Thank you all SO much for your comments yesterday. Obviously guilt isn’t exclusive to stay at home moms or working moms, it’s women in general. Finding support certainly lightens the load, so thank you all for your feedback!
Another thing I forgot to mention yesterday is gym time.
I do count this as me time, as I can choose what to do while sweet ladies play (and often have to hold) Hailey. Usually I hit it hard because the sweat session feels so good, but I’ve also sat and read for 20 or so minutes before, too, just to have a mini-break. Shh… don’t tell the gym daycare ladies!! (I’m kidding- they actually suggested the idea.)
I haven’t talked much about workouts lately, but I am doing them. I’m averaging 4 days a week, while shooting for 5.
I’ve lost some of my drive for running long distances (which to me is anything 3.2+ miles) and am satisfied with 35 minutes wogs, which usually puts me around 2.75 or so miles.
This morning my shoulders and slightly sore, as are my thighs. I LOVE this feeling. With strength, I just feel STRONGER (duh) and can tell a difference in my muscle definition.
Bring on the bathing suit! So for the time being, my workout routine looks a little something like this-
Is it going to get me into a fitness competition? Nope. Is it going to get me to run a marathon? Definitely not. I’ve mentioned I’m not an extremist when it comes to healthy eating, well, it turns out I’m not extreme with exercise either. Surprise, surprise
I hope to switch things up to focus on running more at some point so I can run a 10k this year, but I’m enjoying this routine right now.
I feel silly posting my specific workout because I‘m not a trainer and I don’t know the correct terms, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve been doing. The wonderful Jen helped me out with some pointers and inspiration, and I’ve been feeling a difference. And, let’s be honest, I really wanted to make a cutesy little picture with my workout on it like the pros do.
I usually hold a 10-12 pound weight while doing the strength moves and if you don’t know what a single leg squat is, here is a great video link. To be honest, I didn’t know what it was called and googled “one leg stand up from bench” – all I know is that they WORK. Ouch.
What workouts have you been loving lately?
Links appreciated!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
Thanks for sharing that workout – always looking for ways to change up my routine. Jen from Peanut Butter Runner just posted a simple strength circuit the other day…I did it this morning and loved it. You’re right, while cardio is great, nothing beats the feeling of empowerment after lifting heavy weights for 30 minutes or so!
blackhuff says
I love it when the blogs I read, post their workouts. It gives me some ideas too, to vary up my workout. So please, keep sharing them.
I count gym time as “me” time too because this is where I am “me” and not a mother or wife and time for me 🙂 Understand your point.
Layne says
Another term for thoes one leg squats is called pistol squats and you’re right, OUCH but what a great feeling! @ work they offer classes like bootcamp, HIIT/Crossfit and personal training for free so I happily reap those benefits of someoen programming the workouts for me, but I choose the weight and every 2 weeks add more to keep it challenging! I use fitjet to help track what weight I use so I know how much more to add. I also lift at home which is less reps but heavier weight. Did you know only 6.3% of women weight train? So sad! They think they will get ‘bulky’, please!! Not possible unless you’re on roids. LOL!
Karen says
That workout looks great and I will have to try it out. I have really gotten into yoga a lately but am trying to get back into strength training & jogging.
Paige @ Your Trainer Paige says
Looking GOOD, Brittany! Keep it up 🙂
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Damn, girl! Nice arm!
Brittany says
Why thank you 😉
Shanna, like Banana says
I’m not an extremist either. Majority of my workouts are less than 40 minutes and aren’t at a breakneck pace, either. That’s not how I roll.
I did this great workout yesterday from PB Runner..similar to the one you just posted!
Brittany says
Everything Jen touches is gold! Love her fitness insight!
Lauren B. says
I am doing Best Body Bootcamp with Tina Reale! I absolutely love it, especially since being held accountable keeps me motivated to go to the gym either early (EARLY!) in the morning while baby and husband are sleeping, or in the late morning in my living room during naptime. Otherwise, I may not get to it. It’s awesome to be able to do really challenging workouts in my living room that leave me pooped and sore.
