Even if you’re really good at making lemonade, it’s ok to just have lemons some days. That was my Friday. A lot of lemons. It’s really hard for me to whine on here because there isn’t one thing that I can point to that was so wrong, but a combination of little things, including only 4 hours of sleep due to extreme allergies/swollen eyes/etc which I’m sure was the kicker.
However, I certainly don’t feel right whining about my small inconveniences today either. Memorial Day is often seen as the kick off to summer and a really fun three-day weekend, which it is, because of the brave men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice to secure our freedoms. We watched American Sniper on Saturday night and that movie is just, wow, heavy. I think I just sat there is silence for 30 minutes afterwards just reflecting. I have incredible respect for our military, including the families of those that serve and it sure puts my frustrations in perspective.
Despite allergies, doctor appointments, changes in plans, broken washing machines, overflowing to-do lists, busted fuel lines, dead batteries and other minor annoyances (oh lookie there, I guess I did list them out) we did have a nice weekend. To ease back into blogging (it’s amazing what three days off does to my mojo!), I’m relying on the cute little survey I’ve seen going around…
Lately I’ve Been…
Making… jam. Lots of jam.
Cooking… not much actually. We had pizza Friday night and burgers the past two nights. Mojo = Off. We have been enjoying our first watermelon of the season though- juicy and fabulous!
Drinking… coffee. I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker but perhaps having a second child has finally made me a convert?
Reading… ha. and my to do list?
Wanting… to turn all my recorded videos into DVDs. The only problem is that I have a TON and they are all in different video file formats. Can anyone help me with this?
Looking… forward to going to the BEACH soon with my family!
Playing… at Discovery Place Kids. It’s been a while since we’ve been there but recently we’ve made a few trips and the girls are both at great ages to soak it up.
Wishing… for rain to wash this pollen away. Or to move out west where grass pollen isn’t trying to slowly kill me. (Fear not, my appointment with the allergist is tomorrow and perhaps it will help to cease my whining!)
Enjoying… the water! I’ve successfully taken both girls to the pool solo and even had my inaugural dip in the lake.
Waiting… for our bathroom to be finished so I can share it with you! Most of the big things are complete, so I’m just waiting on a few details (like our tub that evidently doesn’t work as it should…) to be fixed.
Wearing… my mom bathing suit ) and loving it. Thank you slimming black sides for working your magic. Oh, and nose filters if you look closely.
Wondering… how anyone with three kids or more goes anywhere. Can y’all come show me how it’s done? I swear it took us over an hour to get ready to go on the boat yesterday between sunscreen and packing the necessities. Totally worth it, but boating has definitely transformed from a relaxing pastime to a hands-on endeavor that requires copious amounts of snacks.
Loving… the bows that my friend Leah gave Kaitlyn. I don’t have a clue how to have her wear them correctly but they’re cuuuuuuute!
Hoping… that Koda continues to take well to her treatments. I met a dog at her appointment the other day that was 5 months post treatments and still enjoying remission. Positive thoughts only! And she sure is a happy pup with this warm weather lately. Living the lake life… drinking a brewski… chillaxin…
Following… my own orders and hitting it hard this morning. David is working today so I’m using this holiday to try and knock some things off my list. I know I’ll be glad I did come this evening. And now to that coffee I mentioned…
Is it warm where you are- have you been swimming yet?
Allergy sufferers… group hug??
Pick a descriptor from above and fill me in on what’s been going on with you lately!
John J. says
Cute pictures. Hope the allergist figures it out for you. See you soon for beach time!
Jodi says
Thankful for my family ( everyday, almost pathologically thankful… Is that such a thing??) Oh and portable wifi. I got 2 hours of work done yesterday in the car on the drive home. It’s the little things…
Brittany Dixon says
Haha, I love the way you put this because YES I feel like I’m almost pathologically thankful/grateful too. I always wonder if it gets annoying sounding, but I really am so grateful every day. Glad to hear you are too 🙂
Jodi says
I just hit post before i got a chance to say I love the suit!! Last year I got a new bikini for Aruba and so far this year, I am not feeling bikini ready AT.ALL. Need mom suit ASAP.
