Kailtyn will officially be two weeks old today at 2:04 pm. Before she arrived I tried to picture the whirlwind and chaos that these first few weeks would bring, so imagine my surprise when we sit here at the two week mark actually settling in to our new normal. Please note that settling in should not be confused with any sort routine or schedule; it’s more like a somewhat-organized chaos. Let’s take a look…
Monday was my first official day on my own. I wasn’t sure what we’d do or what to expect, so I just went with it. Well, let me tell you, the day was flawless. Seriously, I felt like super mom.
We read books together while I nursed. We played with toys and colored together at the table.
We went on a long walk with Kaitlyn in the ergo (<– life saver!), Koda at my side and Hailey pushing her lawnmower.
We played on the new swing set.
We picked strawberries from the deck to wash and devour.
Yup, it was about as June Cleaver as you can imagine. When I had both girls napping at 1:00 pm and was able to do a little laundry and cleaning, I mentally told myself that I could not blog about this. I figured you would either think I was straight up lying or throw virtual tomatoes at my face for making it look easy. Nope, I’d savor this victory in blissful silence.
…then Tuesday came and brought reality along with it.
And I decided that I definitely could blog about it.
Tuesday went about as opposite from Monday as possible. I did manage to get both girls to the bank and get the certified checks I needed to order Kaitlyn’s birth certificate (…um, and Hailey’s which I apparently never did? Oops. #newmomfail). Then the day sort of fell apart and we all looked straight up disheveled.
Maybe I sparked it all by trying to squeeze in a trip to Target when I knew I was pushing it. Having Hailey begging the cashier for a bag while Kaitlyn screamed her hungry head off really set the tone for the rest of the day.
Trying to be savvy, I decided we’d stop at a playground so Hailey could play while I nursed Kaitlyn. Good in theory, but it was hot as Hades and I ended up sweating all over Kaitlyn while Hailey begged to be lifted into the swing, which I could not do while nursing. She then decided to run back to the car, which led to a fall, a scraped knee and a crying toddler and newborn while I still had half my shirt undone. Screw this, I thought, and made a beeline for home.
As we pulled in the driveway, the pest control guy pulled in behind us. He came to say hi as I parked. Well, Koda went barking at him like crazy, Kaitlyn was still screaming for the rest of her meal and Hailey was whining for a Band-Aid. Plus, I really had to go to the bathroom.
Ah, I knew reality would arrive sooner or later! Thank you Dora the Explorer for getting me through that one.
The rest of the days have been a blend of Monday and Tuesday. I figure those are the new normal. A beautiful, unpredictable, sometimes stressful blur of days that will turn into weeks, then years. The days are long but there years are short. That’s what ‘they’ say, right?
I have, however, learned a few tricks in the past two weeks that have made the transition a bit easier.
- Just go. I am not one to sit around at home. I go stir crazy! I’ve been filling up our mornings with play dates and errands. I remember with Hailey I’d think ‘but what if… she starts crying, or gets hungry, or gets a dirty diaper…’ but now I know, yup, all that is going to happen. Who cares. Figure it out as you go.
- Say yes to all offers. I have some very generous friends that have offered everything from meals to running errands for me to having Hailey over to play so I can have a morning with Kaitlyn to myself. Very generous. I’m usually (used to be?) terrible at accepting help. I’d swear up and down I was just fine, but you know what? People want to help (I know when I offer, I truly want to be useful!) and it’s SO nice to have some extra helping hands when we don’t have family nearby. So I’m practicing saying yes and I’m falling in love with it. My friend Cheryl asked me if I wanted anything from Starbucks yesterday when we were meeting at the park. I said no, but she pushed and told me about their great iced tea, so I accepted. And it was delicious! Friends are the best.
- Chat with those that understand. My friend, Courtney, brought dinner to us last night. She arrived at 4:30, just as Kaitlyn was nursing and Hailey woke up on the wrong side of her soiled bed and was in quite the mood. It’d be easy to feel embarrassed by my toddler crying in time out and my pajama pants and hair knot, but Courtney has two little girls herself and so it was easy to laugh it off and trade stories of crazy toddler antics and the ups and downs of being a mom.
- Embrace the chaos. Yesterday evening a storm moved in. Kaitlyn was needing to be held and rocked and Hailey had a serious case of the sillies and was running around giggling like a rabid hyena and wanting to style everyone’s hair, Koda’s included. David and I looked at each other with these ‘how the heck did we end up here’ eyes, then smiled. We both know that one day we will sit around reminiscing on these unpredictable, exhausting, wonderful days. The chaos is part of the fun if you can just learn to roll with it.
