Another summer weekend has passed us by- hope you enjoyed yours! Mine was busy and fun. Hubbs’ parents were in town and it was wonderful to visit with them and catch up as we count down to baby. We grabbed breakfast by boat for the first time, and it was so beautiful out on the water in the morning.
I also made sure to still make it to the Davidson Farmers Market to pick up my weekly share. I know I’ve said it before, but I love farmers markets!
The gorgeous flowers…
Freshly baked bread…
The veggies!
The cute pups…
And my take home goodies, of course!
Between my breakfasts, lunches and dinners, I gobble up produce pretty quickly, but I know that’s not the case for everyone. So when Clearly Fresh Bags contacted me about trying out their product, I was interested.
I decided to try a week long challenge with banana, since they are one fruit that seems to go brown on me quickly.
Truth be told, one of the bananas in the bag was eaten during the process (oops ;)). But after one week, I had 2 bananas to compare.
The one in the bag clearly had less spots and bruises then the one that sat countertop. The two spots on the bottom of the bagged banana were actually there before I put them in the bag (thank goodness for before pictures!).
I thought the bags lived up to their claim, and I’m anxious to try them out again. They say they are best used on whole, uncut produce, but I still want to try them on a cut avocado!
These are a great option for you if you tend to buy produce and throw some away by the end of the week. Keep it fresh, longer! I think these bags would be super for bananas, lettuce, avocados and tomatoes- and I’ll be trying out lots of different produce to see which saves the best.
The best part of this challenge?
Clearly Fresh Bags is giving away 10 produce protecting bags to a Healthy Slice of Life reader!
Leave a comment telling me what you’d like to try out in these bags!
For an additional entry,
‘Like” A Healthy Slice of Life of facebook and leave a comment letting me know you did.
Happy Monday 🙂
Cait @ Beyond Bananas says
I would love to try out these bags because I feel like I lose too much produce. My bananas.. especially during the summer.. tend to havea very short shelf life!
Julia says
I want to try peaches and nectarines, in addition to trying bananas and avos too.
Jen says
Fun weekend 🙂
I’d love to try out these bags because I am horrible at eating my produce in a timely manner, and I hate wasting food.
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
omg how cool! i’d love to try my strawberries in there!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
i liked you on facebook!
Jess Mathias says
Fun weekend! You’re looking great Brit!!
I would totally love to try them on Avocados but prob bananas as well. We tend to let the last one or two go to waste. Apparently we like “fresher” bananas in our household.
Megan S. says
I’d love to try out these bags because living with my parents I’m trying to help them eat healthier, but our produce seems to go to waste faster than we can eat it!
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
Oo I’d want to try a peach! I always try to pick out the ripest ones, but then I never eat them fast enough!
Jess says
I would love to try these bags!! I sometimes buy a little too much produce and end up having to throw some of it out by the end of the week…I feel like organic produce tends to go bad faster since it doesn’t have pesticides/preservatives, so these would really come in handy I think!
Corey @ the runner's cookie says
So glad you had a nice weekend! I love farmer’s markets too – the idea of buying fresh and local stuff straight from the people who produced it is really exciting to me.
I would love to try out those bags! In fact, our bananas went rotten so fast last week I would love to try them the way you .did. But I bet they’d also come in handy for lettuce and avocados
Layne says
This is such a great idea! My produce always goes bad, no matter what I try. Would love to try them out 🙂
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
I too would love to try these with cut avocados — I’d love for them to last more than a day!
Kathryn says
I’d also love to try these with avocados…and definitely with bananas..some weeks we gobble them up in a day or two and sometimes they get brown too quickly 🙁
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
I would like to try out pretty much all the produce I get from my CSA bag! Could be veggies or fruits! I think bananas would be good too bc I hate brown bananas (unless I bake with them)!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
I like you on FB!
Samantha @ Health, Happiness & Skinny Jeans says
I want to try those bags because I throw away way too much food simply because I don’t get to it fast enough!!
dana @ my little celebration says
Ooohh, I’ve been wanting to try these out with my bananas!
Katie says
Awesome!!!! I would love to try these bags out on lots of my produce. Like the majority of comments so far I would say definitely bananas would be first.
Alex @ The Plum Foodie says
Lucky ducky – where I live, there are no decent farmers markets. I’m so bummed. Looks like you picked up a load of goodies. Enjoy!
