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I have a theory. My theory is that kids and vegetables are not natural born enemies. Maybe I’ve met one too many friends that swear their kids love broccoli to be convinced that by kids are destined to despise all things green. So why is it such a widespread belief?
The media.
I know they get blamed for everything, an easy scapegoat if you will. But think about it- haven’t you seen plenty of old school TV shows or commercials that show children turning their noses up at whatever is on the dinner plate, only to be shown seconds later lit up like Christmas trees as their parents hand them XYZ product? I get that it’s a fun concept to poke fun at, but I’ve been told my favorite vegetable growing up was the artichoke, I see Hailey and Kaitlyn gobble down cherry tomatoes and have plenty of friends share with me that their children will flat out devour some carrot sticks.
So I have this plan to call a truce. Let’s stop propagating this Kids Hate Vegetables myth. I don’t expect my girls to suddenly jump for joy at every vegetable the encounter (after all, the homely beet is having a heck of a time trying to win me over), but I truly believe we can reverse this long-standing feud. I mean, if being nerdy is now cool, then can’t loving veggies follow? I think so.
Ok then, great theory, but how? How does one go about calling a veggie truce? I have a few ideas…
1. Get your kids involved. Have you seen some vegetables in their natural state? Some look downright freaky (I’m looking at you, root vegetables). When presented with an option between a freshly-pulled parsnip and a perfectly squared cracker box with Jake the Pirate slapped on the front, who do you think the kids will opt for? Exactly.
So take your kids to the grocery store, or better yet, the farmers market. Let them get comfortable with how vegetables look. Let them pick out any vegetable they want. Thanks to the internets, you can quickly google how to prepare even the craziest looking candidates. Get them in the kitchen and let them learn how to peel it. Let them smell it, touch it. Heck, take them out back and let them get their hands dirty while they learn that you can GROW food.
I’ve found that it doesn’t really matter what you grow- shoot, start with mint- that weed, ahem plant, will grow anywhere. But showing them they can grow something then eat it will rock their world.
2. Make vegetables taste good. Sure, some vegetables might taste just fine flying solo (cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber… ok, no cucumber for my kids, though I still don’t quite understand why), but others can use a little doctoring up.
Let them taste test salad dressings for dipping, toss them in oil and sprinkle them with salt to roast, throw them on the grill, saute them with a little butter, pack them into a smoothie or juice. I want to eat a piece of boiled cauliflower about as much as I want to endure trying to get an overtired preschooler to clean up her toys, so make is tasty!
3. Don’t force them. The best way to kill any idea with kids? Make it mandatory. If I’ve learned anything while parenting over the past 3.5 years, it’s that power struggles always result in a lose/lose situation. Options are the way to go. Let them choose which vegetable will go with dinner. Let them choose how to prepare them. Now, I’m not saying they get to completely run the show, but letting Hailey take some ownership in decisions has worked really well for us. Hailey, would you rather have broccoli or zucchini (always broccoli). Do you want to squeeze the lemon on it or should I (always her).
4. Stop hiding vegetables and celebrate them instead. Before you throw that rotten tomato my way, let me elaborate. Sneaking things essentially tells us that there is something to hide. When I sneaked out of the house while growing up, I was hiding it (though my parents tell me I wasn’t hiding it well). When we sneak vegetables into food, we are usually trying to hide them, solidifying the idea that they need to be masked. I’m not saying to stop putting spinach in smoothies or beans into brownies (if that’s your thing), but why hide it? Celebrate it- Isn’t spinach delicious in this (strawberry-banana-almost-milkshake-like) smoothie?!
I firmly believe in not hiding vegetables, which was why I was so excited when I discovered Bitsy’s Brain Food.
Bitsy’s Brainfood was started by two moms that believe that learning to eat healthy should be fun. We share the idea that vegetables shouldn’t be hidden because we want kids to embrace vegetables, knowing that yes they are good for them, but more importantly that they taste good too!
Their cereals and cookies are baked with organic fruits and vegetables, are non-GMO and their Smart Cookies even have Omega 3 DHA + EPA. Nice.
What I love about this brand is that they are all about helping kids to embrace vegetables; it’s even right on the label- ZUCCHINI Gingerbread Carrot cookies. This was the perfect product to test on Hailey, being that zucchini is usually on her ‘no eat’ list.