So there’s the first week on my own in a nutshell. My washing machine pretty much runs non-stop, I’m almost fully dependent on dinners brought by friends and even though my type-A side would love to see some semblance of a routine develop, I know we’ll get there in time.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Lisa @ The Splattered Apron says
Brittany, you’re doing great! It takes time to adjust. Similar to you, I was on my own with both kids at home for my entire maternity leave. I love my kiddos more than anything but the first few days on our own were really HARD. At one point I called my husband and said, I quit! I’m going back to work on Monday! I had a vision of how my 5 months off would be but our situation at the time (building a house, living in a temporary apartment, coldest winter ever) kind of put a crimp in our style. In any case, you all survived the first week! Definitely something to celebrate 🙂
Jaclyn @ BumpSweat says
Haha, thanks for the mommy tips! It’s good to know there’ll be good days and bad days, and that the bad days don’t have to define your week, or your parenting as a whole.
Kathy says
Loved the ‘day in the life’ post! I remember those days! Enjoy it–time goes so fast as you have heard many times before…and the hard moments, days, minutes–you’ll get through them! Have a super weekend!!! 🙂
Katie @ Pick Any Two says
Loved reading this! With my son I was very hesitant about “just going,” for exactly the reasons you mention. It’s good to know that those concerns go right out the window with baby number two…as they should!
Also, do you like that step stool thing Hailey is using to wash strawberries? I’ve been thinking of getting one.
Brittany Dixon says
David actually built it after I showed him the learning tower online. We love it and use it daily. I’m trying to convince him to build another and let me do a post on it because so many people have asked!
Megan says
I love this post! I just had my second little girl (May 11, just days apart from yours) and am nervous to leave the house with a two yr old and newborn. My family goes.home next week, and I know I just have to get out and do it or I will turn into a hermit, ha…Thanks for keeping it real here.
Brittany Dixon says
I’m sure you’ll handle it way better than you’re giving yourself credit for 😉 Congratulations!!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says
I definitely need to get out and do things, too. I’m glad you’re able to do so! You’re right- the meltdowns may occur, but we’ve all been there. 🙂 Sounds like things are very manageable, which is encouraging. Love your tip to just embrace the chaos!!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
Oh man! I give you major credit because I’m not sure how I would handle all of that happening at the same time! But like you said, just take everything one day at a time. You’re doing great! Can’t wait to read more about y’all’s adventures. 🙂
Ali says
I think those are very good tips. I, too, go stir crazy sitting at home all day. Getting out of the house makes the days so much better I think.
Stefanie says
It all looks like paradise to me. 🙂
You’re such a great mom and I really enjoy reading these posts about how things really are and how you’re handling it. You are an inspiration in your everyday struggles and triumphs. Thanks for sharing it all!
katie says
Hailey seems like such a sweet girl that if I lived close I’d be offering to hang out with her for a while! Except that help, and when you’ve got older girls, offer to help another mom, what goes around comes around!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
Thank you for being so real and sharing a glimpse into what your new life with two is like. I’ll be honest, I’m a little anxious about the idea of dealing with a toddler AND a newborn someday, but you gave me a different perspective on it. I especially love your “just go” thought. Sometimes even with ONE child, it’s intimidating to get out the door, but for my own sanity, it needs to happen. Instead of worrying about all the “what ifs”, knowing that it’s best for all of us is a good reminder.
Kelli says
Love this well not love your stress but love your honesty ! Nothing frustrates me more then reading blogs that paint everything roses and sunshine!!
Kathleen Ojo @ My Ojos says
You’re doing just fine 🙂 I was terrible at accepting (or asking for) help when my daughter was a newborn. I’m promising myself that, when her sibling comes along, I will just shut up, accept the help, and be grateful 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Halsy says
Great post! You are a super mom! My oldest just turned 2 and my youngest is a few days older than yours. Both are girls as well. This was our first week alone too and boy has it been rough. We are having some adjustment issues with our oldest. It doesn’t help that newborn is fussy a lot and basically doesn’t sleep at night. Therefore, mama is not sleeping at night. Day 1 went well and I was like I got this then it all went downhill from there! However, I’ve found if my oldest gets outdoor time the day goes much better! Thankfully we have a huge deck and I can just wear or nurse newborn and oldest can play with some toys, eat lunch, color etc. I have not ventured out of house yet as I don’t think I can physically handle it yet! I had an almost 4 th degree tear and I’m still having a hard time going for short walks of 5-10 minutes! It’s great you have so many friends bringing meals and helping! We have had friends bring dinner twice and it was amazing as it was on my roughest days! We also have never ending laundry here! What I would do for a Starbucks iced coffee right now! We no longer have a drive thru one near us 🙁 they are both in grocery stores:( I know things will eventually get easier!
