I’ve thought quite a few times about whether or not to post on this subject, but after hearing from you that you’re interested on my what my plans are, I decided, what the heck.
I’m a little hesitant to discuss my plans for natural childbirth for three reasons:
1. I don’t want anyone to think I’m judging other methods of bringing a baby into the world. Whether induction, an epidural, a c-section, a water birth or hypnobirthing helped you bring your child into the world, you’re still a mom that gave birth to your baby. And you’re awesome for that.
2. I don’t want anyone to judge my decision. When I’ve been asked if I plan on getting an epidural and have said no, I’ve gotten looks of disgust. I’ve also heard statements like ‘would you get a root canal without pain medication? Then why would you have a baby without it?’. I don’t judge others for what they choose, and don’t wish to be judged myself. I can use all the words of encouragement I can, thank you.
3. I know I can only plan things so much, because who knows what will actually happen on the day I go into labor. If things go crazy and my birth plan has to be thrown out the window, all that matters to me is that my baby makes it safely into this world. But will people throw I told you so’s at me if things don’t go according to my plans? I hope not.
That being said, yes, I intend on having an un-medicated, natural childbirth in a hospital. I chose this method for a few reasons:
- I want to be as present as possible at the moment my child comes into this world. I don’t want to feel loopy or sick. I want to feel the rush of natural hormones that are released in the moment when I first see my baby.
- I want to do everything possible I can do avoid a c-section. I’ve done extensive research on the subject, and many times when modern medicine is brought in, one thing leads to another. For example: inducing labor when your body isn’t ready generally produces erratic and strong contractions. Things generally progress more slowly when labor is induced, which can lead to an increased dosage of pitocin (the drug used to induce labor). The increased intensity of contractions often leads the mother to need pain management in the form of an epidural. Epidurals can slow things down, creating the need for an emergency c-section. Epidurals also can take away your ability to feel the natural progression on labor, such as the need to push, making labor longer.
- I don’t want anything to effect the alertness of my baby. I plan on breastfeeding and want my baby to have the opportunity to nurse immediately after entering the world, when their instinct in strong.
- I’m a firm believer that our bodies were made to do this, and there is even a part of me that wants to experience all of labor. It is certainly one of, if not THE most intense experiences I will ever go through in my life. Maybe this reason makes me a little nutty!
I am also looking forward to experiencing some benefits of choosing natural childbirth.
- I will be mobile. They will put the saline lock on me, but I will not be hooked up to fluids unless absolutely necessary, which will allow me to move around as I please. This will allow me to find the position I’m most comfortable in and help labor progress more quickly.
- I will have access to food and water. I’m not talking about a cheeseburger, but honey sticks, fruit juices and peanut butter will help give me the stamina I need.
- I’ll be able to sit in the tub or shower. I hear it offers great relief from contractions, as long as my water hasn’t broken yet.
What I’m counting on to get me through:
- First and foremost I can count on my extremely supportive and loving husband. Hubbs is reading the same books I am and we are on the same page (pun not intended) when it comes to our birth plan. He will be my voice when I’m too focused to speak, he’ll be there to support me physically (his poor hands may fall off from rubbing my back) and support me emotionally, telling me I can do it and that I’m doing a FABulous job 😉
- Reading. I’ve read The Bradley Method and Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, as well scoured the web to read and watch all the natural childbirth stories I can find. I’ve heard horror stories and stories that people say the experience isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. I feel like I’ve heard the full spectrum of what I could possibly expect.
- Keeping the fact that this pain comes with a purpose: to bring our baby into the world.
- Trusting my body knows what to do, and understanding why I’m feeling the sensations I’m feeling.
My biggest fears:
- That my baby will be breach and I won’t even have the opportunity to attempt natural childbirth.
- Being judged by the nursing staff. I know that sounds silly, but I want to be left alone with Hubbs as much as possible.
- That my water will break before contractions start. I really hope to go into labor and labor for as long as I can at home before heading to the hospital. However, if my water breaks first, I’m told I need to head straight to the hospital because the baby has to be born within 24 hours or there is an increased risk of infection.
Whew- that was quite a lengthy post.
Have you done natural childbirth?
If so, please share your story or tips with me!
What are your thoughts on natural childbirth?
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
While I’ve never had a child – am I beginning to lean towards natural childbirth when that time does come. From all of the stories I’ve read – it seems as if mommas who give birth naturally are back on their feet in not time as well!
I think you have done your research – and seem to have you plan worked out fabulously! I hope that everything goes as planned for you, girl!!
blackhuff says
I agree totally with you on going without a c-section. I too had two natural child births but I had an epidural with both of them. Epidurals of today don’t make you feel drugged or loopy at all and you feel present with the whole birth. I did not experience that the epidural effected their alertness in any way. But you choose what feels right for you. This is just what I chose.
Yes! With natural child birth you are mobile right after the birth itself where with a epidural you are not for as long as 6 hours.