She grabbed the package and asked what they were. I told her. They’re zucchini and carrot gingerbreads! She was a little hesitant, but the letter shapes drew her in, then it was love at first bite. Now she’s all like, they’re my favorite!
Am I surprised? No. They are delicious. They are cookies. They taste like delicious cookies. But if knowing they are made with zucchini and carrots can help her have a positive association with zucchini, then let’s have her treats be zucchini and carrot cookies!
Tara says
Grilled veggies are always the biggest hit in our house. Bring on the warm weather!!
Dana says
Such a great post! Yup, when my now 14 and 16 yr old were young I was the mom who put spinach in their brownies (yuck!) and mixed pureed carrots in their mac and cheese. Anything to get them to eat more vegetables! But now with my 6 yr old…you are so right, celebrating the vegetables is the way to go. Since she was younger she would get so excited helping me in the kitchen, peeling veggies while grabbing a few to munch on, helping in the garden. She loves them. She has her favorites of course but she is much more willing to try a veggie that she helped prepare 🙂 I will have to try those cookies…. do you think my 16 yr old will eat them ?? Ha Ha…he is still not a veggie lover 🙂
Melissa says
Love fresh salads!
Jennifer U says
I think this is a great post. Vegetables are so important for kids to enjoy. My son who is 2.5 years old definitely prefers fruits over vegetables (I think he will try any fruit in the world and he has at least 5 to 6 servings of fruit a day). He will always pick a banana or blueberry snack over any processed snack. Vegetables are still tricky with him but he does a lot of different ones. He loves to work in his grandpa’s garden to help pick green beans and cucumbers. I also love to take him to the farmers market and explore all that earth’s bounty.
irene says
we love vegetables is fresh salads. my son ,2, loves to help grate carrots, add seeds, toss. he will of course eat the croutons first but then also eat the entire rainbow because he helped make it.
Kelly says
My 3 & 5 year old loooooove artichokes! Another favorite we’ve been having fun with in our house is having the girls help prep veggies for a homemade salad bar, then they get to go down the line & pick which veggies they’d like in their own little salad bowls!
Corinne says
We love raw vegetables (carrots, peppers, green beans, tomatoes..) but also grilled!
Alison says
My 2 year old always surprises us with which vegetables she likes! We love roasted vegetables, especially broccoli!
Alise says
Kale salad pulsed a few times in the food processor.. Miles ate THREE helpings last night! Had company for dinner and they could not believe it.
Michael Clare says
My family LOVES veggies – we have them every night, typically in steamed form – with salt and pepper! Yum!
Tonya Scott says
My 10 month old LOVES the Bitsy’s Brainfood products! I feel much better giving her those cookies than traditional “puffs”. I especially love the alphabet shapes. It’s never too early to start learning your ABCs!!!
Brynn says
I could not agree more, vegetables should be celebrated. We have veggies all day and I let the family pick out what they want when we go to the store.
Maggie says
My family loves roasted veggies! We love playing with the seasoning and they love to help me lay the veggies out on the pan.
Eileen says
Our family loves broccoli! Our 9 month old will eat any vegetable I give him….my husband is a different story but he tries!!
Sarah T says
Grilled in the summer, roasted in the winter!
Lisa says
My 1 and 4 year olds will always eat frozen peas. Both kids are pretty good about trying just about anything, but if they are not fans of whatever vegetable I’ve made, I know I can rely on frozen peas.
Cassie S says
Lots of color….roasted brussel sprouts, pomegranate and feta cheese. When in doubt, roast them.
Megan says
I always roast a bunch of veggies at the beginning of the week to have on hand for quick lunches or sides. This week it is beets, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower. My two year old wants to eat all of it because she sees me eating it. We also can’t wait to plant our garden, last summer my daughter was eating cucumbers and tomatoes and snap peas as she picked them!
Heather @Fit n Cookies says
Love grilled veggies! If only spring and summer came fast so we could grill more!
Beth says
We love veggies in our house and practice a lot of the same rules as you. I do try to make Claire at least try something before she can declare she doesn’t like it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. 🙂
Tricia says
We love them roasted! My three year old really only eats sweet potatoes!!
Sarah says
My husband grew up NEVER eating his veg. His dad didn’t so he wouldn’t. I think It annoys my mother in law now because he eats spinach (with cheese, stuffed in chicken) and carrots/celery (in split pea soup) when I make it. He still wouldn’t touch a side of roasted veg, or a crudites platter… baby steps…
Jessica says
Those cookies look so amazing.
