According to my TimeHop app, last year at this time I wore a simple spring dress without a coat on a date night and was perfectly comfortable. This year it hasn’t warmed up quite to that point in the Lake Norman area, but signs of spring are blooming all around.
Josh’s Farmers Market, a local gem in the community, had their grand opening celebration this weekend.
The girls and I stopped by for a bit of Saturday to take advantage of the samples and wish them a happy opening. Two highlights?
Queen Charlotte’s Pimento Cheese (did you know Charlotte is called the Queen City?). We’ve bought this on multiple occasions and I’m convinced it is the best pimento cheeses around!
Creator and former school teacher, John Morgan, was there handing out his samples and I found his story of starting his company after winning money on Jeopardy fascinating.
Two Brothers BBQ Sauce. These guys were grilling out drumsticks, basted in their sauce, and MY GOODNESS, it was incredible.
I snagged a bottle after being further impressed by the simple ingredient list. Local friends, you can buy it at Josh’s, Healthy Home Market, The Fresh Market, several BiLos, and Compare Foods. Online friends, you can check it out here. I can’t wait to grill out with it!
We poked around a bit more, bought some honey sticks, and felt that spring was officially in motion.
We’ve had a few issues with Kaitlyn not sleeping through the night lately. She’s been waking up at 1:30 am trying to go to the potty, but usually ends up calling me to help. Not a big deal (and she made it by herself last night!), but it’s been hard for me to go back to sleep so by Saturday afternoon, I was dragging. Not intending to, I face-planted on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up 30 minutes later to silence and this note:
David is a good man.
Apparently our battery recharge worked and he and the girls were test driving the boat, so we set out for our first family lake cruise of the season.
It was a little cool and windy, but no one seemed to care.
We slowly made our way to The Blue Parrot, a lakefront hangout.
The atmosphere was lively and we kicked off the season with nachos, to help us get bathing suit ready of course.
I ordered a margarita without the sour mix, which ending up being tequila on the rocks.
Luckily a splash of the girls’ virgin daiquiri mellowed it out and made it quite delicious.
It isn’t quite warm enough for swimming, but the girls are giddy with anticipation.
That night we grilled out chicken sausage
with a side of Vegetable Barley Salad, that the girls loved.
We kept the spring theme going strong all weekend.
From planting seeds (we may be too late, but decided to give it a go anyway) to taking inventory of all our camping equipment.
We’re itching to go soon.
I feel the spring season is officially in gear and I’m looking forward to the sunshine, the outdoor adventure, and tolerating the pollen. 😉
Do you change your drink orders based on the season?
I totally do! Warm weather is all about margaritas and mules!
What is something fun you did this weekend?
montessoriishmom says
What a fun weekend! I love going to the farmers market, but haven’t been in ages because it doesn’t work out with the timing of my little guy’s morning nap right now (often his only long one of the day…don’t want to mess with that!) I made your vegetable barley salad last night (with pesto salmon) and it was so good! Thanks for the recipe!
Jeanne says
That’s awesome kaitlyn went to potty alone in middle of night. Is she fully in underwear at night too? Does she go on the floor potty at night and is it in her room?
My son is day trained but I’m scared to do anything with night yet.
I made your gyro burgers and soooo good!
Brittany Dixon says
We’ve had her in undies at night for a few weeks now after she was always dry in the morning, but I just bought more pull ups for her to wear to hopefully take some of the pressure off her with getting up each night. I think she didn’t really have to go but was worried about an accident, so she’d wake up to try.
I’m so glad you liked the gyros!! 🙂
Wonderful Spring – way to kick it in gear! Love time on the Lake. Grey Goose accompanied our leisurely cocktail ride to the Ritz/Gaby’s.
Brittany Dixon says
Sounds blissful! Hope to join you on a boat ride soon! <3
Annie says
What a great weekend! I love the farmers market, those flowers are beautiful!
Brittany Dixon says
I always want to buy fresh flowers- they are just so beautiful this time of year!
Sherry Stathas says
So enjoy seeing all the pictures. It almost feels like summer here–low 80s. Try ordering a shot of tequila, a shot of fresh lime juice, and a shot of Grand Marnier–makes a great margarita. Ask for a side glass of ice and mix your own-delicious!
Brittany Dixon says
Totally going to do that next time. Or just come and ask for one of your corona margaritas 😉
Love it! Spring is possibly my favorite time of year. I tend to drink more beer and white wine during the warmer months, but otherwise don’t change my drinks that much. I’m boring. Ha! The kids and I went to the zoo this weekend to enjoy fabulous weather before the rain yesterday and today. I even got my first sunburn of the year because I forgot sunscreen. Haha!
Brittany Dixon says
Oh the zoo!! How fun! My girls keep talking about going and it’s probably a good idea before the summer heat kicks up too much!
Christina Orso says
Want to feel better about your weather? It snowed here on Saturday. YES SNOW IN APRIL. help!!!
Brittany Dixon says
Yikes, hopefully that is the last of it! At least your were just on a tropical island. Though I’m not sure if that is a tease or a nice break 😉
Tracy Koeppen says
Next time ask for a “Margatini”. It’s just tequila, Cointrea and fresh lime juice shaken and poured in a chilled martini glass. I ask for a splash of OJ for just a little sweetness. You’ll love it!
Brittany Dixon says
That’s what we’ve been making at home and you are right- SO good!! I didn’t know it had such a cute name though. Totally calling it that from now on 🙂
Emmy says
I prefer ice cold beer and white wine in the summer, red wine in the winter.
Margaritas always look so good, but I had a bad experience with tequila in college (haven’t we all??) and I still haven’t recovered, haha 😛 Someday the smell won’t make me nauseous!
I made your Southwestern sausage and veggie brown rice casserole this weekend and it was so good. I have a ton leftover and it is perfect for lunches.
Have a lovely week xx
Katie @ Live Half Full says
I definitely change my drinks up based on the season and what I’m eating!
Katie says
I definitely change my drinks up based on the season and what I’m eating!