Yes, as soon as water breaks, you need to get to a hospital. That is very important. With both my pregnancies, my water broke before contractions started which sucks. I know.
I think you have great plans set out for the birth – just make sure that you are lenient to suggestions that nurses or doctors 🙂
Rachel says
I completely agree with you on all points. I don’t judge anyone for what they do, but I think that will be my plan as well. My best friend got an epidural and loved it, and that’s great for her. I just shudder at the thought of a needle in my spine.
It’s a little out there, but I have heard that having the baby standing up alleviates a lot of the pain, and makes it much easier because lying down closes the birth canal by 30%. Gravity + a more open birth canal = less pain and less time pushing. Just a thought 🙂
Brittany says
That’s why i want to be able to stay mobile. Most things I read say that being on your back in a bed is the slowest way to labor. I hope to be up and moving and letting gravity help out some 🙂
Sarah says
I’m right there with you, Brittany- every single word, with the exception of still needing to read some more. Very well-put!
Monica says
Though not a mom myself, I have 8 neices and nephews, with a wide range of birthing experiences.
I’ll just share the best one with you:
My tiny sister, when she gave birth to her first (he was almost 9lbs!) said that she’d had worse experiences in the potty than giving birth.
Her whole labor, from first pain to last push, was around an hour and a half. She pushed around 3-5 times.
That is what I’m aiming for when we finally do have kids!
Brittany says
I appreciate the best-case-scenario story! It’s amazing how many people only want to share the bad ones. Thank you!
Melissa G says
Both mine were natural. One at a birthing center(didn’t have my water break till later) with a midwife, delivering her in the tub. And the other (my water broke before going in) in a hospital with a midwife/nurse, only laboring in the tub & delivering on my hands & knees on the bed (totally recommend that position if you are uncomfortable any other way since gravity helped the process) Both of them I didn’t take any drugs & was so glad I didn’t after it was all over. I’m convinced the labor was much shorter because I didn’t. And I was very relaxed, a HUGE factor in the length of labor. I focused on one object in the room and let each contraction pass. I was given that advice by many people. My husband will say I made labor look easy. Ha, it’s NOT easy. But again there are things we can do to help it move along. Looking forward to hearing about how it all goes. More people need to think like you do before going into labor! Your little one already has an amazing mommy! =)
Brittany says
Wow- you are inspirational to me! Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I think the yoga I’m doing will help some because we do a lot of squats, hands and knees, focusing on breathing, etc. I love the idea of focusing on one object. And shorter labor without drugs? Yes, please! Fingers crossed that I get a similar experience to your’s 🙂
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
My mom had 4 children — all natural. My sister wanted to have a natural childbirth with her first child, but she was breach and they could not get her turned around.
I am proud of you for making the decision to at least want natural childbirth, but like you said, anything can happen. Thanks for sharing this post Brittany!
Bethany @ Forever After Blog says
I completely agree with you about wanting to avoid a c-section (or other medical intervention) and have a natural child birth. I watched the documentary “The Business of Being Born” and it totally changed my mind on natural child birth. If you haven’t seen it, I definitely recommend watching it. It’s my hope, that when my husband and I start a family, I too can have natural child birth.
Michelle @ The Cooking Life says
Brittany, thanks for sharing this! Though I’m not pregnant, I can definitely understand your reasons why you didn’t want to post this in the first place, but I think it’s great that you did. It’s neat to read other people’s perspective on this subject matter. My husband and I are currently trying and if I get pregnant, I am definitely going to do a natural child birth – at least prepare for it, knowing that things might still change during the day of.
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
I think it’s awesome and can’t wait to hear how the experience goes for you!
Megan says
I am totally on the same page as you! I could have written this post myself! I agree with you 100%, and am nervous when I have to face a decision like this, as the hospitals in my area aren’t plentiful. One has an AWFUL reputation (trying to talk DH’s grandfather into major surgery when he was having heart problems and probably would have died had they attempted the surgery), and the other hospital has a better reputation, but with our health insurance, if I go there, the labor and delivery would be covered, but any prenatal testing that has to be done would have to be done at a different hospital. It’s pretty confusing, but I am with you completely on this post!
Brooke @ Veggie Table says
You go girl! 🙂 I commend you on your plan and researching the subject of labor so much! I haven’t had kids (nor do I plan on it) but I think it’s amazing that you plan to have a natural birth! I hope it all goes accordingly and it works out!!! 🙂
Victoria says
I completely agree with you on all the points you brought up! I think that pregnancy is a beautiful thing that should be embraced. However, I do want to bring up a heavier point on the matter, as it is something that’s very close to me right now.
My aunt just had a baby this past Sunday. She went in with the same mentality as you, and had a doula (a female, non-medical support that you can purchase the services of) throughout her pregnancy. She wanted to have an entirely natural birth. She was 7-8cm dialated for about 12(!) hours and the doula encouraged her to wait until the baby was ready to come out to begin labour, or something of the likes, even though the doctor warned her otherwise. After the 12 hours, the doctors eventually convinced my aunt into an emergency c-section. Her baby was born with complications, and has been at SickKids since the day he was delivered (although all of the tests done so far have proved to be normal – thank God!).
