Full of creamy homemade vanilla flavor from Mayfield Creamery and with a hint of strawberry, this simple strawberry vanilla milkshake is the perfect treat for kicking off summer!
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Apparently this week Mother Nature decided to slam down the accelerator and kick spring up a notch. Overall we’ve had a gentle ease into the season, but this week brought temperatures that knocked on the door of 90 degrees. With it came swim team practice (Kaitlyn fell in the pool yesterday which was exhilarating to say the least) and it has us looking for other ways to keep our cool too.
To beat the heat, I’m partnering with Mayfield Creamery this summer, which makes me all kinds of nostalgic. Isn’t there something about Mayfield Creamery that just brings you back to childhood? They have been making delicious ice cream since 1923 using cream from their own dairy with no artificial growth hormones. After 94 years they are refreshing their look but still sticking with the same great taste that families have come to know and love.
Though it feels very much like summer, it is still spring and for a small while longer, still strawberry season too. We had such a blast picking strawberries that I couldn’t let one of my favorite fruit seasons pass me by without using the little red beautiful in a special way, so simple strawberry vanilla milkshakes it was!
The girls were ecstatic when I brought up the idea of milkshakes. Clearly that is not our normal afternoon indulgence, but it sure was a fun way to spice up a typical weekday. And for me, one of the joys of motherhood is being the one with the power to shake things up (sometimes quite literally) when we need it, so I swung by Publix to snag a couple cartons.
For this strawberry milkshake, I wanted to use the strawberries we picked from the patch and froze, since the girls keep asking when we could eat them. Using frozen strawberries creates an extra thick, must use a spoon (we love these spoon straws) texture, which I prefer with milkshakes. You can certainly use fresh strawberries though. Doing so will result in a stronger strawberry flavor, though a more liquid consistency. You do you!
After plenty of taste testing on my part (it’s a tough job but someone has to do it), I confirmed the creamy vanilla flavor with a hint of strawberry was spot on. The girls shrieked with glee when I stepped things up a notch further with the addition of whipped cream and real sprinkles (not just the chia seeds I keep in a shaker bottle on the counter).
Mom of the year! Mom of the year! they shouted.
(Ok, so they didn’t actually chant that, but they should have)
I carried the treat outside to be enjoyed the way any sticky, drippy, warm weather treat should be- in the driveway.
The girls dug right in– brain freeze!!
A rite of passage for childhood, right? Fortunately the strawberry decadence trumped the pain and she was back to it in no time.
Then we sat there, watching the little black ants crawl around fallen twigs, talking about all the things we wanted to do this summer. The milkshakes were pretty big, which resulted in quite a long and ambitious summer bucket list.
Goodness help me, I haven’t yet told the children going back to Disney this summer isn’t in the cards.
It was a a really nice moment and I’m looking forward to creating more Mayfield Creamery moments this summer with the fam.
PrintSimple Strawberry Vanilla Milkshake
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Total Time: 5 mins
- Yield: 38 ounces (2 large milkshakes) 1x
Full of creamy homemade vanilla flavor from Mayfield Creamery and with a hint of strawberry, this simple strawberry vanilla milkshake is the perfect treat for kicking off summer!
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1/2 lb (roughly 2 1/2 cups) frozen strawberries
- 2 cups (packed) Mayfield Creamery Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- whipped cream (optional)
- sprinkled (optional)
- Place ingredients into a high powered blender in the order listed above.
- Blend on low for 10-15 seconds until it starts to incorporate, then switch to medium-high until blended to desired consistency (personally I like a few strawberry chunks to remain).
- Pour into chilled milkshake glasses, top with whipped cream and sprinkles, and serve immediately.
If you don’t have a high-power blender, you can either use fresh strawberries for easier blending, or add more milk. However, if you add more milk, you will need to add 1-2 Tbsp of sugar to keep the sweet flavor.
This recipe makes a delicious strawberry milkshake with a subtle sweetness. If you prefer an even sweeter result, add 1-2 Tbsp of sugar before blending.
Mayfield Creamery is fanning out and expanding to new markets across the South and Southwest, offering a whole new generation of consumers the opportunity to savor the genuine southern homemade taste that has made them a beloved family tradition.
To find Mayfield Creamery Ice Cream near you, check out their store locator. Then snag some strawberries too and surprise you family with a special Tuesday treat yourself!
