I wanted to start this post “it’s been a doozy of a week” and then I realized it’s Wednesday morning. Ha! Some weeks are like that, aren’t they? We kicked things off with the dreaded stomach bug for a kid. Funny though, usually just reading about someone dealing with this online makes my own tummy flip with fear, but I felt very calm about this one for some reason. It’s like I just resigned myself to reality, cancelled the necessary commitments, and focused on holding back hair, wiping down surfaces, keeping laundry going, and dosing the rest of us with 100% grape juice and activated charcoal. I know with how these things can go and that we aren’t out of the woods for a while, but I’m hopeful.
Is it really only Wednesday?
Not to go on a tangent, but I also utilized something newish to my at-home pharmacy, homeopathy. My neighbor is knowledgeable on the subject and while I look forward to taking the class she teaches, I did purchase the homeopathy kit she recommended and have been learning about it by reading the insert (super helpful), researching, and asking her questions.
I have used homeopathy before with Finley at her vet’s guidance, but never with my own kids because I was intimidated. And ignorant. Truly, I use to interchangeably use the words natural remedy and homeopathy and looking back, I’m like- whoops! But, live and learn, and share, right? Anyway, I have reason to believe homeopathy helped me treat my sick child and now I’m even more intrigued. I’m a note taker when my kids are sick, writing down details such as timing of incidents, temperatures at given times, dosing of whatever I’m giving them, etc, and Nux Vomica from the kit seemed to be the magic ticket for us this time.
On Monday I had fun, switched up lesson plans set for MLK and the inauguration and needless to say, those didn’t happen. However, we did tune in and had some great conversations. We did the Gather Round Government Unit last year to have a base understanding of how our government is structured, but watching it in action is always more fascinating, right? Especially when we touch on the topics of secret service and football with nuclear codes!
We watched the first half of the college football National Championship, but being awake since 1:00 AM the night before won out and we called it a night early. For Georgia I would have found a way to power through, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be this year. Congrats to Ohio State!
Yesterday was David’s birthday, but he was traveling all day. He took off by 5:15 AM which gave us the day to partake in our tradition of making his birthday cake (this tres leches was his request again because it’s a family favorite), finish up his cards, and wrap his gift. In our family you get to request your dinner and dessert of choice, and David’s is usually the same- steak fajitas!
It was a cozy, cloudy day and even snowed in the late afternoon. It was beautiful to watch come down while inside we watched Anne with an E and continued to mostly rest and recover.
Last random thought of the day.
I really didn’t expect moving (are you tired of me talking about it? I feel like I talk about it all the time) to be a two-year process, but it sure feels that way. Last year was all the logistics of building and physically moving. This year is more about figuring out our new routines and rhythms, putting the house together, and finding all our new providers (dentists, piano teachers, etc). I’m giving myself grace with it all and have the motto of just keep chipping away little by little and we’ll get it all figured out.
On that note, I have my first haircut in a while scheduled and I’m very excited. Since I stopped dying my hair it’s grown out (grays and all) to just below my chin. I won’t cut my hair that short, but I am excited to take off an inch or two and get closer to have my hair being 100% au natural without the dyed ends still hanging on.
OK, that’s all I have for now. Thanks for stopping by and chatting. I hope your week had a better start than mine 😉
Joanna says
Happy birthday to David! We also dealt with stomach bugs over the weekend and it was like dominoes. We have the same kit and swear by it! We’ve even brought some of it on vacations because you just never know. We’ve had our share of moves, before kids and with kids and it’s an ongoing process which can take a few years to feel like you’re not new. You’re doing alot and homeschooling so give yourself grace. 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Thanks for the encouragement to give myself grace. I don’t have a lot of experience with moving and feel like I want to feel 100% settled right now. But in reality I know it will take time. Where did you learn to use the homeopathy kit? The insert? Online resource?
Sarah says
Your kitchen is so beautiful! I love the backsplash you picked. Are these all “big camera” pictures? I have one, and your pictures lately have been inspiring me to get it out for the first time in…7 years…?!
Brittany Dixon says
YES! Big camera pictures. I have pulled it out more lately and it makes me so happy. Pull yours out! 🙂