While I don’t mean to scare you with any of the aforementioned information, I just wanted to let you know that even though you want to have a completely natural childbirth, there are circumstances in which it IS necessary to go through with the doctors’ advice and you should be flexible as to what the doctor may suggest. I would hate for you to go through the same thing my aunt and uncle went through.
All the best – I love your blog, and I’m sorry if this cast a bit of a negative shadow over the matter of natural birth, as that wasn’t my intention!
Brittany says
Not a negative shadow at all. This is one reason why we choose a natural birth, but in a hospital. I know there is a role for modern medicine, and if complications arise and my baby is in danger, I certainly will listen to the doctor. My baby’s safety is of the utmost importance, which is actually why I am hoping to stay all natural.
I’m so sorry for your aunt and uncle and hope that all tests continue to show a normal, healthy baby!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
I’m totally proud and supportive of your decision, Brittany!
I just watched Pregnant in American last night and it’s totally opened my eyes. I’m not expecting or even trying to have a baby for a few more years but wow, there’s a whole world to giving birth I had no idea existed! I wish more women would make the decision to have a natural child birth.
I hope your birth plan goes according to plan! I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you when the time comes. 🙂
Autumn @ Good Eats Girl says
It’s great that you made this choice for you! You have some great points and this definitely seems to be what you want and how you want to have your baby, which I think is great! I hope that you have a great experience! One thing that my doctor told me is this…if I am in labor and I am uncomfortable with the nurse or feel judged, etc. she said to request another nurse because childbirth should be a joyous event! I thought this was a good tip! 🙂
I didn’t have natural childbirth with my girls. I did have the epidural and my experiences were awesome and I have two healthy children!
erin says
I am all for a natural child birth and read just about every natural book out there/watched the business of being born and so forth . I had every intention in the world of going natural. I totally believe that so much of birth is mind over matter. Then nothing went as planned. I was induced 9 days past my due date. After 2 days, yes, 2 full days of being induced, it was a c-section for me. My water broke on it’s own after 1 day (10 days past my due date) of being induced. Still I never felt a single contraction. I actually walked into the OR for my c-section and got a spinal in there. Totally disappointing, but in the end I had a beautiful healthy little boy 11 days past his due date. When they took him out the doctor was pretty convinced he may never have come on his own as he was in a very weird position, not even close to dropping and even she had a hard time getting him out. Contrary to what all the books said my c-section baby came out very alert and nursed withing an hour.
Epidurals can work either way with labor. My friend was going the natural unmediated route. She was a hypnobirth mom. Then she got stuck. Wasn’t dilating or anything. She gave in and tried an epidural. Thinking things would slowly start back up he husband went home quickly to walk the dog. Well he had to rush back because it’s didn’t take long before she was ready to push.
I think your approach is reasonable and smart. Being educated, having a partner who is on the same page and doctors that are supportive of your choices are huge. However, in the end you can’t predict how things will go so you have to keep an open mind. The most important thing is a safe delivery, a healthy baby and a health mama. That also means getting over the things that don’t go as planned. I still get sad that I had a c-section and my birthing experience was nothing like i wanted, but hey maybe next time:)
I totally agree that parenthood is not a time to judge. Having an unmediated birth, breastfeeding and forth don’t make parents good or bad. Parenting is all about what works for you and loving your child.
Brittany says
Thanks so much for sharing! I’m so glad you had a perfect, healthy baby boy. I think it’s smart that you listened to the doctors and did what was necessary to have a healthy child, and I certainly plan on doing the same if things don’t go according to plan. I know you can never predict how things will go or how anyone will react to medication, so I’m going in with my preferences written down, hoping for the best and preparing to be flexible if necessary! 🙂
Kathryn says
Great post! I had a friend recently use the bradley method to deliver her baby and it was a great success! She now has a beautiful little girl 🙂
Katie @ Healthy Heddleston says
I’m not sure why so many people judge others for having a natural childbirth — it actually seems pretty common to me. My step sister and sister-in-law both had natural childbirths as well as my mom (with 3/4 kids — the other was a c-section) and my step-mom with all her 3 kids. One of the biggest reasons why I would want a natural childbirth is because then you don’t have to have a catheter and you can move around/use the bathroom on your terms. Those are just my thoughts 🙂
erin says
I have to say that after peeing every few hours for the last month of pregnancy including during the night I actually enjoyed my catheter. Sounds crazy but seriously not having to get up to pee after my c-section delivery was kind of nice:)
Jenny says
I think it’s great that you are doing what feels right for you. True, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I certainly hope no one will judge you for doing what You feel is best for you and your baby. Believe me, I wish I wouldn’t have had to be induced my baby was clearly not ready to be born at that time (my lack of progress showed that) but my blood pressure was unstable so my Dr. Felt it would be better for me and the baby and I’m with you I only wanted a healthy baby so i obliged for an induction. But because I was induced I labored for 16 hours which felt like forever! Happily I only pushed for 15 or 20 minutes before my baby was born though 🙂 I think it’s great that you know to keep an open mind because anything can happen but if anyone can have a natural birth it’s you! So more power to you I wish nothing but the best and hope everything goes as planned! I know i say this all the time but can’t wait for you to join the Mama club and to meet your little one!
