My kids haven’t seen snow at home in two years, so when the weatherman started predicting a chance of 5-7″ of snow you better believe we went all out in doing our part to help make it so. We put ice cubes in the toilets, white crayons in the windowsill, wore our pajamas inside out, and walked backward to bed. And sure enough, late morning the next day, the fluffy white stuff started falling from the sky!
Southern SNOW
I had been out that morning get the last of my Function Health bloodwork done and getting adjusted at the chiropractor. I made one last swing by Food Lion for some eggs and when I was walking out, there it was, coming down and making the whole world feel cozy.
I hightailed it home in time to welcome mom and relish in the kids’ excitement. Well, Kaitlyn’s excitement, as Hailey was still inside finishing up math because I’m that mom that feels we can still squeeze in a little schooling before the fun.
Throughout the afternoon the snowfall was steady, oscillating between big fluffy flakes and tinier sleety things, but the effect was the same- ground accumulation enough to play in! And play in we did. We hauled out our snow gear bin, geared up, and headed out to shovel snow, build snowmen, throw snowballs, hike through the wonderland, and enjoy all the wintry fun that southern kids so rarely get to enjoy.
Being a Friday, I stayed with tradition and made pizza dough, which looked so cozy rising on a warm countertop with a winter scene behind it. I made a snack plate so the kids could grab a quick something as they ran in and out.
The neighborhood kids couldn’t wait to gather and enjoy the snow, and they spent the afternoon tromping and playing until enough had accumulated to sled. We have a community pavilion in our new neighborhood which I totally love. It gives a common place to gather and gather everyone did! We lit a fire and watched the kids fly down the hill on sleds of all kinds.
As the sun went down, we came inside to warm up and devour pizza, happily satisfied that while we didn’t get the predicted 5-7″, we had gotten enough to enjoy a legit snow day. The kids, through their chapped lips and rosy cheeks, pronounced it to be the best day ever.
The next morning the neighborhood text chain was all a flurry with all the moms sharing that their kids had the same idea- get out and enjoy it before it all melted away. And that’s just what we did. We sledded until the hill was bare.
In the afternoon the roads were fine enough for David to take Kaitlyn to her musical theater audition, for us to get a workout in (check out mine and mom’s matching NutriSense CGMs-ha), for a neighborhood hike, and a cozy dinner of pot roast (using this recipe, but without potatoes and served over rice- my new preferred method because the rice soaks up all the yummy sauce) and easy green beans.
By the next day, just traces of snow and very muddy trails were left, but we were satisfied. It was the perfect southern snow- enough to really enjoy the activities, but not enough to inhibit plans beyond the 24 hour window. David and I were still able to take off on our quick two-night getaway to the Highlands- more on that in my next post!
Happy Monday! Thanks so much for stopping by; hope today is a good one for you! 🙂
Laura says
Nothing better than a wooded path in the snow! Glad you got to enjoy your time!