Those two title topics go together, no? Splendid.
Yesterday I worked on a recipe that I was going to share on today’s post. It turned out to be neither aesthetically pleasing nor particularly tasty. In plain English, it was a flop.
I ate it anyway.
Though my lentil salad was underwhelming, I did enjoy the roasted red peppers I made while experimenting. I know you can buy them jarred, but they really are quite easy to make at home using a broiler or a gas top stove.
Not the prettiest graphic, but it gets the job done. Oh! And the secret is to really make sure ALL she skin is charred, otherwise it won’t come off. This method is easy to follow and gives you fresh roasted red peppers for sandwiches, pizza, homemade hummus or lentil salad fails.
Being that I don’t have a recipe to share, can I show you what Hailey cooked up yesterday?
She started off unsure. After all, she was in the highchair without food. What gives, mom?
But then she got into it.
Until a little paint got on her hands. Girl FREAKED out. She doesn’t like to be messy. What a girl.
After a little attention from a wet paper towel, she returned to her masterpiece.
I finally had to call it quits when she switched from painting to snack time.
Clean up was quick and the finished product was pretty cute!
Most importantly, Dad loved it.
Happy Valentine’s Day! <3
chelsey @ clean eating chelsey says
What a cute art project! That better be going in a frame!
Brittany says
I have a feeling I’m going to have quite a few frames over the next few years if I start now! But… yes, definitely needs a frame 🙂
blackhuff says
I love the series of photos of Hailey making her dad a Valentines heart. That is so cute and LOL when it was snack time.
Liz @ iheartvegetables says
I never knew how to get rid of the charred skin! Thank you for posting this, Brittany!
Hanna says
That picture of Hailey’s mouth wide open with the paint brush going in is hilarious!
Kelly says
What kind of paint did you use? I have an 18 month old and I want to start some projects. I’m not sure where to start with the arts and crafts.
Brittany says
I used crayola non toxic, washable. If you google edible paints, I know there are a lot made of flour and such if you’re painting just for fun 🙂
Karen says
Such a cute art project!! I will have to try it with Keely. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Kaitlyn @Keeping up with Kaitlyn says
So adorable! I love that she got upset when the paint got on her hand, but then she tried to eat it! Too funny! It turned out really cute!
Kelli H says
I LOVE those pics of Hailey! Hilarious!
Another easy way for roasting bell peppers that I use sometimes is to cut them length wise, discard the seeds, place the skin side up, and roast them under the broiler for about 10 minutes. Then put them in the paper bag like you did. I just feel like it’s safer and then you don’t have to deal with all the seeds after they’re roasted. Both ways work well though!
Happy V-day!
Brittany says
I’m going to try that way next time! I just had fun playing campfire in the kitchen 😉
Sherry says
So cute with Hailey and her art project. She could “paint” with colored icing–not so healthy but sure would be tasty!
John J. Stathas says
Happy Valentine’s Day to my most favorite daughter and granddaughter!
Jen says
H and her artwork are so cute! I cannot believe she doesn’t like getting her hands dirty. Hysterical!
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
LOVE it. 🙂
I have roasted red peppers before, but I always cheat now and buy them. I know…I know…but in the winter I swear you aren’t saving that much money!
Also, I always ‘eat it anyway.’ 😉
Jane Marie says
What a precious card!!!
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, & Beers says
Awww, that’s so cute! How could daddy not love it? 😉
BTW – I eat pretty much all of my recipe flops too. Kills me to just throw stuff out.
Angela says
Too cute! I can’t wait to have babies and do all these adorable crafts with them!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
I love red peppers, but I really LOVE roasted red peppers. Thanks for the helpful tutorial!