What is your favorite way to spice up a regular weekday?
What is your favorite summertime indulgence?
montessoriishmom says
I don’t think I’ve seen Mayfield Creamery here, but I do love milkshakes! What a fun treat and what sweet photos of the girls 🙂
Ali says
Sounds yummy but I cannot handle that level of dairy…. milk AND ice cream…. ouch. I will have to explore if they make a dairy free version!
My favorite splurge in summer is margaritas! For the girls they love roasting marshmallows and making smores. We used to do the homemade ice pops but haven’t in awhile since we get smoothies instead at juice bar! 😉
I am going to pass this post on to my SIL because they had an enormous strawberry stash this year and might like to try this out.
Cornelle Van Rensburg says
Your post screams summer holiday! (Even here in South Africa where we are having slightly colder weather now). Love the photos of the girls.
Brittany Dixon says
One of my best college friends just booked her honeymoon to South Africa (for August, I think). It’s on my must-travel-to list for the future too. I’ll hit you up for suggestions when that day comes 😉
Laura says
Those look so good!! And I’m totally with you, treats are definitely the way to my kid’s heart too! Mom of the Year! Ha! That made me lol.
Sometimes we put our pajamas on in the afternoon, make some buttery popcorn and have movie afternoons. So different from our usual busy, scheduled days but a nice way to mix things up on a weekday!
Favourite summertime indulgence is probably ice cream! I can’t think of anything more refreshing on a hot summer day. I will have to make milkshakes for my girl now that the weather is getting warmer!
Brittany Dixon says
Laura, too funny!! I thought I was reading my own comment when you mentioned pajamas, popcorn, and movies. It’s seriously one of my FAVORITE ways to chill out with the girls when our schedule has been too crazy. It’s also why I secretly relish a stormy afternoon 😉
Lauren says
Omg my pregnant self is now CRAVING one of those!!!
Brittany Dixon says
Make one girl!! #friYAY 😉
Amber Costabile says
Im pregnant as well and wanting one of these
Julia says
It’s 8:20 in the morning but now ALL I want is a milkshake. Looks creamy and refreshing. Absolute yes for me.
Jennifer says
This looks so good! I will be making these very soon with my little ones!
I agree with one commentor that I cant’t handle that much milk either – but it will be an easy swap – Coconut Bliss makes the best nondairy ice cream, then add the dairy free milk of your choice and ta da! Of course the kids will have the real deal! 😉
Annonymous says
I totally get sponsored posts but your readers trust what you tell them and telling them this is an all natural ice cream just because you partner with them is very misleading. There are artificial flavors, mono and diglyclerides, corn syrup, etc in just the plain homemade vanilla. Tons more bad ingredients in the flavored ones.
I think it’s totally fine to eat ingredients like this once in a while and be more relaxed about good vs bad foods and just enjoy. But to say how they make homemade ice cream without artificial ingredients because they sell themselves to you that way, you should look into it more and at least not just relay what they told you.
Brittany Dixon says
Hi! I hate that you felt you needed to hide your real name, because I’m always up for feedback and discussion! I combed through the post again (because goodness knows I’m prone to making mistakes) but did not see anywhere that I called all natural (homemade vanilla is just the name of the vanilla flavor I chose, as there is also French vanilla and… shoot, I know there is another).
Like you mentioned in the second part of your comment, I’m totally cool with balance in healthy living. Last night I ate 5 different veggies from my CSA and today I ate Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Truth is, I love the taste of Mayfield. We even had it at our wedding (the little cups) instead of a grooms cake because David is such a fan. I take on sponsorship only after considering if it’s something I would buy and eat/use myself. I never want to be misleading.
I hope this clears things up, but like I said, I appreciate you taking the time to comment if you felt unsure about any part of it.
Oliver says
This looks and sound yummy enough 😉 I’m not sure I can get that particular ice cream in Sweden, but I’ll look for something similar.
Liz T says
Those look good. Minus the ice cream w artificial flavorings added. And yes, your kids totally should have chanted Mom of the Year. What a treat for them. Long love the summer bucket list and the magic of sticky summer treats…. to be enjoyed outside as you said, definitely!
Liz T says
Looks like their other vanilla isn’t artificially flavored though. Our favorite ice cream is the Alden’s Organic. So delicious.
Brittany Dixon says
My plan is to make every meal for the entire summer season happen in the driveway 😉