My birthday was on Tuesday. I used to take the opportunity to celebrate the entire month of September, but things have changed a bit as I’ve gotten older. A few weeks of celebratory glory have largely been replaced with a new feeling- contentment. And it’s rather sweet.
So instead of forcing some lukewarm 33 things I’ve learned in 33 years type post, since nothing profound really stands out in my mind, I wanted to capture the memory of entering into my 34th year just as it was- simple and happy.
At 7:15 Hailey came out of her room and ran to grab the balloon David had brought home with wine and flowers the night before.
Happy birthday mama she squealed as she shared her birthday crown with me. I took the opportunity for some solo hugs from my big girl without her sister fighting for lap space.
Determined to make it to Burn Bootcamp on my special day, I hurried the morning along.
I finished my earl grey tea with collagen in an appropriate mug and a breakfast burrito then both Hailey and I got dressed. We waited until the last minute, but then went to wake Kaitlyn.
I found the remnants of her 1:30 am wake up, which is not the norm. I saw it as a sign she wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday. She was up for about an hour during the night for no other reason than wanting to snuggle me. I think I need to put a stop to the pretend monster game she and Hailey have been playing, but for only one night, I didn’t mind the extra cuddles.
Somehow we made it took boot camp on time and it was a tough one!
Still drenched, I dropped Kaitlyn off at school and took Hailey to her 5 year well check.
Healthy! 65% in weight and 86% in height. The predict her to be taller than me by at least a few inches. I’m going to start having her drink coffee (I kid).
From there I showered, then set up for a quick hour of homeschool. We just started this week and I’m excited to see how it goes as we really get into it.
I packed lunches for the girls and ate a quick bowl of leftovers myself.
We had a picnic lunch on the playground then the girls played while I sat and chatted with my friend, Kelly. From there, we headed straight to dance.
Someone was thrilled to be back in class!
Being that she danced right through nap time, we spent the remaining afternoon outside.
What is it about fresh air that stops all whining in its tracks? Gosh, I love the little snippets of fall weather we are feeling.
The girls and I ate dinner together before piling back in the car to head to the soccer field.
Coach Dad met us there and I spent an hour watching 4/5 year old chase after the ball while Kaitlyn did her own soccer practice on the sideline.
Practice ended at 7:00 and we came home to open cards and give birthday hugs before the whirlwind of bath and bed began.
By 8:30, I had my feet kicked up on the couch, feeling tired, but content.
Birthdays in the past have largely been about me, but as you can see, this particular day certainly focused more on the kids. Yet somehow between the hustle and bustle all the hugs, cards, messages, phone calls, my new nonstick skillet and incredible new diffuser (does that scream 33 or what?) sure made me feel loved and thought of. And really, is there any better way to feel on your birthday?
Hello 33, I have a feeling you’re going to be good to me!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We have a yard sale, birthday party and park picnic dinner lined up. Do you have anything fun on the agenda?
Heather @Lunging Through Life says
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a perfect birthday full of love (minus that darn middle of the night wake up!)
John J. says
A life of “contentment” filled with good health, a loving family, and an optimistic view of life. You’ve nailed it!
Kate says
Happy Birthday!
Content sounds great. Inner peace is so valuable, especially with a busy live going on as a mom!
Have a great weekend!
We’re heading into our vacation – finally! 🙂
Brynn says
Happy birthday! I feel you on the way my celebrations have changed over the years, but I love how my life is now full with so many things that make me full. Spending the day with your sweet girls is as good as it gets.
Jessica says
Happy belated birthday! I’d say you had a pretty great one. 🙂 It’s amazing how different birthdays are now, but how great they are at the same time.
Heather says
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a birthday. Once you have kids, I think birthdays definitely change and you focus more on their special days than your own. I have a special bottle of wine waiting for my birthday next week, but otherwise, very low-key plans as well. Have a great busy weekend! I’m crossing my fingers the rain holds off tomorrow as we have plans to go to the Fall Raptor release about an hour and a half away. Love seeing the eagles, hawk, owls and other birds. 🙂
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Life is good! So happy for you girl!
Lauren Brennan says
Happy belated birthday! I’m so glad it was a good one, and I hope you have a blessed year ahead!
Julie says
Happy belated b-day! Sounds like it was a lovely (busy!) day. 🙂
Gcroft says
Happy birthday, sounds like a lovely day had. x
Sheila says
HBD! How did you decide which diffuser to purchase? I want to purchase one but have no idea where to start looking – any guidance is appreciated!
Brittany Dixon says
I totally defaulted to a friend who is an expert on the matter. She owns 3-4 diffusers herself and told me not to buy one. She said the Riverrock one I linked to was hands down the best and surprised me by gifting it to me for me birthday. So far I love it!
Cassie says
Happy birthday!