I have found that the best way to get my toddler to try new things is to sit down and eat it with him. When he sees me eating it he is much more likely to try.
Right now my son loves to dip carrots into nut butter and pop whole cherry tomatoes into his mouth. He is crazy about raw veggies.
Thank you for the great giveaway!!
Ashley says
We love veggies in our house – even my 3.5 year old! Out favorite way to cook them is roasted with fresh garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. I love this post and especially agree about getting kids involved. My daughter loves to cook with me, and loves learning about the different vegetables at the store.
Would love to try these products, thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Shana says
If I roast a vegetable with some olive oil and sea salt my girls are much more likely to enjoy it! Plus they’re just delicious that way!!
Katie says
My two boys (almost 4 and 2) love roasted broccoli. It was the first thing my 2 year old ate off his plate last night. Toss broccoli in olive oil, touch salt/pepper (I use very little) and a couple of garlic cloves cut into big chunks…giving some yummy flavor. Roast between 350-400 until starts to brown.
Sara says
We LOVE roasted veggies… tossed with olive oil, kosher salt & garlic.
Andrea says
My 5 and 3 year old love cucumbers, carrots and peppers. They also love spinach salads. I’ll dice the spinach up and they like it with balsamic dressing.
Kate says
When my niece and nephew (3 & 5) are with me I always try to encourage them to try new things, but I fear that I am too late. They are already anti-veggies. Maybe these cookies would convince them!
It makes me excited for when I have my kids, that I may be able to instill a love early on.
Christie says
Hey friend! I am a combo of making them eat them (they have to try at least one bite) but we also let them pick between two. This or that. We love spaghetti squash- it’s been a reoccurring fav this winter!
Erin says
Great Post! We love grilling and roasting veggies!
Ally says
We love our veggies roasted with salt, olive oil, and garlic powder! Salads are always great, especially as it warms up! My 5 month old likes them roasted and pureed 🙂
Michelle says
Grilled with olive oil, salt and pepper is best!!
Carolyn says
We don’t hide our vegetables, either! I make sure we have veggies on the side at every lunch and dinner. If my 3-year-old is feeling picky, I give her some freeze-dried veggies. Because they’re dry and crunchy, they feel more like a snack to her. But they’re still super tasty and nutritious!
Lauren S says
My almost 2 year old son would eat peas at every meal if I served them. I sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt and lots pepper.
Ali says
Roasted with sea salt is a hit here!
Meghan says
My two year old loves cherry tomatoes with “dip” or hummus. He also loves the Bitsy cookies, especially because they are in the shape of letter!
Gabbie says
Sauteed veggies with a little butter, garlic, salt and pepper are definitely a staple at my house.
Heather says
Great post! My son is 2.5 and he really doesn’t like most vegetables. In fact, I call B.S. on all that advice of “offer it to them 10 times and then they’ll try it” because he gets offered vegetables every day at day care and he never eats them! There are two things he will eat, though: frozen peas (always frozen) and sweet potatoes in just about any form. So we eat a lot of sweet potatoes: roasted, baked, in a casserole, as fries. At least he’s getting Vitamin A!
Jane says
Roasted – we love ALL veggies with a little EVOO, salt, pepper cooked to perfection at high heat.
Kristen M says
We LOVE roasted veggies! Brings out a great flavor 🙂
But my one year old prefers veggies out of the crockpot. I think it’s because they get nice and soft and absorb the flavors of the broth. Yum!
Lauren Foster says
This post puts into words my philosophy on the kid-veggie phenomenon!! I truely believe that if they are exposed to different foods and given options of which foods to try they will learn what healthy, balanced eating looks like. Healthy snacks like these are great to supplement when moods are less-than optimal or when traveling when larger battles such as bedtimes and such are needing to be fought! I’d love to try some of these yummy snacks- for my two kids, of course 🙂
Lindsey @ Simply Lindsey says
We love roasting veggies, especially asparagus!
Reid says
My number 1 favorite way to eat vegetables is to toss green beans with olive oil and pepper and roast them. So good!