Katie @ Legally Fit says
I think natural childbirth is fantastic. I never thought I would go for it though and I am still thinking that I will most likely get an epidural. A lactation consultant tried to scare me into going natural, saying that if I got an epidural my baby wouldn’t latch. However, I’ve had friends who went natural that had trouble latching, and friends with epidurals/c-sections whose babies nursed immediately.
Right now, I’m leaning towards epidural. As I do more research and prep that may change! I think you are a rockstar for going natural (pending any issues that may force you to not go natural, of course!)
Brittany says
I’ve heard about babies that latch perfectly after epidural and/or c-sections, so shame on that lactation consultant for trying to scare you. I think it’s great that you’re researching which option is best for you. I hope we both have smooth deliveries and healthy babies!
Sarah says
I am 100% on the same page as you are. Don’t worry about what other people think. People love to judge for all reasons I have friends who turn their nose up at anyone who prefers sweet wine over dry wine – it’s completely silly! I am currently 32 weeks and my husband and I have been taking natural childbirth classes which are being taught by a doula. Choosing a natural childbirth is actually becoming more and more popular these days. Think about all the women in other countries who don’t even know what an epidural is! It can be done, good luck to you 🙂
Maria says
I think you are making an educated and well-thought out choice for you, your baby, and your body and I hope no one criticizes that. I’ve never had a child, but when I do, I want to try and do it as naturally as possible as well. I strive to eat natural food, take supplements instead of medication, and not use too many chemicals, so why would it be any different with childbirth? I’m sure you feel the same way!
Good luck – you are a strong lady and I know you can pull through this!
Sarah for Real says
You can absolutely do this! I am not a mom yet myself, but many of my friends (and blog friends!) are successfully choosing natural childbirth. Those who give you the “root canal” excuse are simply uninformed (and probably old). I totally agree with you that our bodies are made to do this. Go girl!
As long as you have a healthy family of three at the end, that’s all that really matters, but I sincerely hope you get to have your ideal experience!
p.s. I didn’t see you mention Twitter anywhere in your birth plans…
Brittany says
How silly of me to leave out twitter… I’ll make sure to add that into the birth plan so my doctor knows I’d like unlimited access to my phone during the whole experience. 😉
Thanks for the encouragement!!
Jen says
Amen. I agree 100% with everything you wrote. Fingers crossed that we both get our natural childbirths 🙂
marci says
I can’t wait to read about your experiences! Takes a strong and dedicated woman to do that!
Kim says
The best thing about a birth plan is to write it down. Work through all the scenarios you can think of and what you want to happen if and when. That way, if for any reason, you can’t get out your details to the people around you, your birth partner (in this case, your hubby) will be able to ensure that things are going close to the way you are hoping they will. There was no epidural in our birth plan with number one, but after 3 days of labour, when the nurse said, “How about an epidural?” I said “Yes please!” Number two came so darn fast, there wasn’t time for anything, but to bring her “lateness” into the world. It was 95 minutes from start to finish, and she arrived in time for me to have lunch while I nursed her.
A great book that a friend gave us (she has three of her own) when we were expecting no. 1 was “the birth partner” If you don’t have it already, it is well worth the purchase.
All the best! Your fitness level and planning will help you get through whatever baby decides will happen!
Brittany says
Where can I sign up to have the experience of your second labor?? 🙂
I’ve heard first borns can be very slow to make an entrance into the world, so I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for that, but 3 days?! WOW!!
Kim says
Lol! Well, it was like one long hard contraction (that lasted almost an hour and a half before pushing!), followed by about 4 sets of pushing. Not sure my DH would like to repeat that, he found it very overwhelming because everything happened so fast.
With my first, the nurse controlled the epidural and she said she wanted to be sure that I could feel the contractions and be able to push when the time came. And once it was time to deliver him, she backed the epidural WAY off and I am pretty sure I could feel just about everything.
In our hospital here, the Labour and Delivery Nurses run the show, and they are amazing. Be sure and take the chance to tour the birthing center where you will have your baby. Take some time to talk to the nurses, chances are you will see at least one of them when your turn comes. Around here, the doctors just show up to catch the babies, sign the papers and move along (as long as there are no problems).
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, and Beers says
My thoughts on natural childbirth are that it sounds painful. I’m not so sure I could or would want to do it myself, but I fully respect those who do. Power to ya Mama! I definitely see the appeal in the benefits that go along with it, and let’s face it, ladies been havin’ babies a loooong time. 🙂
RhodeyGirl says
I’m worried about my waters breaking first too.