Alanna says
I would definitely try out bananas. That is one fruit that always goes bad way too quickly for me!
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
I have a habit of buying more produce than we can eat, so I need these bags to keep everything fresh!
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
I like you on FB (and in real life too, haha). 🙂
Liz @ IHeartVegetables says
I’ve never even heard of such an awesome invention!!! I’d want to try this with avocados, or tomatoes!
Jess C says
I need these for strawberries. Organic is best but definitely doesn’t last as long!
Lauren B says
I love farmers’ markets too! But lately, it seems like my beautiful peaches that I find there are going bad within a day or two! (Probably thanks to no-pesticides!) I’d love to try these bags with juicy peaches!
Maureen says
If they work that well on Bananas I would love to use them for that and lettuce and cherries and grapes.
Kristin @ eat healthy. be happy. live well says
There’s only two of us to make dinner for, so I don’t go through my produce as much as I’d like to because we have lots of leftovers! I’d love to try out these bags to save some of my favorite veggies from meeting my trash can 🙂
Brooke @ Veggie Table says
I soo need to try out these bags! Being a vegetarian, I buy A LOT of veggies and fruits – sadly, some of them do get thrown out before I can eat them. Would love to solve that problem!
Brooke @ Veggie Table says
I already like you on facebook (and like your blog too!)
Sarah for Real says
I’d be curious to try a cut avocado too! Of course, that would put a serious hole in my “I have to eat the whole thing or it will turn brown” excuse…
Katie H says
It looks like you had a nice weekend! I love Farmers markets!
I like your idea of trying the bag with an avocado- I hate how if you only use half the other half turns brown!
Melissa @ Be Not Simply Good says
I’d try them on berries! If it works on cut avocado, that would be super!
Aleisha says
I love the idea of these bags! I would use them on Bananas, I love bananas but can’t sue them fast enough before turning brown
Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons says
eeeee awesome! I refuse to eat a banana once there are spots on it! so these would be total perfection!
Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons says
like ya on facebook! ooof course! <3
Tiff G says
This would be a lifesaver! I am always buying too much produce and it goes bad before I get a chance to eat it all …perfect solution 🙂
Brooke Dixon says
These look great! I make all of LK’s food
So it would be fantastic to keep some of my
Produce fresher longer!!
Ellen says
These look great!
Bannanas and mushrooms (they always seem slimey after a day or two)
Karlee @olivewineandfood says
i would like to try out avocados too!! and bananas. and peaches.
Karlee @olivewineandfood says
it just told me i was commenting too quickly and to slow down! ha. i also like you on facebook : )
Kristen says
Definitely bananas and sliced mushrooms.
Danica says
I would most like to try them with bananas. It seems like they go from almost perfect to eat to super brown overnight.
Danica says
I also “like” A Healthy Slice of Life on Facebook!
Melissa says
So wish i lived on the water. I’d like to try avocado for sure and lettuce. I can’t stand when my spinach leaves or lettuce gets that icky dark green.
Kelly says
These sound fabulous! It makes me so anxious to either have to toss fruits and veggies that have gone bad, or incorporate them into enough meals to use up within a short period of time. These definitely sound worth trying!
Heather says
Strawberries! They always seem to go bad way too quick!
Roz says
OOOH….LOVE the Farmer’s Market pictures Brittany. I’m in Canada, so pretty sure I can’t enter the giveaway, but am very curious to hear how they worked for people. Have a great week.
Anastasia says
These bags sound awesome! I would definitely use mine on cucumbers. They always seem to go bad on me because I don’t eat the quick enough.
Julie says
I’d like to try these bags on lettuce and other salad produce because I feel like I end up throwing a lot of food away!:(
Sue says
I like to prep vegetables and fruit for the week in ready-to-eat (or ready to put in a salad) portions in the fridge. Hoping these bags will keep them fresh all week! Also liked you on Facebook!
Natalie says
I’ve been buying organic produce at Trader Joes and it hasn’t been lasting long!! So much wasted food…
ALSO! I liked you on FB 🙂
Elle says
I would like these bags because as a college student I have NO money and my produce goes bad before I can enjoy it all 🙁
Elle says
I like you on fb 🙂
Wehaf says
I use these for cucumbers, which always seem to go bad quickly.