There we began to dig into the details of planning Dad’s celebration of life memorial. I’m trying to find the words to describe the weekend as a whole. The word that comes to mind is cathartic.
Being the three of us, it felt like a private memorial. It was hard, but we did get the details set up, which for planners like us, feels good. We also listened to certain songs, looked at pictures, shared memories, and appreciated the time we had for the three of us to be together.
Since learning I am an enneagram 7, I’ve learned many things about myself, one of them being my preference to distract myself with new experiences instead of sitting and feeling deep emotional pain. Having the chance to just be with mom and Kris, and give into the heartbreak I often try to push pass, was in a weird way, comforting.
Sunday the sun shined brightly again and after big hugs, I headed back to North Carolina. The girls and David were in the backyard at the firepit when I pulled in and I was greeted with the happiest of squeals (from the girls… just a big hug from David 😋). They filled me in on their weekend, from the soccer games to the projects they worked on to Kaitlyn losing yet another tooth!
David and I went on a long walk to chat and soak up the sunshine. At home I did a Higher Dose Sauna Blanket session (you can use my code AHS for $75 off), took a long shower, then popped the salmon packets in the oven for dinner and high fived myself for choosing a no prep meal because between the emotion and activity of the weekend, I was flat out exhausted.
The girls painted nails, we ate dinner, then I read another Harry Potter chapter before tucking them in. David and I watched a Turn, the show about Washington’s spies on Netflix. We just started the last season and it’s getting so good- if you have another historically-based shows you’d recommend, please send it my way!
This Week’s Menu
Sunday: Mediterranean salmon packets from Whole Foods
Monday: Thai Chicken Coconut Curry over rice with garlic naan
Tuesday: Chicken and Portobello Mushroom fajitas
Wednesday: Crockpot meatballs over spaghetti with salad
Thursday: Grilled chicken sandwiches with roasted broccoli
Friday: Homemade pizza night!
Breakfasts: smoothies and bagels
Lunches: Classic chickpea “chicken” salad wraps
For more weekly meal plans, check out my weekly meal plan archive page!
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
I’m so glad you had some uninterrupted time with your mom and brother as you remembered your amazing dad. The flashback photos of you two together are so special. <3
Brittany Dixon says
Thanks so much, Julie <3
I miss seeing you and your crew; maybe we can find a park to play at and catch up this spring sometime!
Marci Gilbert says
Have you watched Mrs. America? It was great!
Brittany Dixon says
I haven’t even heard of it! Off to google… thank you 🙂