Katie says
My daughter loves broccoli – she always out-eats the rest of our family. Nothing I can take credit for, she loves it any way she can get it 🙂
Heather says
My son’s favorite veggie right now is green beans tossed with olive oil, garlic and onion powder. Now that it’s almost grilling season, though, I’m looking forward to grilling lots of veggies! I’m hoping to get the kids involved making kabobs and grilled veggie packs. There are plenty of veggies neither kiddo will eat, but I keep offering them in different ways and I’m just happy knowing that each kiddo has at least a couple veggies I can always count on them to eat, and they both love adding a big handful of spinach to smoothies. 😉
Hillary says
We love making pizzas on eggplant or zucchini!
Kristin says
Of course my family doesnt love all veggies but the ones we do I make sure to incorporate them into our meals everyday or most days. My daughter really enjoys raw veggies where my husband will only eat spinach and I love all veggies well besides peas (forced to eat as a child)
Carly says
We love veggies! Both my olmost 1 yr old and 3 yr old eat tons of veggies. We just offer them as we offer anything else. My 3 yr old loves helping me cook and will snack on the veggies as we prepare the food.
Gitisha says
we sauté the vegetables, sometimes eat it raw. My 4 yr old loves helping me pick vegs, clean it, chop it and sometimes cook it. So much fun and the best way to feed them.
charlotte cromwell says
We love veggies in big salads or grilled! Looking forward to the snow melting and starting the garden. Nothing better then cucumber sandwiches!
Shanna says
Our family loves roasted broccoli. If the kids are having a low veggie day I can always get them to eat carrots and ranch dip!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
We love veggies grilled! Definitely the best way! Last Saturday I made some paleo carrot cake pancakes that had a cup of shredded carrots in them, they were so delicious!
Abby says
My kids (3 and 20 months) love stir fried veggies! We make our own stir fry sauce too which they help mix.
Kelsey says
Grilled, roasted, veggie lasagna or soup!
lana says
roasted veggies are our favorite!!! i have been wanting to start a veggie garden with the kids for years now. after reading this post, i just got excited and decided THIS year is going to be the year! even if we start small…
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
I love this! I think kids will only hate vegetables if you act like they should!
Laura H says
We love veggies in our house! Roasted, grilled, or mixed in sauces and casseroles 🙂 Excited to try these new products!
Dorothy says
My little man is still 8 months old, so he’s loving pureed veggies, as well as steamed carrots, bell pepper strips and broccoli!
Britt says
I’m ALL about some green smoothies! My morning doesn’t feel right without them. I’m also with Hailey – broccoli is the best!
Kristin says
We love roasted veggies! 400 degrees with olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper – even my almost three year old loves them!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
LOVE what you have to say in this post! I needed this reminder!
A couple ways both my toddler and I love veggies is spinach in smoothies, kale chips, and roasted sweet potato rounds!
Marnie @ SuperSmartMama says
Brittany, judging from the number of comments, you’ve definitely struck a nerve today – and a good one it seems. I know that we started off on the right path with our son and then when he was two years old, we moved, and thanks (not) to the stress of relocating, having to house hunt, and everything else, making sure my son was a getting a good variety of foods fell by the wayside. I’m hoping that things go better with child #2 (who is only three months old) and I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve mentioned above. I’m hoping we’ll plant our first garden this year and maybe that will bring the three year old around to the side of loving vegetables.
Tara says
We love to grow our own vegetables! My toddler loves to help me check the plants, and pull the ripe vegetables. He even sneaks cherry tomatoes right off the plant to snack on while we work. Sometimes we have cherry tomatoes for dessert!
Jenn says
We eat a lot of salads in our house. Our 3 year old and 9 month old eat deconstructed salads 😉 basically the toppings, not the lettuce.
Erin G says
My 2.5 year old son loves helping me make smoothies and always announced what fruits and vegetables he puts in the blender. “In goes the spinach!” “In goes the carrots!” So yes, the vegetables are a little more disguised in the smoothie, but they’re not hidden since he puts them in himself and then drinks the smoothie. He won’t eat spinach on his own yet (still waiting for that one to happen), but he now loves raw carrots apart from a smoothie.
Sherri @ Adventures of Love and Marriage says
We love making sweet potato fries, sauteing spinach, and roasting asparagus. My 15-mo loves veggies (depending on the day of the week).
Stephanie says
I just plop them right onto her high chair and let her go at it. I try hard to eat as many veggies in front of my toddler as I can. If she sees me eating them, she’s usually pretty interested in trying them.
Beth says
I make these brocoli potato patties (they have cheese ) and pan fry them in olive oil. They r toddler and hubby approved!