I have basically the same plan as you! My doctor and I discussed it on Tuesday and almost everything is feasible. He said about 1,000 times to make sure that we stay home as long as possible to help us be successful. I plan on doing that!
I hope we both get the unmedicated births we want.
Did your doctor discuss pitocin after delivery? my doc said it is non-negotiable- they will be giving me pitocin to make my uterus contract faster to help less blood loss. I wasn’t happy about it, but if that’s the only thing I have to concede to really than I am ok with it. Plus, baby will be out by then!
Brittany says
Interesting!! I never heard of pitocin after delivery, but I will certainly be asking my doctor about it at tomorrow’s appt now. But you’re right, baby will be out by then 🙂
My mom’s water broke before any contractions with both my brother and me, so I’m hoping it’s not too genetic. I’d love to stay at home for as long as possible, toO!
erin says
Did your doctor say it was automatic/given all the time to everyone? I have definitely heard of it after labor, but more in instances where the mom was losing too much blood because her uterus not contracting, but never as a “we give it to everyone after labor.” In a case where it is a medical necessity I get it, but can’t see then giving it to you just because. strange.
RhodeyGirl says
My doctor said they give it to 100% of their patients as a preventative thing. He said of course I could sign myself out of getting it, and he said once in a while some women choose to do that, but that it is his very strong personal recommendation to do it.
I feel that my doctor is trying to work with us as much as possible to make an unmedicated/ low intervention birth possible (intermittent monitoring, saline lock only, etc), so I don’t really have an issue agreeing to the few things that he said are really important in his opinion.
I agree with you that it is strange if it is not a medical necessity, and he admitted that they “actively manage” the last part of labor (after the baby is born) on all patients to prevent excess blood loss and the need for blood transfusions etc.
Emily Malone says
My midwife group also does this, which really surprised me. I guess they give pitocin AFTER the delivery to help deliver the placenta and control blood loss (like you said). As long as I can avoid it pre-delivery, I’m okay with that. I have the same idea as you guys – birth “hopes” rather than “plans” and hopefully enough preparation and education to make me feel ready. This week’s fear is that I will have a breech baby and have no choice!
Lauren B says
Brittany- what a brave and thoughtful post! I completely agree with you on every point, and hope that it all goes according to plan. I applaud you for doing the research, b/c I think too many don’t and just go along with whatever the doctors and nurses tell them to do (which may or may not be the best for that individual). Can’t wait to read about it! 🙂
Tina@newbestdayofmylife.blogspot.com says
I wanted to and was able to have both of my daughters naturally without the use of pain meds. With the first I had natural contractions and a long 30+ hour labor, (it really was not that bad 🙂 Then with my 2nd my water broke first and I didn’t start contracting naturally. I actually waited several hours at home to see if they would start before going to the hospital because I did NOT want pitocin. But after about 9 hours with little to no contractions we started pitocin. The contractions I experienced with pitocin were more severe than natural but I still felt completely able to work through them with out medication. I just always kept in mind that this was good pain for a wonderful purpose and that it WOULD END at some point 🙂 I LOVED being able to feel every part of my daughter’s births and would not change a thing! GOOD LUCK! It’s awesome being a mommy!
Brittany says
Wow, I admire you so much for managing the pain with pitocin- I hear the contractions are much more intense, but how inspiring to hear that you did it! And that you did it twice. I hope to follow in your footsteps.
Thank you for the words on encouragement!
RhodeyGirl says
I plan on going pain med free, but if I need pitocin I’m not sure I’d be able to handle it. It must have been so hard to labor on a bed like that with a medicine making your contractions stronger!
Kim @ girlevolving says
Great post! I’m hoping to do natural for many of the same reasons and thoughts. Hopefully we’ll both be able to!
Kristen @ The Concrete Runner says
Great post! I too am choosing to go through natural childbirth pretty much for the exact same reason you are. I am currently reading Robert Bradley’s book on the Bradley Method and will be taking the Natural Childbirth class at my hospital a few weeks before my due date. I have had friends + family judge me on my decision, because “why would you want to do it naturally when they give you drugs?” The more I read on natural childbirth, the more I know it’s the right choice for me. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and I can’t wait to hear about your experience!
Kelly@foodiefresh says
I have similar aspirations (I *think*) and I think that you’re making a wonderful choice if that’s the choice that is best for you. 🙂 I’m really curious about natural childbirth, although I know it’s completely different for everyone. I am excited to read about your experience!
Lisa @ I'm an Okie says
more power to ya sister!
I can’t wait till my labor and delivery rotation!
Susan @ Real Life Travels says
You’ll do great and I hope you get your natural delivery! But it sounds like if it doesn’t work out the way you want it, you won’t be too upset so that is good because you never know what will happen. If you do get an epidural, just so you know you don’t feel loopy at all and you still feel the whole rush of pushing etc. it just really took the edge off at least for me. If you can get past the contractions part … when it comes time to push your body will totally take over. Good luck girl! Can’t wait to hear about your experience and finally get to find out who she / he is!!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
great post! i have no tips to offer you but wish you the best of luck!
