…and put up a parking lot. For the past 24 hours I’ve had this song in my head. Call me dramatic, but the line “you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone” really resonated with me over the last couple days.
So often I unknowingly take my health for granted. However, through the course of this stomach flu, I’ve been reminded how fortunate I am that I often feel so great, and that my reminder of of my overall health came only in the form of a stomach bug.
Feeling weak, lethargic and nauseous sure can suck joy out of life. I didn’t have the energy to play with Hailey or jump up to give David the hug he so definitely deserved after catering to my needs and taking total care of Hailey so I could just sprawl out on the couch and watch way too many episodes of Dawson’s Creek (now streaming on Netflix, FYI).
The good news is that I’m finally on the mend! After eating not much more than Saltines and sprite for 3 days, I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. Though I’m still pretty exhausted (not surprised after not eating for days), I can tell I’m on the upswing and SO grateful. Oh, and my phone that took a swim in the toilet survived. Let’s hear it for the rice that sucked all the water out!
I’m still resting today, but wanted to share a few pictures of the Memorial Day fun I had before I was struck down on Sunday.
See, Friday night and Saturday were quite lovely. Our friends Joe and Jane Marie came to hang out and we took advantage of the calm waters before the crowds.
David tore up the wakeboard (above) and Jane Marie made slaloming look easy.
The next morning I decided to give wakeboarding a go, and I got up!
Horrible form? Of course! And I was up for all of 15 seconds, but I did it!
We spent the day relaxing, chatting and picnicking in the backyard.
Saturday night I was unusually exhausted (it should have been a sign) so we all watched We Bought a Zoo and called it a night. By the way, the movie is adorable and I cried. A good cry.
Sunday was off to a good start. Hailey was dressed up and ready to spend the afternoon at friends’ parties…
But alas, my bug overtook me and you know the rest.
David did manage to still find time to build a garden for me…
…but more on that later!
When is one time you’ve remembered to be grateful for your health?
Stomach flus always remind me of how awful feeling awful feels. (Now that’s quite a sentence…) And thank you so much for all your well wishes! One more day of taking it easy and I’m hoping to be back to 100% … or at least 90%
Liz @ IHeartVegetables says
Aw I’m so sorry you were sick 🙁 It IS crazy how thankful I am for my (usually) good health after stuff like that! It really CAN feel like it’s sucking the life out of you! I hope you’re feeling better!!
Carolynn says
I’ve been fighting intense allergies for almost two months now and every time I sneeze I think about how I can’t wait to feel better and how I’ll really cherish the days when I can breathe without a care in the world!
Glad you’re starting to feel better 🙂 But so sorry that you had to be sick on the holiday weekend!!
Brittany says
Oh my goodness, allergies suuuuuuuuuuuck. I’ve been lucky that they haven’t hit me too hard this year, but usually I sniffle and whine through May. Hope your’s get better soon!
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
I hope the garden goes well for you. I’m excited to learn more about it. I just started growing potted bell peppers and jalapenos this year, and I can’t wait to see the fruits of my labor (well… the veggies, that is).
Awesome family pic, by the way!
Brittany says
I totally failed at bell peppers in a pot, so you’ll have to let me know the secret to your success!
cragsandveggies says
Glad you are on the mend! Beautiful lake pictures. What are you planning to grow in the CUTE garden!?
Brittany says
I don’t know what to grow yet! I’m hoping to find inspiration via comments and wondering the aisles at the nursery 🙂 Any suggestions?
Krista says
Glad you’re feeling better, those are the WORST! My daughter’s first year of life she brought that home to me twice. I called it ‘how I lost the baby weight’. 😉
We wakeboard almost every weekend in the summer! Too bad yall dont live inTX, my husband does inverts and is great at teaching people new tricks. I’m still too scared to go upside down, maybe one day. A tip for the future – boardshorts are great to have on for bad falls and such!
Brittany says
Inverts?! You husband would have to teach me how to stand up for more than 15 seconds before we got to any of the fancy stuff. Sounds fun though!! Come visit!…or we will. David loves TX 🙂
Krista says
I just noticed one of the pics – do yall LIVE on a lake? If so, my husband might be moving in with you! I can’t tell you how many times I see him online searching for lake front property.
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
Honstly, I TRY to be grateful for my health every day. Almost every day when I pray, I thank the Lord for my health and my husband’s health. It truly is a blessing.
I really really hope you feel 100% again soon! I’m so sorry the bug has lasted so long!
Adria @ A Spoonful of Healthy says
Glad to hear that you’re feeling better 🙂 You’ll be rockin’ in no time!!
Kelly@Runmarun says
I’m so glad to hear you are on the mend- especially with a baby to worry about! I’m scared for the first time I get sick when I’m on my own with Lula.
I love Hailey’s dress for Memorial Day- what a doll!
Glad to see your garden is getting started!
Jen says
Oh no! I’m just catching up. So sorry to hear you were sick 🙁 Why don’t moms get sick days? Hailey looks SO cute in her dress!
Lisa says
Take care of yourself! And glad to hear you are feeling a little better! Whenever I hear of other’s being in worse off situations I always feel very grateful for my situation and that I have my health in order.
Gayle @ The Sweet Life: La Dolce Vita says
Hi Brittany,
This is the first time I have visited your site. Glad to see you living a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully you never have to experience anything worse than the flu, but if you do, your healthy body will have a better chance to recover. I, too, led a healthy lifestyle, and I know that is what helped me survive pancreatic cancer last year.
All of my friends couldn’t believe it happened to me because I was so healthy and fit, but thank goodness I was!
Keep up the good work! It is worth it!
Brittany says
Hi Gayle! Thanks so much for visiting. I’m sorry you checked in on a week where I was down and out 🙂
And wow, beating pancreatic cancer is incredible. I’m so glad you beat that horrible cancer and still have such a wonderful, upbeat and healthful attitude. You’re an inspiration!
christina says
Nice job on the board!!
Maura @ My Healthy 'Ohana says
Stomach flu’s can really take it out of you, glad you’re starting to feel better!
We almost rented We Bought a Zoo this past weekend, but didn’t know if it was any good…we’ll have to get it!
Brittany says
Oh it was so cute. A sweet, cute, heartfelt flick, if you’re in the mood for one 🙂
Lindsay@Fuel My Family says
When my baby was so sick a month ago, it reminded me never to tame health for granted! It’s horrible seeing my baby so sick, I just wanted it to be me instead.
Brittany says
Oh that must have been awful! My only happy thought was that I was so glad I had it and Hailey and David managed to not catch it.
Roz@weightingfor50 says
Glad you are on the mend Brittany. I can relate, I had foot surgery this month, and realize that I take my energy and mobility for granted. However, like you, I’m on the upswing and things are slowly getting back to normal. Glad your phone survived too! Keep feeling better.
Belinda says
Oh my goodness, this post is so well timed! I’m currently recovering from gall bladder surgery, have caught a cold, and just had some dental work done today. I’m sooo looking forward to feeling better and having energy again 🙂
Glad you are feeling better! 🙂
Brittany says
Oh my goodness, Belinda!! Sending many happy, healthy thoughts your way. Hang in there, girl!