo blocks and plain wooden blocks)
Chantal says
Gosh I got my soon-to-be-three year old WAY too much stuff. I just can’t help it… I see things and I just want to buy her all of it. I did restrain myself a bit, but still. Lol. Maybe next year I’ll be better.
Ginger says
Great ideas! I used to teach nutrition and cooking lessons to pre-k and elementary school kids, and we used those knives ALL the time. They actually work really well for cutting foods, but are still very safe. We never had any accidents with them! The kids loved being able to cut foods all by themselves (with supervision, of course).
Charlie Hendricks says
Taking my son to his first Princess party tomorrow – since I was blessed with boys the pressure is on. You gave me some great ideas. Thank you.
LaToya says
This gave me a few ideas (thank you!) Zoe is 3 and I was struggling on what to get her for Christmas!
Wendy Cartright says
I was reading through your list and I had to stop at number 9. A personalized book is the best idea I have ever heard, and I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before! I have been looking for a birthday gift for my niece, who is turning four. I am definitely going to have to get one for her. She will be so excited that she is in a book.
Santa has a lot of choices! C ya later. The boat’s ready 🙂
abby says
I really appreciate your gift guides! My girls are 4, almost 3, and almost 1 and I go back through your archives each year for their birthdays and Christmas to get ideas. They are great! Keep it up!
A few other ideas:
– Zingo game
– Wooden beads for making jewelry
Brittany Dixon says
I have not heard of Zingo but will look it up- thank you Abby!