Yesterday morning I woke up at 1:30 4:30 for the day at 5:45 am to the ground covered with a shimmery white. Excited, I let Koda out to discover she didn’t create a single paw print meaning only one thing… ice.
While I was a little bummed not to wake up to a foot of the powdery stuff, one girl couldn’t have cared less.
Hailey woke up giddy and chatting away about going sledding. Luckily it took us long enough to gather our snow gear that we all could fit in some breakfast first.
After shoveling it down, we suited up.
What an inch of ice lacks in soft beauty, it makes up for in sledding conditions. It was ideal for long rides down the middle of the streets.
We all felt like kids again and Hailey didn’t stop grinning or yelling wheeeee for even a second.
By midmorning I ventured back inside to give Kaitlyn her nap, but David and Hailey kept at it. I managed to coerce her inside around 11 with the promise of hot chocolate…
She slurped about half of it before begging to go back outside to help daddy shovel.
Watching her was awesome. Though she enjoyed the snow last year, this year she completely reveled in it.
Eventually I had to pull the mom card and get everyone inside for lunch (bowl of black bean soup not pictured).
I somehow finagled overlapping afternoon naps, which allowed me to get in a few minutes of reading The Girl on the Train before falling asleep myself for 45 glorious minutes.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in the playroom eating copious amount of popcorn and watching Kaitlyn focus on her second favorite toy, the stroller she can push and walk behind. This toy is now only second to the dishwasher, which remains a stronghold in first.
Around 5:30 we headed downstairs. To the tune of Creature Report CREATURE REPORT, I made dinner for Hailey and Kaitlyn.
Baths, books and bed followed, then David and I hit up the hot tub with a glass of wine before heading in for our own late dinner.
I really feel I could just alternate dinners in the following format: buffalo chicken night, Mexican night, repeat indefinitely, and be a happy camper.
We had time to squeeze in one episode of Homeland with my sweet fur ball snoring up on my lap before calling it a night.
A productive day it was not, but that’s the fun thing about snow (ice), it can force me to slow down and just enjoy chilling out (pun intended) with my family. Thank you weather. Now if you’d like to return to your previous February weather of sunny and 60s, I’d be most grateful!
What is your favorite snow day activity?
I’m all about the sledding. It is ridiculously fun! Though a cozy fire and a glass of pinot ranks pretty high too…
Katie says
That looks amazing!!! (I live in MN and we don’t have much snow this year) I’m glad David was able to be home with ya’ll!
Beks says
I don’t like spending a lot of time in the snow, but I love being inside baking on snow days. I rarely get a chance to on a normal week, so when we have a snow day, I play Kitchen Chemist, and figure out what works best. I also tend to clean. A LOT.
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables says
Girl… we got MORE snow last night on top of our 7 inches. Bring on spring… I’m tired of being stuck in the house!
Maureen says
What a fabulous day! Glad you could all slow down & enjoy it together. 🙂
Liz @ I Heart Vegetables says
That sounds like such a fun day! Sometimes you just need to have some fun and relax vs. being super productive 🙂 That’s kind of how it was over here!
Paulina says
Looks like a perfect day. My favorite is building a snowman with my kids. We’ve had weeks of snow and freezing temps. Everyone is getting cabin fever around here. Bring on spring and warm temps!
Jen says
Hailey in the snowpants, oh my gosh! That looks like a wonderful day. I am looking forward to Amelia being old enough to enjoy the snow, too.
Giselle says
Reading about the coziness of peoples snow days makes me want one but other than that I’m not a huge snow fan. I like it when I’m indoors looking out and in short increments but driving or staying in it all day is not my thing. Glad you all had a fun day with it!
christina says
“pull the mom card” — that made me laugh. hailey looks so cute in her snowpants. just bring her her and she could pretty much build an igloo.. 😉
Rachel Starr says
So, um…I took the kids to the pool yesterday. We’re in the sweet spot, weather wise, here in AZ. Not too hot, not too cold, but perfect for playing outside all day. As someone who grew up in MI and dealt with endless winters and gray skies, I can honestly say I do not miss snow one bit!
I too could alternately eat Buffalo chicken and Mexican food and be completely content. I’ve been making my own version of Chipotle’s chicken burrito bowls and OMG they’re so so good.
HOMELAND!!!! Are you loving it?? We are obsessed over here 🙂
Heather says
I admit, I’m not a big cold weather fan, so I tend to stay indoors as much as possible when it’s cold out. Now that the kids are bigger, though, I think it’s time to take them sledding and pack up the car with a thermos of hot cocoa and go on some wintry adventures. I have fond memories of doing that with my parents when I was younger.
Hilary says
I used to be a fan of sledding, but since I have come to the conclusion I can’t stand the cold I love staying in curling up with a blanket, hot tea and a movie !
Marjorie @APinchOfHealthy says
We didn’t get the snow here in Birmingham. Just tons of rain that then turned to ice. :-/
Your dinner looks awesome! I could be happy on that repeat cycle too.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
It was always such a pain to put all my snow suit stuff on as a kid, but I LOVED going down the big hill by our house to sled!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
What a fun snow day! I love that picture of you and Kaitlyn bundled up!
Brynn says
I like to stay inside on snow days unless there is sledding involved!
Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says
My mother-in-law lives in Chapel Hill so I’ve been following the news reports of all the snow and ice hitting the South. Unreal!
My favorite snow day activity is to go outside for a little bit to enjoy it then head inside for something warm & sweet! That hot chocolate looks pretty good!
Tiff says
Great job on the salads! It’s hard to make myself eat veggies in this weather, unless I put them in soup, which I’ve been doing like crazy! I feel like such a slack mom for not getting Ethan out in the snow/ice, but it’s coooooold out there. If we get some powder, I’ll suck it up and take him, but I’m not going out for ice!
Kat @ Where the Sidewalk Ends says
First of all, that picture of you and Kaitlyn – you look absolutely beautiful. Positively GLOWING. Second, what a fun way to spend a day. We’re here in Oregon, and the weather is (inappropriately) sunny and beautiful, and I have to admit mild jealously for the snow and sunshine!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
What a perfect snow day! I’m jealous because I rarely ever get snow days anymore.. and I live in the Midwest! 🙁
Elizabeth Evans says
I want all of your salads. They look so yummy!! I love spending days like you did here… and how fun is it to have an extra weekend day with the whole family. I wish ATL had ice/snow like this.
Becca says
All the food looks delicious! I wished my daughter loved the snow but mostly she’s just terrified of it. She is getting braver and actually put one foot close to it this year. Maybe she’ll come around when she figures out the fun of sledding!
Melissa @ Deliciously FIT says
Ooh, a snow day sounds so much fun! I would love a good excuse to stay in and slow down. I love our California weather, but sometimes I dream about what it would be like if we had snow.
Your salad looks delicious and your date night sounds lovely!
Julia @ LordStillLovesMe says
I find it so interesting to see all of the snow! I have to be honest, I’m sitting here in 75 degree weather in a courtyard on campus enjoying the sun. However, I am a little jealous of the changing seasons you get! I want to experience a white Christmas one day… it will happen. 🙂
SUCH SWEET PICTURES. Your sweet baby K is the most photogenic baby I have ever seen. Seriously! All of the girls (you included!) in the Dixon family never fail to take a stunning picture.