Hi! It’s me, Hailey. Mom is busy packing up the car because she and I are driving to Charleston today for a girls weekend with family. She is running around like crazy (I told her she should have started earlier!) so I decided to pitch in and tell you guys what I’ve been up to. Turning 17 months old has brought some big changes!
I’ve become quite independent lately. Whether it’s putting on my shoes, brushing my teeth or eating with utensils, I like to handle it myself. Mom appreciates it because it means less work for her, right? Unless you count more laundry and floor scrubbing, which I don’t. Clearly that’s her idea of fun.
I guess I should specify that though I like doing things myself, it doesn’t mean I don’t want mom right next to me. I play a game called shadow where I don’t leave her side. We play it all day, everyday. I think it’s boatloads of fun. I help mom put transfer clothes from the washer to dryer, pull the silverware out of the dishwasher and help her reorganize the house in creative ways that she never would have thought of.
Bags look better OUT of the box.
My favorite thing about this past month is that the big people are finally starting to get what I’ve been chatting about! It’s like a light switch flipped and suddenly I’m saying so many new words, repeating words (like got it!), and picking up on everything! My new favorite words are uh-oh, fish, cracker, ball, hi, shoe, quack quack, milk (kah) and juice (shooo).
Sometimes I drive mom and dad crazy the way I run around and pull things out of drawers, but I make it up to them by making them laugh. My favorite thing to do right now is to shrug my shoulders and give the ‘I don’t know’ look when someone asks me a question, but the fun doesn’t stop there. I love songs and do movements to the wheels on the bus go round and round (roll my arms), the itsy bitsy spider (I use my fingers to crawl), open close them (I love opening and closing my hands and clapping), and saying shhh with my finger to my lips. Mom always laughs hard at this one when I do it to her when she tries to sing.
I love to dance. Mostly I shake my head, but I also put my arms up and wiggle. I wave goodbye and blow kisses. I give high fives. When I get really excited I run in place. I like to show people my belly. I give awesome hugs. When mom comes to get me after my nap, I’ll drop down to the crib and pretend I’m asleep. Then I giggle like a loon when she peaks over the crib.
Speaking of sleep, I’m on a consistent schedule. I go to bed at 7:00 and get up at 8:00. I nap once a day from 12-2. I must ALWAYS have 2 pacifiers for bedtime. Don’t even try to get away with only giving me one.
My hair is a bit of a mess right now, but mom can’t bring herself to cut it. She says she loves my little ponytails too much.
For fun I really love to play outside, pushing my car or bubble mower. When it’s cold, Koda and I do laps around the house. Koda is my best friend.
I stay pretty busy these days. I don’t sit still for very long. I’ll only sit when daddy lets me play with his iPad. I don’t see many screens, so I’m fascinated with it.
What else? I’m still a good eater, and less picky than I was last month. Mom is happy about that. Right now I’m really loving anything I can dip.
I weigh around 23 pounds and wear 18 month clothing and size 4 diapers and size 4.5 shoes. I have 10 teeth (4 front top and bottom and 4 molars), but my canines are starting to surface. Ouch!
I’m not assuming everyone cares about my shoes size, but mom likes to note those things. I hope I don’t inherit her crazy OCD on remembering every little detail. I just take it to mean she loves me. A whole lot.
Mom is calling and it’s time to get strapped into the car! Luckily I don’t mind car rides. Next stop- Charleston!
Beth says
Adorable post, Hailey! 😉
Shari says
Such a cute post! That little ponytail is adorable.
Have a great trip! 🙂
Corinne says
Such a great post! Hailey is adorable!
John J. Stathas says
That Hailey gal sure is expressive! Must have her Mama’s genes. Enjoy Charleston!!
Ali says
Adorable post!! Can u imagine in another 6 months what they will be doing in nursery school together? Talking up a storm is my guess since G has also started talking a lot more now too – can’t imagine in another 6 months…..they will probably be talking smack about their mamas while playing in book center! ❌⭕ 😉
Hanna says
This is so cute! Y’all be safe on the road!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
I always love reading these posts from “Hailey’s post of view!” They are too cute. And so is she!! 🙂
Parita @ myinnershakti says
So cute! I especially love the pigtails!!
Sarah says
An awesome writer like her mama already! What a smart and fun girl you are growing up to be!
Kaitlyn @Keeping up with Kaitlyn says
Adorable! My favorite picture is of your hubby in the little pink car with Hailey. Have a fun trip to Charleston!!
sonya says
Thanks for the post Hailey! Love the pic of you and your dad in, im guessing, your pink chair, so cute!
Kathy says
Love it! Have a great girl weekend!
Karen says
You are adorable, Hailey! Hope you have a SUPER fun weekend with Mom! Wish Keely and I lived closer so that we could all be friends but if you two every come to Chicago, let us know!! 🙂
Kari says
This is an adorable post! I love it!
Shanna, like Banana says
I love this post more than you know. So darn sweet.
Lauren B. says
Thanks Hailey, for giving us a peek into your world. You are just too cute!
Lisa says
She’s growing up so fast!! Can’t believe how big she’s getting. She’s so beautiful. Love the post.
Avery @ YoungAspirations says
She is so darn cute. I wouldn’t cut that ponytail either!! Have fun in Charleston 🙂
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
What a cute post! I love how you put it from her perspective. She’s too adorable for words!
Maria says
Oh trashbags are just so much fun. I hope you don’t spend too much money on toys 😉
Adorable as ever! Have a blast in Charleston!
Nicole @ Fruit 'N' Fitness says
Thanks for the post Hailey, love hearing about life through your prospective! I hope you and your mom have a good trip to Charleston.
Presley @ Run Pretty says
Hailey sounds very mature for her age! haha She’s so freaking cuuuute. Y’all are twins, by the way.
Erin @Axell's Kitchen says
Ahh she is too cute!! And I love Charleston it’s one of my favorite cities!
Beth says
I love reading posts that Hailey writes! And reading them makes me realize that I am not the only one going through some of these phases as Claire is also becoming very attached to her mommy.
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
This is too cute! And I agree: those little ponytails are too much fun to get rid of. 🙂
Jen says
Eeek, too cute Hailey! Wyatt likes the shadow and reorganizing games too 😉
Rebekah says
Love the post, Hailey. And I love knowing that you are doing so many of the things my little girl, Amaré does. She just turned 17 months last week. I bet you two would be good friends. 🙂 Have fun and keep shadowing Mommy. It’s teaching her amazing skills that she’ll be able to use someday (well, with another baby somewhere down the line). 😉 At least, that’s what I tell myself with my little shadow. Couldn’t ask for a sweeter fan, right? 🙂