Because it’s fun!
Here we go…
Good try Brazil.
I can’t dive.
All the veggies.
A solid 7.
Always naked baby.
Not a placenta.
At home date-night.
Natural sunscreen face.
Read the labels.
Recipe in progress.
Your weekend in three words… GO!
This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and love! More about privacy here.
Maria says
Nice and quiet
Sarah says
Husband on nights :0(
Brittany Dixon says
Oh man, that’s no fun! 🙁
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says
Cute! I laughed at the placenta… it’s the scoby, right? Creeped me out when I first got one! Our weekend: soaking up summer.
Brittany Dixon says
Haha yes it’s a SCOBY and man are those things unattractive 😉 Glad you are soaking up summer and getting ready for that sweet baby to make an appearance!
Katie says
Always too short. 🙂
So funny about the SCOBY. I’ve been wanting to make kombucha for a while now but haven’t found someone to give me a SCOBY. I refuse to pay for something that is basically a free by-product! If I was in your area I’d try and take one off your hands 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
If you were in this area, I’d drop you one off today! I have one ready to go for a friend tomorrow!
Kaitlyn (Keeping up with Kaitlyn) says
Nice and quiet. That thing looks like a placenta, sorta! haha
Jaclyn @ Bumpsweat says
Don’t worry, I can’t dive either. I’m more of a flopper 😉 I’d describe my weekend as: Baby Shower Blessings 🙂
Sherry says
Sarah says
Hectic yet fun
Marjorie says
LOL at the placenta comment! Those are great photos. It looks like y’all had a great weekend.
Heather says
Light-hearted, eye-opening, meditative
Sarah S says
Braxton Hicks stink!
Brittany Dixon says
Haha, this made me laugh! Yes, those suckers get really annoying!
Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says
Sunday spaghetti night.
Heather says
Tennis division winners!
Brittany Dixon says
Awesome! Congrats!! 🙂
Jennifer L. says
Time with family.
char eats greens says
Grocery store queen. (I seriously went to every store haha)
I need to inquire more about the SCOBY! I think I might finally attempt kombucha today!! So did you take a piece of that mother scoby to brew the new batch? Do you just have scoby overload when you keep brewing new kombucha??!! I clearly have a lot to learn!
Brittany Dixon says
Yes! Every batch you brew generates anther baby SCOBY, so I’m trying to give them away so I don’t have a bunch of those beauties chillin’ in my fridge 😉
Swing by and grab one! Haha
Ali says
busy and productive.
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
I happen to love your dive!! That is the dive of a person who GOES FOR IT!! 🙂
Katrina-Marie says
Filled With Friends 🙂
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
Yikes, my weekend in only 3 words … that’s tough! Haha. I’m going to go with quality family time. It was perfect! Glad you guys had a great weekend too! 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression says
Looks like an awesome weekend. I’m excited to see that recipe!
Elle says
Can I just come and live at your house for a weekend? I’ll hold Kaitlin, play with Hailey and drink a beer with you! 🙂
My weekend in 3 words: Boyfriend, Karena & Katrina, Church
Brittany Dixon says
Brittany Dixon says
oops! I meant to say anytime! Hollah if you’re ever in the CLT 😉
Lauren B. says
Snuggle time bliss (with my babes)
I just cracked up at “not a placenta”! 🙂
Sarah@creatingbettertomorrow says
Baby waiting game!
Shari says
Busy, but fun!
Danielle says
My weekend in three words: Filled with joy! 🙂
Matt @ Runner Savvy says
You should totally send me one of those SCOBY’s 🙂
Lindsay says
Laura @ FitMamaLove says
Ahaha, this was a fun one!
Simple Summer Fun!
Love the natural sunscreen faces. I try so hard to rub in all the white, but it’s impossible. Especially because my kids can tolerate sunscreen everywhere but their faces.
Yay for bikinis after babies! And LOL to the placenta comment. 🙂
Leah says
7th birthday party!
Equals crazy, fun, exhausting!
Sabrina says
Beach waves overload 🙂
Jillian @ Baby Doodah! says
Your veggies look delicious!! I need to get myself to our farmer’s market on Saturday!! yummy!!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Color added?! Damn, that is SO nasty!