Brittany Dixon says
Almost 4th degree tear?! Sending huge hugs to you mama- OUCH! Mine are only second degree this time and so much better than the third degree I had with Hailey so I know you must be hurting. I hope you are getting a bit more sleep every night. SLeep makes or breaks my days. And I totally agree with you that getting outside at some point makes the day so much better! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy 🙂
Emily says
It is a BIG transition – in my eyes much much much harder than going from 0-1. Hang in there, you are a rock star. And get ready for the fastest year of your life, truly. Avery will be 1 tomorrow and I just can’t wrap my brain around it.
Jess says
Loving this post because I have a 2 year old son and I am due with a little girl in about 6 weeks! It won;t be easy but I know it will be worth it!
Brittany Dixon says
Only 6 weeks away- you’re so close! Congratulations!! 🙂
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Seriously, you sound like a rock star mom. I always think of you as a role model for the type of mom I want to be. 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Best compliment ever. Thank you Kelly!
Carlee says
Thanks. This was great to read. Our guy is 22 months and I’m excited to see what life will be like when he has a sibling. We’re not quite ready for various reasons yet, but it’s fun to get a glimpse through you.
Maria says
Virtual pat on the back! Keep on keeping on!
I must say I had to laugh picturing you picking up things from target and putting them on the slat under the shopping cart 🙂 You do what you gotta do, right?
Brittany Dixon says
Ha! I had to do the same thing the other day but restock on Koda’s green bean stash, so I can only imagine what the cashier thought when I had to unload my groceries from the bottom slat and ended pulling out 26 cans of low sodium green beans. Luckily I’m used to getting weird looks by now 😉
char eats greens says
I love the tip about welcoming the help. I need to get better at that because it’s so true that people offer to help because they genuinely want to.
Loved the look into your first week. I think you are still supermom though. I’m going to catch you with that cape on one day – I know it!
Mrs FF says
You sound like you are doing great! Yes these days will become memories that will be cherished.
Ps: not sure if it works in your state but in WV and CT (and I’m sure many other states) you can order birth certificates online. Which is a win for a new mom since you don’t have to leave home to do it
Matt @ Runner Savvy says
You’re doing great!
Jennifer says
I just love this post! It’s great that you didn’t get overwhelmed and were able to laugh at the chaos. I too learned to accept help when I was on bed rest with my second child. I think it also makes us learn to offer help to those that may need it more readily too!
Love your blog – I’ve been reading it for awhile. Best of luck with the days ahead!
Ancy says
Question about the Ergo- are you using a newborn insert? (I’m sorry if I asked this?) Is the newborn insert necessary? Also, how do you know if their feet (knees, hips, etc) is ok in the ergo? How far up does the baby sit or should they be fully in the ergo? I’m so scared to wear it! Crazy! haha! Would love it if you put up a video!
Brittany Dixon says
I am using the newborn insert and like it. My only frustration is that for the summer months I worry about her getting too hot. It is pretty insulated! I’ve heard people just roll up towels to put under their little bottoms, but I prefer the insert. As for how they fit into it, they are pretty bendy when they are so tiny! Kaitlyn usually has her knees bent and a little out to her side.
I’m no expert, I just mess around with it until we both seem comfortable 🙂 Give it a try!!
Boyd says
They are very lovely, durable, and they are low cost so it is a great option for your
home dcor. cor might be found just around the corner from your house.
Thai décor is most of the time ornate and full of dynamic movements.
what is the best stand mixer says
Just after 25 years or so of faithful services, my Sunbeam Mixmaster gave
out. When I replaced it with an alternative the same product, I quickly learned that they cannot create items like
they used to! Therefore I bought a KA, just like everybody else.
It’s been not too long ago now and I still can’t stand that Kitchen Aid!
I don’t like that you can’t add ingredients easily
while mixing without placing the collar and chute to the bowl, you can not clean the bowl while the beater
is running, it is extremely messy (some thing usually manages to fly out the bowl, regardless of how
careful I am), I can’t seem to have it set correct so the ingredients
in the bottom of the bowl get integrated into the batter, and it is just
too big and heavy!