This weekend was a good one. It started Friday with a nap. Not for the girls, but for me. After two babies, I’ve nailed the 45 minute nap, which is good because much longer than that and I feel like a zombie. But a quick 45 minutes left me feeling refreshed and ready for a girls night out.
Top // Jeans // Necklace (Stitch Fix) // Shoes (similar)
I met up with some girlfriends at The Wine Maestro for some Conundrum and conversation. I don’t know why I always wait so long between girls’ nights, as the whole evening felt therapeutic. Lots of laughs!
Saturday was unseasonably cool, but it worked out perfectly for a day in the yard. I mentioned we are months behind on yard maintenance and Saturday we did out best to put a dent in it. I weeded flower beds for hours, David handled the grass and edging while burning up big piles of random yard brush.
The girls wore themselves out with exploring, as spring has transformed our yard into “Honeysuckle Land” (their creativity astounds me) full of worm, bugs, and other critters.
I love these days when we can all hang outside together, though some of us are more productive than others.
At least our garden picked up a few new worm residents. We have high hopes that they will help our cherry tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers flourish.
We came in that evening, chilly and covered with dirt; a sign of a good day.
We ate paleo chili (should I remake it and take more picture? Want the recipe?) with Fritos and sour cream (thus defeating the whole paleo feature).
That evening the girls were out cold by 7 pm, and after a cup of tea and a North Korea documentary, David and I followed suit.
Sunday brought a good message at church followed by a trip to Lowe’s for more lawn goodies and to pick out carpet for our playroom transformation. A cup of coffee afterwards energized me for another afternoon full of productivity in the yard.
We finished some projects, cleaned out the car, and spent an hour or so discussing playroom changes to come. Then we made maragaritas because, why not.
My favorite combination is simple: a shot of tequila, a shot of Cointreau, and a shot of lime juice. No mix needed!
We ended the evening chilling on the back porch, watching the girls play, when SPLASH. Hailey unintentionally became the first one in the lake for the season.
I feel a little bad sharing this picture (and even snapping it for that matter), as she was freaked out, but after a hot shower, she thought the whole thing was hilarious.
Edited to add: We have really strict lake rules and always watch the girls when they are out back. Safety was not a concern here; it was just a slip off the stairs as she was reaching for a fish.
All in all, a nice little weekend.
Share with me:
How often to you go out for a girls’ night?
Yard maintenance: who handles most of those tasks?
Stephanie Prause says
Poor Hailey! Although I do the same thing sometimes and snap photos of my daughter when she’s freaking out (as long as I know she’s fine 😉 or like this morning after she nursed her face was full of snot…I cleaned it up, of course, but had to get it on camera. It IS funny sometimes.
Brittany Dixon says
Yes! I want to remember the real moments too, so I’m guilty of even taking pictures of tantrums- ha!
Heather says
Aaah poor little Hailey! That water must have been cold!!
My husband works most evenings, so I can’t get out too much for girls’ nights. If anything, I have friends over after my son goes to bed. But I actually am lucky and sneak away for girls’ weekends a bit…..definitely a few times a year. As for lawn maintenance, it’s all my husband. We live in Apex and literally our yard is the size of a postage stamp….lots are so small around here. My husband can tackle the whole thing in under 30 minutes!
Have a great week!
Brittany Dixon says
Oh fun! Girls weekends are the best! Where is your favorite place you’ve been?
Heather says
Man that’s a tough one. You can’t go wrong with Savannah or Charleston, but my Nashville and Austin trips were also incredible!
Now that’s a wholesome family weekend! See you Friday!
Ali says
Girls nights— not often enough – maybe quarterly. Usually I just don’t want to leave the family as with a busy working hubs I don’t often like to give up nights with him. But whenever I do get out with the girls I tell myself to do it more often. I am known for Doing it when D is traveling so I don’t lose out on time with him, but then I need a sitter …..
We did lots of yard work this weekend too but still more to come– everything is growing out of control!!
Brittany Dixon says
You always do so well staying on top of your yard! It always looks gorgeous. We are just trying to play catch up 😉
Sherry Stathas says
I bet Hailey was freaked out–and you kept her calm by saying what a big splash she made and how she was the first one in the lake this year 😉
Sounds like a fun and productive weekend was had by all!
Montessoriishmom says
I love weekends like that that are a good mix of productivity and fun – ours was similar, on Saturday we hung out in the backyard and went to a great sculpture garden and Sunday we caught up on stuff around the house – both necessary!
Christen says
Wow, so jealous you’re on a lake! We have a summer camp in Maine (on a lake), but its unfortunately at six hour drive from our place in New York. Worth every minute of that drive when we get there though 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
I always wonder if we’ll ever take the lake for granted, but I can honestly say after several years that I am still in awe of it. I’ve never been to Maine but it is so high up on my list! I hear it’s goregous 🙂
Heather says
I cannot wait for my kids to be at the age where we can do family yard work. I only have to wait about 3 years lol.
My husband mows the lawn and I do just about everything else. He just isn’t as into gardening as I am. For Mother’s Day, I always ask for hours alone in my garden. Simple, yet so peaceful.
Heather says
I am so envious of your house on a lake. Haha! Poor Hailey… but someone’s got to be the first one in. 😉 I think we should have probably gone to get plants this weekend, but I’m going to do the usual and brave the chaos of Mother’s Day weekend and do it then. It seems like there’s always some outdoor project to complete, and this year is no different!
Brittany Dixon says
At least on Mother’s Day weekend you should be able to go solo right?! 🙂
Lindsay @ Hot Mess, Cool Day says
We spent Saturday morning outside hopping around to different events and, man, it was chilly! I wish I had realized ahead of time and dressed for the occasion. For some reason nothing makes me happier than being able to dress against the season, haha!
Elizabeth says
I go out with work girlfriends maybe quarterly. We always say we should do it more often.
Jared does all of the yard. He spends a solid 6-12 (maybe even more) in the yard on the weekend & about 3hrs During the week. He likes it & we also have an acre. I’m so thankful he does it bc I hate worms & digging in the dirt. Arbornomics services our grass chemicals.
Brittany Dixon says
No wonder your yard always looks so beautiful!!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
I remember when I was feeding ducks at the bay growing up, and I leaned over the dock a little too far. The same thing happened to me. 😉 It’s weirdly a really funny/happy memory for me now? haha My family always brings it up at get togethers.
Brynn says
I just sent a note to my girlfriends this morning saying we need to plan something asap! For quite some time we were in a groove of monthly outings, but they fell to the wayside when winter hit. Time to come out of hibernation!
Jennifer says
Yes! Please post chili recipe!
We would be in the yard all the time too with that view! My kids would be in the water constantly though. Can you put a fence where you live? I would LOVE being on the water, but would need fence for dog and kids! They would never get out! Cold or not! I know you have mentioned you live north of Charlotte, maybe you could email me where? We are in raleigh, but interested in moving. Although Charlotte may be a little too busy for us. We are pretty rural right now. Thanks!
Brittany Dixon says
I don’t think our HOA would allow us to put a fence, but it works for us right now to not have one. Koda used to be in the water all the time but the girls stay away from it pretty well and we have a baby gate so they can’t get out onto the dock. I’ll email you with where we are 🙂
Austin says
What documentary was it that you watched, and was it worth watching? I am always looking for a good one, my husband and I love watching documentaries. Thanks!
Brittany Dixon says
It was disappointing unfortunately! It was called The Propaganda Game. I wish I could remember another one we watched a year or two ago because it was pretty good! I’m fascinated with North Korea.