Julia says
I think it’s great to desire a natural childbirth! We all have our reasons, and bottom line, if you’ve done your research, and that’s the way that makes the most sense to you, do it! My baby was breach, so I had no choice but to do a c-section. As a word of encouragement, don’t be fearful if you have to have one. I recovered quicker then ANYONE I know! She THRIVED from the get go. I originally wanted natural too, but clearly, my little girl had other plans. In the end, we are both doing GREAT. I was back to running 4 miles a day within 3 weeks. All the c-section horror stories freaked me out! But I am a success story!!!
Brittany says
4 miles a day within 3 weeks?! Holy moly! You are superwoman!
thehealthyapron says
Oh man, this is a tough one! I have ALL the same feelings as you but the pain still scares me! YOu bring up excellent points though abdou being fully present, mobile, and able to get in the water if necessary. I THINK I want to go au natural but I won’t be upset with myself if something doesn’t go as planned!
Emily says
I didn’t have a lot of choices in how my twins were born, but good on you for doing natural! If they were both head down, I was considering doing a natural hospital birth for a lot of the same reasons as you, and them being fraternal made that a safe option. Sadly, things change, and keep in mind that it’s ok if things change and you’ll get through it and nothing will take away from the moment you first see your baby 🙂 My main goal was to get my babies into the world as safely as possible for myself and them and I found out later my son would have died if I attempted a vaginal delivery because of how sick he was so things happen for a reason and natural, epidural, c-section or any which way, you and the baby are the priority. 🙂 good luck! From the few hours I had of contractions before my c-section, I had a new opinion on epidurals haha
Rachel says
Thank you so much for this post! I was one that asked you about it. I asked because all of my friends have had epidurals/plan to have them when they give birth. I hate the idea of both myself and the baby being so medicated.
I agree with you 100%. We’re not pregnant yet, but my husband and I hope to have a natural childbirth. I hope your labor is quick and according to plan!
Tanya @ Vegan Faith says
I really appreciate your honesty on this subject. I feel women too quickly jump at judging each other when we should be supporting each other’s decisions. I am excited to hear more about baby D’s appearance into this world!
katy {of} katy loves. says
I’m not even thinking of having a child right now, but I have a few friends who have done it naturally at a birthing center and loved that they got to go home, in their own beds that day. I also just watched “The Business of Being Born” SO good and eye opening! Makes me want to experience the good, the bad and the difficult of that day without being drugged. My mom had both my sister and I naturally(and I was 10.5..GULP!). She’s the strongest woman I know and if she can do it, I can certainly do it. I’m convinced after watching that movie that that’s why my sister and I are so close to her today.
Brittany says
You’re mom is a rockstar- 10.5 and all natural?! I’ll keep th at in mind as inspiration that I can do it. I need to go watch this movie STAT.
Dana says
I think your plan is great! You will be just fine. Although I have had 2 kids and neither of them was natural I am thinking about trying it for the next one. Tripp was an emergency C-section (totally not on my birth plan) and it was devestating to me. I felt like a failure and I cried throughout the whole thing. The pictures look pittiful! When I had Paisleigh I actually switched Doctors so I could have the chance for a VBAC. I was lucky and had a successful VBAC with her and the birthing experience was completely diffferent. I was up and walking within hours and even had a shower before bed that night. With Tripp It was 24 hours before they even let me up and into a shower 🙁 I have never been quite sure why people opt for c-sections it was not easier to me! Hope this helps
Brittany says
Congrats on being able to do a VBAC! I hear those can be challenging. I hope to be up and walking afterwards, too, and that’s what I love about the idea, but just like you, if an emergency c-section is necessary, I’m fine as long as it keeps my baby and me safe 🙂
Jonna says
Hey Brittney,
Awesome you are going to do it all natural. After experiencing labor twice, (with an epidural) I fully believe those who do it without are SUPERwoman! Even those who do it with epidurals, it’s still no easy task. I personally got an epidural because I was scared. The contractions brought me to tears, so I was done. But if you do choose an epidural, don’t worry about feeling out of it. With Kirra, we were laughing, cracking jokes, and I was completely and totally enjoying the experience. My big advice to anyone having a baby is, if you don’t like your nurse, it’s your right to ask for another. My nurse made my experience so enjoyable (after I had kicked an annoying nurse out 🙂 If she is a good one, she will help make your experience exactly how you want it to be, without any judgment. Good luck!
Brittany says
Thanks for the tip about the nurse! For some reason I’m so scared I’ll get one that will sit there and roll her eyes and me and it will stress me out.
I’m glad you had such a good experience. It’s so hard to ‘choose’ a delivery method when I don’t know what to expect labor to feel like, but I’m sure going to give it my best shot!
