Two nights ago, we had a little mix up in our sleep routine. Hailey was up every two hours. She wasn’t screaming, but would consistently wake up, which led to a long night for us. The real question was why?
Did she sleep too much during the day?
Did she not eat enough before bed?
Did I eat too much dairy and it upset her tummy?
It may sound silly to question everything after only one night of less sleep, but that’s what I did. I concluded I’d try everything possible to get her back on schedule, so I decided to go dairy-less for the day.
I was a bit worried because I love my Greek yogurt, cheese sticks, feta, etc, but surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard!
I made some delicious oatmeal with rolled oats and vanilla almond milk. Then I stirred in a heaping spoonful of leftover pumpkin puree, some pumpkin pie spice and raisins. Mmmm!
Hubbs’ mom (Mema!) was in town visiting and fixed me a delicious lunch of deli buffalo chicken and tomato on wheat. Carrots on the side. I love buffalo chicken- anyway you slice it 😉
After a much needed TWO HOUR nap, I woke up like Hailey- ready to eat! I loaded up on veggies with a big ‘ol salad with Caesar dressing, an apple and and some delicious Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter.
The weather was gorgeous and the timing (feeding, sleeping schedule-wise) worked out perfectly enough that we decided to try and go out for dinner. I was a bit nervous, since sometimes Hailey gets fussy in the evenings, but I decided with 3 pairs of hands, we could handle it.
So off we went to Si Senor!
It was perfect. We sat outside and enjoyed the fresh air
… and I even enjoyed sharing a margarita with Hubbs!
I went without cheese dip, but didn’t mind… too much 😉 We all split chicken fajitas- YUM!
Bedtime Snack
After a short walk, I cuddled up on the couch with these ^^^. Have you tried them? Oh so good! I had a handful or two while we watched The Sing Off on dvr.
Last night Hailey went back to her usual wonderful sleep pattern. Do I think the no dairy did it? Nah… I think we had more play time during the day and that helped, but maybe the no dairy didn’t hurt. I’ll keep an eye on it, but doubt I’ll stay dairy free. I love Chobani and cheese too much 🙂
Do you watch The Sing Off?
It’s one of my favorite shows, even though I find myself incredibly jealous of their talent. I couldn’t carry a note in a bucket, but I don’t let it stop me from belting out songs at the top of my lungs in the car 😉
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
I bet it felt great to go out for dinner! Those fajitas look pretty tasty, even at 9:30 in the morning. Hope she continues to sleep well for you 🙂
Jen says
I had no idea too much dairy could affect baby’s bellies. I guess that’s the one good thing I’ll get out of my lactose intolerance returning post-pregnancy? And mmm that buffalo chicken sandwich and the margarita- such a tease 😉
Jennifer says
The buffalo chicken sandwich looks delish. I don’t think I can keep reading these food blogs at 9:30 in the morning. I am starting to crave a mid-morning snack…
You look great! I am so happy for you guys…glad you got a better nights sleep.
Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons says
This is so belated but now that I have interwebs back I can catch up on your posts!!! including the baby ones eeee!!! Congrats love!!!!!!! I’m so excited to read more! and what a genius idea to have a small group split fajitas — I can NEVER finish them on my own but they’re such a great option when you can con the restaurant into sneaking extra veggies on your skillet like I do =) hehe! Happy WIAW and good luck getting some extra ZZZs girl! mwah!
i missed you!!!!!
Shannon says
your eats look really yummy!
Heather @ girlyeverafter says
A few of my mommy girlfriends go low on dairy if not cut it out all together for their babies too. My oatmeal looks exactly like yours, I love raisins and almond milk in mine, super yum!
Lisa says
I’ve heard that cutting out dairy isnt necessary.
Breastmilk naturally contains lactose.
So, removing it from your diet still doesn’t remove it from theirs.
So, go ahead and enjoy your yogurt!
Jen @familyfoodfitnessandfun says
Yummy eats! I wouldn’t worry too much about the dairy. Babies sleep schedules are all over the place for the first 4 months. Good luck 🙂
Alyssa @ Life of bLyss says
AH, how awesome did that marg taste? 😉 you have me craving one… before 10:30 on a wednesday. is that wrong?
Cait @ beyond bananas says
Mema makes a mean looking sandwich! I would love one for myself!
Leslie says
Sing Off has become a local sensation here, because the University of Rochester’s Yellow Jackets are competing. I went to school at U of R, and still work here – the enthusiasm is crazy.
Also – the buffalo chicken sandwich looks awesome. I’ve been craving buffalo chicken lately, and this might just motivate me to make some tonight.
Jen @ Living a Brighter Life says
Wow all your yummy looking food is making me really hungry!
I just recently got on the Sing Off band wagon after seeing a bunch of tweets about it when this season started. The Hubs and I are loving it! It is amazing to think there is NO track in the background. It has definitely become one of our favorite shows. I’m sad we didn’t get into it sooner!
Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength says
Funny…we had one night like that towards the beginning and I decided that CJ didn’t like Salsa. I haven’t had it much since, but who knows if that was really even the issue! 🙂
Kimberly @ Healthy Strides says
I’ve had mixed success cutting out dairy from my diet as I breastfeed. I think there are some people who really might need to do it but for most moms I know, me included, it doesn’t make much of a difference. I think it’s normal for newborns to be up every 2 hours – and the 4-hour stretches are just a blessing. And some days are just not fun days – it’s all part of the job.
Jess @atasteofconfidence says
I’ve been watching the sing off because the yellowjackets are in it..and theyre from my college. I know a few of them personally so its cool!