Jen says
My kids love adding all kinds of vegetables to their tacos- it’s fun for them to build it themselves.
Angie Jerde says
I can not get enough veggies!!! I make sure to pack my meals full of them every day. I especially love roasting them or this time of the year throw them on the grill. I always make extra and use them for salads, sides or just snacks : )
Kelsie says
I love any vegetable when it is roasted!! But my absolute favorite is roasted sweet potatoes!
alyssa says
roasted veggies are a family favorite!!!!
Laura says
My 3 year old son loves his raw veggies with some Newman’s Own Ranch dressing. He’ll eat snap peas, broccoli, and carrots this way. He also loves most veggies steamed with a little butter and salt. Thanks for a great blog!
Jamie says
We absolutely love sweet potato fries and roasted carrots.
laura says
We love oven roasted anything! Little olive oil, little sea salt. The rainbow carrots are a new favorite, too. Coconut oil and cinnamon. My three year old thinks they are a “real treat, Mommy.”
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
My favorite way to enjoy vegetables is in my green smoothies in the morning! They are also killer in soups and stir-fries!
Kristen Lopez says
My kiddos love broccoli any way it’s prepared, but we all especially love it roasted with shaved parmesan cheese!
Stacy says
Great post! I’m trying to keep on the track of putting vegetables on my 2 yr old’s plate every meal, even if he refuses to try them and I just wind up throwing them away! But I figure he’ll never learn to eat them unless he’s presented with them. Thanks for some more helpful tips. We will be planting a garden this week and can’t wait!
My husband loves vegetables now, but it took a few years of being married to me for him to realize vegetables could be delicious (his parents still pick the greens out of the food I make!).
My husband and my favorite vegetables are definitely roasted and my son swoons over green smoothies.
Nicole says
We love sautéing veggies in olive oil or adding shredded veggies to muffins!
Marla Hoffman says
We put kale in our smoothies and grow it in a container on our deck. I love when my son tells people how much he loves kale!
Nicole says
We love to roast veggies in the winter, and grill them when it’s warmer! Our little one is about to start solids, and I can’t wait to introduce him to all of our fave veggies!
Lizzy says
Such a great post! My twins are only 6 months, but this has given me great ideas in introducing vegtables into their diet.
I think my favorite way to eat vegtables is grilled.
Megan says
We just started baby-led weaning so we’re enjoying veggies raw and steamed. So far, broccoli and corn are the winners!
Nikki Brennan says
We love edamame. Any way you prepare it, my Little Face will devour it.
Emily says
Shredded zucchini in morning oatmeal!
Sarah says
Grilled or roasted veggies are our favorites! Yum!!
Amy says
I’ve gotten my husband to try so many veggies he claimed to hate by roasting them!
Elizabeth Evans says
Me & my family like to eat veggie cups! We cut veggies into strips and stand them up in small little cups.
Emily Luellwitz says
One of my son’s favorites right now are raw red, orange, or yellow peppers! It helps if I cut them into bite size pieces.
Molly says
On the grill – I can’t wait to start that up again! 🙂
Molly says
On the grill – I can’t wait to start that up again!
Andrea says
I love roasted vegetables, especially cauliflower and sweet potatoes. The hardest part is the chopping, they taste delicious and you can mix up the seasonings for tons of different varieties!
Briana Lucas says
Excellent post. Just getting into the “picky” toddler ways with my 2.2 year old. I’ve found recently that she will eat FROZEN VEGGIES. just right out of the bag from the freezer. I think she likes the crunch. I’ve done peas, carrots, and corn so far. If this route doesn’t work, She will eat veggies in soups. I give her a new veggie with every meal even if she doesn’t eat it. I feel like eventually she will. I remember growing up my Dad would put 1 green bean on my plate, and i’d have to eat it. Then the next time it would be two, then three, etc. Now my favorite veggies is green beans. If only I could find a way for Daddy to eat veggies now. Oye Vey.
Caitlin says
I am always so impressed by your kids eating habits and have learned a lot! Simple is always best- roasting vegetables is soo easy and delicious. Toss anything really (Staples are green beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, okra, asparagus are really good roasted as well!) with some olive oil and salt and pepper and we’re good to go! Hope to win 😉
Wanda W says
My one year old loves carrots! We eat them raw and cooked. Grilled is a great way too.