Lindsay says
I had to be induced with pitocin with my daughter because she was late but was still able to do it completely pain medication free. The contractions were incredibly intense but they broke my water so I knew it would be 24 hours at the most. And I knew I could manage anything for “only” 24 hours. I am being induced again with number 2 this tuesday and don’t plan on pain meds again. They are breaking my water first this time to see if that kick starts labor without pit. Wish i could avoid all this pitocin but i have stubborn babies that don’t want to come out on their own! Your birth plan is totally doable!
Paulina says
Good point! Knowing that what you are going through is only temporary and will eventually end makes it so much easier to cope with. Kind of like running a marathon, knowing that you are that much closer to the finish line.
Ana F. says
I haven’t had a child yet, but that’s my plan as well!
Good luck to you! 🙂
Tina says
I always admire women with the strength to go the natural route. I completely understand the reasoning behind it and had wanted to at one point…but I apparently labor HARD and FAST so ended up giving into the epidurals.
I hate the judgment that some women feel they can give over things like birth choices, breastfeeding choices, routines with a baby, etc, etc, etc and it never ends. Let moms do their thing! Okay…my rant is over. You rock on with your bad self and I hope you get to go through childbirth just as you hope.
Paulina says
Wow you are so well prepared! It is strange how so many people can be judgemental about natural/medicated childbirth. I wouldn’t worry too much, you seem to have all your bases covered and whatever happens, you’re making an educated decision. I am due in 8 weeks and hope to labor at home as long as possible too. I’m not for or against an epidural and I’m leaving the option open to get one if I feel the pain is too much for me to manage.
Jess says
Speaking from experience, my son just turned 4, I am more than excited to say I gave birth Naturally! It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and I am so proud of myself for the accomplishment I felt afterward. I too had a very supportive group by my side. My mid-wife was amazing and her motto was “Pain with a Purpose!” My husband agreed with my choice and supported me 100%. (He also thought I was slightly crazy, but never spoke those words until after the fact! Smart man!) My Mother and Sister, who were also present, supported me as well. The pain was erased almost immediately by the hormones and emotions released the moment my little man made his appearance! I’ll tell you the most helpful tools for me were the Jacuzzi tub and the inflatable birthing ball. The ball helped to alleviate all the pressure. My labor was not very long, less than 12 hours, but I “pushed” for 3 solid hours thanks to my small pelvis and my son cocking his head funny. In the end though, every single second of pain was worth it. I never once felt “out of it” as I’ve heard others say and he latched on like a champ from the very first moment! Best of Luck Brittany! Can’t wait to see pictures of Baby D!
Jess @atasteofconfidence says
I really admire your choices and wish you the best of luck!
Kath says
Great post! I agree 100% with what your goals are – I hope to have the same when I’m pregnant someday
Katie @ Pop Culture Cuisine says
I was really glad to read what you wrote in this post, since I am hoping to deliver in a similar manner. I am due Sept. 15 and I must admit that as things get closer I do get more and more nervous about whether I am going to be able to handle the whole process, but I just keep reminding myself that women have done this for centuries, then so can I. That being said, I am planning to be open minded and if the Dr. does suggest things go a certain route, I will for sure follow what they say.
Melissa @ Be Not Simply Good says
I can understand your hesitation. Thanks for sharing. I agree with all your reasons to want to go natural. I wanted to, but it was not possible the first time due to placenta previa. I felt so let down, but came to realize that if my baby and I were both okay, that’s all that mattered. I did a lot of research and grilled my doctor during my second pregnancy. I ultimately decided to do another c-section to minimize risk to my baby. So… I’ve never experienced the birth experience I imagined, but I have two healthy kids. All is well. 🙂 I look forward to meeting Baby D on your blog.
Kiera says
Firstly congratulations!!! A natural childbirth os such a wonderful gift to both your baby and yourself, there is nothing interfering with the wonderful hormonal rush and bonding of your baby.
Just one thing that stands out, ask more questions re your waters breaking, as the 24 hours is often negotiable provided you’re not showing signs of infection.
All the brat on your journey 🙂
Aynsley - WrenLife.com says
So happy to have stumbled upon this post. I’m 27 weeks, due in November and I’m training for a natural birth as well. I’ve read what you’ve read and tried to participate in some NCB forums online too so I can stay positive. It’s definitely NOT something that’s easy to share as most folks think we’re crazy!
Good luck and thank you for sharing!
Jennie @ Jmacmommy says
Ok here it is! 🙂 I really enjoy your blog and was hoping to see a post like this. Having just gone through this, I feel like I can offer you a positive perspective!
I wanted (and achieved) a happy and safe natural childbirth. Did it hurt like hell? Yes. Is it bearable and doable? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes, a hundred times. (Ok maybe more like 2-3 more times because I’m not a wealthy person!)
Here is my next question…who is a part of your birth team? I went with my Husband (no brainer) and my Doula, Gini. She was an amazing asset. Yes, I hurt my mom’s feelings by not including her. However, we were only allowed 1 other person in the hospital room with us (plus my spouse). My mom told me after that I made a wise choice. Since I labored at home for most of the time (with my mom and sister also there cheering me on), my mom was able to see how skillful and helpful my doula was. It was the most amazing experience and language really limits me from expressing just how magical “the moment” is…the moment you feel your baby enter the world from you. Magic!