Sara says
From what I know most kids go through growth spurts where they will feed a lot more during the day and night. Last night at my prenatal class on breastfeeding the instructor said to expect the growth spurts at 3 days, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months and then a few more. So hopefully just one of those instead of a dairy intolerance!
Alison says
I cut dairy while breastfeeding… but it was very obvious that something was wrong. My daughter had screaming fits and when I stopped drinking/eating dairy her mood changed dramatically within a couple days. Around 6 months I started adding back in some dairy (butter, a tiny bit of cheese) gradually and she did fine. She also did well with cheese after 9 months, but had to ease into drinking milk after 1 – but was completely fine with dairy at about 15 months.
Sometimes other things bug their tummies like caffeine, gaseous foods, spicy foods, etc. I never had problems with beans, but they don’t give me gas. I’ve read if it give you gas, it gives them gas!
Lauren says
I can go a day without dairy too but I refuse to give up cheese 🙂 I love raisins in oatmeal! I tried watching the Sing Off last season but just couldn’t get into it. Oh well.
Kristin @ eat healthy. be happy. live well says
I’ve never watched the show before because we don’t have cable. BUT I wish I could sing so I’m sure I would love it 🙂
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
What yummy eats! The sandwich and fajitas look very yummy.
Didn’t catch the show. I was working on fixing my blog last night – BlueHost and I are having issues. At least the support team’s nice!
Christie says
I’ve been meaning to try Si Senor, and love chicken fajitas, so am glad you wrote- YUM!
I think it is 100% normal to question what is going on with baby and try to figure it out. I did the same thing and everyone would say, “yea, you’re a first time Mom.” I also got, “it’s called she is a baby and that is what they do”. Glad that she was just awake every 2 hours for you and not crying the whole time =)
Michelle {lively kitchen} says
I wouldn’t jump to changing your diet after just one night – babies change by the day/hour in the first few weeks. Keep enjoying your yogurt until she has several nights of restless sleep and seems to be uncomfortable. Clearly some moms do have to modify their diet, but I don’t think you’re there yet. 🙂
Was it wonderful to have some margarita? I remember my first soda after my little guy was born, I swear it has never tasted so good. To this day, it never tastes as good as it did that first time after abstaining for so long.
Maria says
Going dairy-free is a bit hard! I’ve tried it before and felt great, but the pull of Chobani is sometimes greater!
Michelle says
Those fajitas look mighty tasty! Cheese & Chobani are the best…no way I could give them up either!
Shayla @ The Good Life says
I hope dairy isn’t the issue, I love Greek yogurt way too much also…it’s one of most favorite snacks I look forward to most 😉
And that sandwich, actually all your food that day for that matter, looks delish! 🙂
Liz @ IHeartVegetables says
Yummm!!! I love mexican food! I hope the no-dairy thing helped the sleeping schedule!
Claire says
Once in a while between ages of 0-3 months (at least) breastfed babies will have a ‘growth spurt’. This is when they feed heaps over a 24-36hr period in order to beef up your milk supply (mine usually fed for up to an hour, every 2 hours day and night – I very much felt like a sleep deprived dairy cow!). It is perfectly natural and it is a great system as milk supply is based on the demands of the baby – it is the only way your body knows it needs to produce more for her increasing appetite. With my three munchkins I always went a bit crazy during these times, wondering what had gone wrong with our ‘routine’, and I was only ever in hindsight able to recognise what had happened. Good news – these times are usually followed by a couple of days of monster sleeps (for both mother and baby)!
Karlee @olivewineandfood says
i didn’t know dairy upset breastfeeding babies tummies! have you ever tried daiya cheese? i think it’s really good vegan cheese.
Natalie @ will jog for food says
Delicious eats! I love those almonds too 🙂
KaraHadley says
M’gosh, you are brave to go out with a newborn. But I bet that margarita was so worth it.
Meagan says
My boyfriend and I watched The Sing Off for the first time a few nights ago. I really enjoyed it and was so impressed that there is no background music…sheer talent!
blackhuff says
You know what? We parents always blame ourselves or try to look for answers everywhere when things like this happen. Yes, it was only one night she did not sleep so much but we as parents still look for answers. It’s just the way we are.
Jen@FoodFamilyFitness says
Being a mom= always an adventure 🙂 Hope Hailey is back to sleeping longer than 2 weeks stretches! Maybe she was going through a growth spurt? I remember a night where Aiden was up wanting to nurse every 1.5 hours, I don’t know how I managed to function the following day, but the next night he slept 12 hours straight and I woke up with 2 bulging boulders on my chest!!!!
I’m loving your sandwich and those fajitas look SO dang good!!!!
Jen@FoodFamilyFitness says
2 hour stretches…sorry! Apparently it’s too early for me to think 🙂
Danielle says
Babies are so weird about sleep at first. Just rememebr that they are also completely non-intuitive: the more they sleep during the day, the better they sleep at night. Sleep begets sleep. It was always our instinct to try to keep our little guy up more so he’d “sleep better at night.” It always backfired 🙂 She’ll get herself in a routine soon enough, but always wants to keep you on your toes too!! Much love to you guys!
Lindsay says
Oooo raisins in oatmeal. Why haven’t I done that yet? Omg I love those almonds. They are so good. They have this toffee flavor out now that is pretty legit. I miss their cinnamon one though, it was so good.
Allison (Allison's Delicious Life) says
It’s great to hear that you didn’t struggle too much with the avoidance of dairy. I’m kind of trying to do the same right now because I’ve been having some stomach issues. I’ve been dying to try those almonds!