Amy says
Have you ever tried taking local honey before allergy season begins? My husband has done it the past two years and no allergies and he used to have them bad.
Brittany Dixon says
Yes, I love local honey and do think it helps, but my allergies seem to have kicked up in severity this year. Love that it works so well for your husband though!
Liv @ Healthy Liv says
Your “mom swimsuit” is so cute! Very stylish. And I’ll join the allergy sufferers group hug 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
I’m sorry you struggle with them too- it can be really miserable! <3
Danielle says
You are more than welcome to come take some of our rain. We’re going on 3 weeks of rain and the last 2 have been with flood warnings.
Brittany Dixon says
Oh man, why can’t the weather just balance things out a bit more fairly?! Sending some sunshine your way!
Johanna says
Drinking : Coffee too! And I was never a coffee drinker either. But I have a 7 month old who likes to give me 4:30 am wake up calls. My sister introduced me to the S’mores frap at Starbucks which is more dessert then coffee but that lead me to try a bunch of new kinds of coffee.
I’m thankful the weather here is gorgeous and getting warmer. Today is sunny and 88 so we will be in the pool today
Brittany Dixon says
oh man, a smores frap sounds deliciously dangerous!! YUM 😉
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Cheers to coffee! I’m brewing some right now! Haha
Heather says
Wishing: I didn’t have to go back to work on Wednesday. It was hard after the first one, but the being at home bug has hit me hard this time. I have really enjoyed all of the time I have gotten to spend with both kids.
I’m with you on how do people ever leave their house with two children. I feel like I have joined a circus when I’m trying to get everyone out of the house. It is warm here, but I haven’t gone swimming b/c I’m not quite ready to put my recently pregnant body in a bathing suit. I love your swimsuit!
Brittany Dixon says
Sending you a virtual hug Heather! There never seems to be an easy answer with balancing work and being at home, as I’ve seen for many friends and struggle with myself at times too. Hopefully when you get back in the swing of things it will feel easier and more routine. <3
Elizabeth Evans says
Loving: I too am loving my one piece mom bathing suit. It’s just easier to keep up with the kids wearing a 1 piece.
We have a pool in our backyard & it can seem like it takes all morning to get ready to go outside & enjoy it with 2 little ones. I just started spraying them down with sunscreen in the shower/bathtub before putting on swimsuits & it has made things a little easier!
Brittany Dixon says
Smart idea!! I always put sunscreen on before suits too, but I love the idea of just doing it first thing!
Jessica says
I love your mom suit! I’m on a hunt for a new one this year. Have you tried alfalfa tabs yet for your allergies? They work really well for me.
Brittany Dixon says
I have and they really help my allergies and completely eliminate David’s, but the severity of my allergies has just really increased so I want to ask a doc about it too!
Monica says
Still too cold here in MN for swimming, but soon I hope! I’m with you on the pollen. This year is ROUGH. Our poor weimaraner’s eye allergies are so bad that he’s on Zyrtec and has a steroid cream for his eyes. I hope it calms down soon for the big guy.
I empathize with the lemons, too. We all have those days, and it seems even more frazzled when you have small ones. Hang in there!
Heather says
Looks like a wonderful weekend (aside from the not so great stuff). I feel you on the allergies. I also developed hives about 6 months ago that won’t go away… the allergist said I’ll just have to wait it out and the meantime have to take antihistamines every day or else I start to break out into hives all over… including face, which is super awesome. :p Ha ha.
Haven’t been swimming yet, but we’re looking forward to it! I’m so ready, and really hopeful the kids enjoy it too!
Taylor says
I totally get when everything is frustrating and falling apart, and yesterday, it really did seem to make all my first world problems disappear a bit 🙂 Thanks for mentioning military families – Memorial Days are tough on us. Glad your pup is doing better!! And holy guacamole, it took us over an hour to get ready for a day trip to the beach, and I only have one!!