So my story has many more twists and fun details…I actually am writing a post for early next week about it. (It took me nine+ weeks to feel like I had it remembered correctly! My mom, sister, husband, and doula all had to help me fit all the pieces together! It all happens quickly and slowly, overwhelmingly, and wonderfully! You will see what I mean SOON!) Congrats!
Michelle {lively kitchen} says
I had both of my kids without an epidural and, if we are blessed with a third, would do it again. It’s such a life defining moment, the birth of your child, I wanted to be fully present.
Staying mobile is the key. I had to do some laboring in bed while they monitored the baby and those contractions were by far the worst.
You can do this!!
Amy-Nutrition by Nature says
I have had three kids, I planned to have a natural epidural free labor with the first one, but for reasons that I did not control, (I tripped and fell down several stairs) I could not. I felt sad and very upset after the fact. Although, seeing my baby, holding him and knowing that he was okay and I was okay took away most of the bad feelings towards my delivery. My 2nd and 3rd pregnancy went so much better and were much more in line with what I wanted to accomplish!
This is your birth experience and whatever way you end up delivering your baby, you will be so happy and relieved once you hold your little one in your arms.
Best of luck and many blessings for you as you go into labor!
Alison says
I just wanted to say best of luck with your plan to have a natural childbirth. I’m hoping to do the same with my second child. I was induced with my first and while my epidural provided relief, it actually malfunctioned right before pushing, so I’m pretty sure I had a close to natural end of delivery. I wish I had taken the time to learn some techniques to help me through that situation… plus getting the epidural scared me more than anything else that happened that day!
Kelly @ Free Spirit Food says
I love this post. It seems women that take the natural route are judged more harshly than others. Why!!!????
Claire says
Hi I’ve just found your blog and it’s great reading. Good luck with your impending arrival. I have 3 kids all delivered in hospital naturally with no pain relief other than support of a wonderful (although a little shell shocked) husband and hot water (first 2 were delivered in the shower, third in the bath). Hot water rocks. Although I was incredibly lucky three times, all I can say is it doesn’t matter how they get out, as long as everyone is healthy. I don’t understand why people are judged for what they wish and hope to do or what they actually do. All the very best of luck.
Jess says
I’m late to comment and you probably already had your little one, but I wanted to say that I think, barring anything complications, most women who have set their mind to have a natural birth can totally do it! I did it when I had my daughter almost 11 weeks ago. I was totally in the moment and my daughter came out eye open alert and looking around. It was the most amazing moment of my life. I would do it again in a second.
I really hope you got the birth you hoped for!
TheCrunchyGemini says
Oh I could go on & on about this topic!! My reasons were the same as yours. I read your birth story and although you didn’t get exactly the birth you wanted I’m glad it wasn’t too difficult for you and that baby was alert.
I was lucky and my labor started naturally and progressed quickly! 7 hours laboring at home + 2 hours in the car/at the hospital and she was here! It would have been even shorter except that they had no rooms ready when I first got there and thought I was a stupid new mom who didn’t know any better when I kept insisting that I felt the urge to push.. Well they finally checked and I WAS at 10… But still had to wait for a room.. Oh how I hated that part!!!! That for me was the worst and pushing also. I was so impatient by then that I pushed so hard and agressively that I tore pretty badly.
All in all it definately wasn’t so bad – painful yes – unbearable no. Although if it had been longer I may have felt differently!
It’s so amazing what the human body can do and I still look back fondly 🙂
I need to post my full birth story soon!
jen says
CONGRATS for wanting to do a natural childbirth. I think it is silly that women feel so impowered by not having an epidural. You can have natural childbirth, but an epidural makes the pain go away, with no side effects to the baby. Personally, I think that it makes for a more enjoyable experience because you aren’t focusing on the pain you are in. With an epidural you can still feel the pressure of the baby coming, but with no pain.
By the time most people get an epidural, they have already been laboring for a while and it helps the mother get some much needed sleep if they have the chance.
I think that women who choose natural childbirth have a false since of what an epidural feels like.
jean smith says
it’s great decision i think. i ever think about natural birth on my second pregnancy and in the end of pregnancy i never realize it because there are some reason why i can do it. thanks for shareing. i wil share it to my friends
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Amy @ {Life to the Full} says
My son was delivered naturally and I don’t regret anything about it! From the very early contractions to delivery, I was in labor for 13 hours, which flew by for me! I don’t think there is any “dishonor” in having an epidural; it’s simply a personal decision.
People were quick to judge when they asked me if I was going to have an epidural and I said I was leaning towards not (really, who knows what could happen in delivery!). In the end it was worth it – my son was born a healthy little man and I could walk around after his birth. It was a blessing (a painful one, I guess) to be able to feel the whole process. God made our bodies to give birth and, no matter how the baby comes out, it’s amazing to see Him bringing another life into this world!
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