Michelle says
We love our veggies on the grill when the weather’s warm. We’re trying to involve our 3 year old in helping with the garden. She helped plant the seeds, and we’ve enjoyed watching them sprout. Can’t wait to get our hands in the dirt!
Jen@jpabstfitness says
Each kid gets 1 night a week to pick that dinner’s vegetable, they also love any vegetable that can be dunked in ranch.
Ashlyn says
We love roasting a big bunch of veggies in the oven. My son will also eat the heck out of mashed sweet potatoes. He hates them in any other form, but mash them with a little honey and he’s first in line!
Kristen ecm says
We all love roasted broccoli-including my 2 year old son!
Jen W. says
I love juicing my fresh veggies. So flavorful & nutritious…..
Shannon D. says
We love our veggies roasted in the oven! Yum!
Amanda Mangan says
We love to grill them!
Audrina says
We love roasted veggies! My 3 yr old calls them sugar veggies when they are cooked that way because they taste so sweet without adding any sugar!
Christine says
I love using my mandolin, slicing my veggies thin and roasting them with salt/pepper, olive oil and whatever other seasonings I feel like adding!
Irina S. says
We enjoy vegetables from the grill.
Muna says
we love roasted vegetables! My 3 year old is picky but eats sweet potatoes , asparagus broccoli, carrots , cucumbers and bell peppers (they have to be red!) I agree kids don’t really hate vegetables.
Lauren Eberle says
Picnics! Perhaps it’s the Spring Fever talkin’, but our family loves anything eaten outside 🙂
Jodie says
Man, any veggie grilled is a hit with us!! Veggie lovers over here!
Julie says
Now that the weather is finally warming up, we are LOVING asparagus on the grill!
Brenda says
Yes! I read the entire post thinking, ‘Exactly!’ You hit it spot on as to why kids stereotypically don’t like veggies. I go as far as to change the words in my son’s books to reflect positively on veggies. In a particular Berenstain Bears book, Brother Bear doesn’t want to eat his broccolli, but when I read the story, he loves it! Haha. My son (3) eats green beans, beets, okra, carrots, and just about everything else. It helps that he sees me eating them and saying things like, “this asparagus is perfect. I could eat the whole pan!” I literally never complain about veggies in front of him. It’s almost ridiculous. Great post!
Vicky N. says
Almost any veggie roasted or grilled!
Abby B says
My almost 3 year old isn’t the best at eating his veggies…one day he loves raw carrots, the next day he’ll spit them out. But, we do usually have some success mixing them with something else like pasta or rice. I love grilled veggies the best…especially zucchini/summer squash and sweet corn on the cob! And I love fresh tomatoes with just a little bit of salt.
Kim says
Love, Love, Love Grilled Veggies! I agree if you present them like they are normal, then kids no different and eat them like they would eat anything else. Cucumbers are a favorite around here, always are eating 3-4 a week 🙂
Ashley Davitt says
My 2 year old and I love putting spinach in our smoothies and he can’t get enough roasted broccoli, which is ok by me!
Laura @FitMamaLove says
What a great post! I firmly believe in not being sneaky with vegetables–if I add them into things, I’m going to tell my kids about it and still offer them very visible veggies with their meals. Even when I buy those fruit and veggie pouches for snack, I tell them everything that’s in them. These sound like great new snack items for my kids and who doesn’t want them to get more veggies in their diet??
Erin says
My family loves, loves, loves veggies grilled the most! And we love to add them to smoothies too!
Kim says
I really enjoyed reading this! Your sponsored content posts are always SO well written and entertaining, I love how you’re not just pushing a certain product. I love this blog.
Breanne says
We grow vegetables in our backyard. My girls love picking peas off the vine and eating them. My 7 year olds favorite is an artichoke!
Susannah W says
We love fresh salads around here – even my 3yo! Hooray for warmer weather!
Kristin says
We roast our veggies and most of the time they are a hit! I also have been known to use ketchup or bbq sauce to get my 3 year kid to eat more veggies 🙂
Melissa says
We love raw, roasted & juiced veggies!
Jen B says
I love this! My girls are in a picky eating phase but they roasted veggies…especially sweet potato.
MAndi S says
My 2 year old is so picky. It constantly stresses me thinking he isn’t getting all he needs. These would be great for him to try! We like to grill veggies
Ann Paquette-Lukens says
My little ones will eat pretty much any veggie I put on pizza. I don’t need to hide them!