Brittany says
Oh I do miss Tina’s bootcamp! I missed the sign up somehow, but have always been so impressed with her workouts! Good for you- sounds like you’re kicking butt!
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
“And, let’s be honest, I really wanted to make a cutesy little picture with my workout on it like the pros do.”—-> One of the many reasons I adore you.
I am really bad about strength training. I need to shake THAT up, definitely. I am ebbing and flowing with my running mojo, after having an incredible summer and early fall of just extreme obsession. Lately I’ve been getting in lots of mindless miles, some of them exhilarating, but I also have days where I’m like…”Why am I running so dang far?” 🙂
Brittany says
Your running amazes me, and makes me jealous… but mostly amazes me 🙂 The way you can knock out 10 miles with ease leaves me in awe. You need to sign up for a race to get some “reason” back, because you’re an awesome runner!!
Maria says
Drooling over your biceps 🙂
Just read an article yesterday describing how body weight exercises are just as good/if not better for you than traditional weight lifting. And let’s be honest, they are a bit more fun. Keep up the good work!
lindsay @ fuelmyfamily says
I have been loving circuit workouts the last couple months and its been great to “sculpt” and tone my body much more than running alone. I aim for 1 run, 1 circuit, and 1 strength yoga session per week. Sometimes its happens, sometimes it doesnt but i like the balance of it all.
Brittany says
I love the idea of 1 run, 1 circuit and 1 yoga! I might use that next time I hit a rut. Sounds like it keeps things nice and balanced.
Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family says
You’re killing it girl! We should find a 10K with a commutable distance of each other and BOTH run it 😉
Paulina says
My co-worker and I have been working out 3 times a week on our lunch break. We use an empty conference room and make up a different circuit routine each time. Today’s circuit was jump rope, push-ups, shuffle around the room, sit-ups with a medicine ball, and chair step-ups. We did each one for 45 seconds, 5 rounds. The push-ups were feeling pretty impossible by round 4, but I love the soreness in my arms now. Last week we did this chair routine and it was a KILLER.
Brittany says
Oh my gosh, I’m so impressed with your dedication! That’s awesome that you have a workout buddy, too. It definitely keeps you (or me ;)) committed. I’m off to check out the link you posted…
Brittany says
I live in Iowa and it has been miserable cold outside lately so I’ve been pretty lazy. :p On decent days I try to get out and do at least a mile run, but with ice, snow and bitter cold that doesn’t happen much. So I stick to yoga and just recently started the 30 Day Shred (which leaves me SO sore). I really need to get back to the pool to do some laps, but eeeeeeeh, its so cold outside. :p
Brittany says
I forgot about the 30 day shred! I did it for a while and liked it a lot. I was sore after doing level 1 and 2 and don’t think I ever made it to 3- haha!
Adria @ A Spoonful of Healthy says
Looks like a very inspiring workout! Do you include any ab work in your workouts?
Brittany says
I do planks and sometimes I’ll add in crunches, but I don’t do very much. I find myself using my core in a lot of strength training, so I feel pretty good about abs. Plus those dang planks- whew!
Nicole @ Fruit 'N' Fitness says
I have been running/ walking/ jogging a lot and loving it! I am trying to train for a half marathon this spring and I love how each week running starts to feel a little, tiny bit easier…. it will never be easy for me but im loving feeling the improvements!
Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food says
Great thigh workout! Lunges always get me!
Jessie says
Looking good girl!!!
Linda says
Thanks for posting your strength workout. I love to see strenght workouts that can be done at home. I’m now a mom of two – a 2 year old and 4 month old and workouts that can be done at home are a must for me now. Love this!!!
Allie says
This workout looks great and like a total killer! I think I just might have to give it a shot today.. except for those single leg squats, eww!