Kristy says
We have a raised garden. Each year we take the kids to help pick out what veggies we want to grow. Then we plan our meals around the veggies as they are ready to be picked.
Lauren says
We love roasted veggies and salads and my daughter loves to help add spinach to our smoothies and to help me make salad. Tonight she was using her toddler knife to cut up cucumbers. I totally agree with all your tips-make them taste good, celebrate them, and have your kids help in the kitchen!
Carlee says
For now, Gregory, my two year old isn’t a fan of many foods, including veggies. We prepare them together, look up recipes that look good together, go to the grocery store and pick them out, etc. it hasn’t gotten him to eat them yet, but he knows I love them, and that there are lots of fun ways to prepare them!
Ana says
Grilled veggies are always a hit around here. Also, broccoli tossed with Mac and cheese.
Lauren Brennan says
Both of my boys LOVE frozen peas/carrots/corn/edamame! Me, I prefer a huge salad or roasted with olive oil and salt!
Elisa says
We are a vegan family so we live on veggies! Every morning starts w a green smoothie made of kale/collard, banana, orange, avocado, celery, blueberries, pineapple and pea protein powder. My 7 month old loves it daily! Yummo!
Urban Wife says
Our family loves eating veggies when roasted or sautéed. Smoothies are also another one of our favorite ways to enjoy them and get extra bonus servings in.
Theresa says
My daughter finally are some roasted veggies last night. I wonder if it’s media involvement or what but her first reaction to veggies is ‘I no like that’. So we continue to struggle there…
Heather says
My toddler loves green smoothies. She puts in a handful of spinach and I add the fruit and water. She does a little dance when it’s blending! Also, we’ve tried a bag of the zucchini carrot cookies and loved them. The fact they’re shaped like letters is awesome!
beckie says
We steam our veggies the majority of the time and always taste delicious! I always give my 16 month old whatever we are eating so he understands that whatever is made is whatever is to be eaten.
Char says
I wholeheartedly agree with veggies in a positive light for kids. I haven’t had any issues with Nia eating veggies just because it’s what she’s known from the start, and I think that’s why I’ve always questioned why veggies = yucky to kids is even a concept. Parents don’t need to believe that especially if they show them the amazingness that vegetables actually offer!
Those snacks sound awesome too. Love that they come in the shape of letters. Totally a snack I could see myself stealing off of Nia! haha
Lindsay says
Roasted in olive oil with salt. So yummy! Can’t wait to try those cookies!
Alissa says
Roasted veggies are a favorite in our household! A little bit of EVOO and salt and pepper, throw ’em in the oven and they taste delicious!
Brittany K says
My 5 year old is super picky! Not just with “healthy” foods, but with everything. The thing that works for us is just putting a little of everything on her plate. She has to try it but if she doesn’t like it, we’ll try to prep it differently next time and try again. Her favorite veggies she’ll never turn down are raw kale (plain, no dressing) and carrots.
Cellabella says
I love to make “kitchen sink” salads with fresh green, leftover cooked/roasted vegetables, and bits and bobs from the fridge and pantry (veggies, cheeses, nuts, olives, etc.) No matter what, there’s always something in there the family likes 🙂
Madeline says
I love roasting veggies because it brings out the sweetness in most veggies. And I try to eat as many different varieties of vegetables so I can be a model for my daughter. She’s only recently been eating solids, so I want to show her that mommy loves to eat and try lots of things!
Ashlee brown says
Such a cute post Brittany! I find I can get my daughter to eat way more vegetables when they are added to soups!
Miranda says
My kids loooooove broccoli! My daughter (8) will say “You cooked it my favorite way!” Really she means I burnt/crisped it a little because….well I have three kids so insert excuse here!
Maria B says
Roasted root vegetables have been on regular rotation in our home during the past few winter months. Now that it’s spring, we will grill vegetables as often as possible.
Heather C says
Spinach in our eggs every morning!
Kristine says
Roasted veges are a huge hit in my household. We gobble those up quick!
Robin S says
We like our veggies in salad or roasted.
Laura @ says
We have a roasted veggie and a frozen veggie several times a week! I love that I can do a little chopping, toss the veg in the oven, prepare the main dish, and then cook a frozen veggie in the microwave for a few minutes. Lots of veggies for very little work!
Emily says
Grilled! YUM 🙂