Yesterday I hopped on a plane for this first time in I can’t remember how long and touched down in New Orleans.
It’s my best friend, Kristin’s, bachelorette party and we wasted no time getting the fun started.
It’s my first trip to NOLA and it’s certainly a unique city! I could sit and people watch for hours, taking a break only to explore all the delicious food that New Orleans is famous for. I’ve already checked jambalaya off my list and last night we ventured to Frenchmen St.
and into Adolfo’s, thanks to Hallie’s suggestion (love twitter!) once we realized Three Muses had too long of a wait.
A simple salad, but the dressing was incredible. I should have asked in they sold it by the bottle.
Salmon with a lemon butter caper sauce. Red wine on the side.
Then we ventured off to Bourbon St and ended up at karaoke at The Cat’s Meow. We set up camp there for a while. So did this guy:
He sang every song from the window!
We made it home in the early morning hours, and I’m hoping I have it in me to make it through another night!
Have you ever been to NOLA?
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
I love NOLA! Unfortunately, the only time I’ve been was on a business trip, so it wasn’t all fun and games. Have a great time! 🙂
Erica says
Ahhh I LOVE N.O.! I go at least once a month (I live in Pensacola, 3 hours away). I got a little burned out on the Burbon street scene since I don’t drink excessively but it’s great to go with people there for their first time.
If you get out of the city at all go walk around Magazine Street (where the Whole Foods is). The shops and restaurants there are gorgeous and very hipster/cute.
My favorite restaurant is Napoleons House and the *best* breakfast in N.O. is Camellia Grill!
Brittany says
Oh I wish I were going to be here another day or two! I’d love to explore your suggestions! And you know I love finding a Whole Foods 😉
Dash says
Shrimp and Grits, Crawfish. Carry on.
Erin says
LOVE New Orleans! Acme Oyster House is a must (the broiled oysters are to die for!), as is Pat O’Brien’s. Have fun!!
Mellissa says
If you have time go to Cochon and Cochon Butcher, both are seriously amazing! The black eyed pea salad is one of my favorite food memories from New Orleans.
Ashley says
I love NOLA! I’ve only been once and that was for Mardi Gras. But you gotta try a hand grenade…2 max. 😉 Also get some beignets and coffee at Cafe du Monde. I didn’t make it there but my Dad highly recommended it. I had blackened gater tail down there too that was heavenly. Have tons of fun!
Kimberly @ Healthy Strides says
I went in March with my BFF for the Rock ‘n’ Roll race and loved it. We had a blast on Magazine Street – eating fantastic “artisan”-like tacos at The Rum House and eating dessert at Sucre. Fun thrift shops and a couple baby boutiques. We skipped Cafe du Monde in favor of Cafe Begniet. There were no lines, and it’s a really cute section of the quarter.
Don’t forget frozen hurricanes and shots from big busted women on Bourbon!
Erica says
Just thought of one other thing! Try a Pimms cup somewhere, go for a ride on the spinning carousel bar ( and one of THE best restaurants I’ve been to in my life is Green Goddess ( You have to get there early though they only seat like 20 people but their food is incredibly unique!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness says
Looks like it will be a fun time! I’ve always wanted to go to NOLA.
Melissa says
I would say definitely take a trip to uptown and visit magazine with all of the boutiques and unique shops. On your way back stop at Dick and Jenny’s restaurant on tchopatoulas. Menu is limited based on what is in season. The food is rich, and delicious. Oh and definitely stop and have begets and cafe au lait at cafe du monde. Have fun!
Melissa says
Beignets not begets …autocorrect
Meghan says
I’m from NOLA! Welcome and I hope you have a great time!! 🙂
Lisa says
I’ve never been to NOLA, but have always wanted to travel over to New Orleans! It looks like a blast. Enjoy your stay!xo
Sarah says
Oh my that guy in the window looks like a super creepy GHOST!
Probably just the weird lighting but in New Orleans, I guess you can’t be too sure…
Brittany says
There were a few crazy sites while we were out last night… a ghost wouldn’t surprise me 😉
Amanda @ Sistas of Strength says
I went there once for work when I was just out of college. Looking back, I was not very professional. lol 😉 Have fun!
Hallie@ChasingHallie says
Glad you all enjoyed my recommendation…that food looks delicious. NOLA is so much fun. Have a great time!
Michelle G. says
Just curious… How are you handling the pumping situation? How many times a day/night are you pumping and did you stockpile milk before you left? Are you worried about your supply going down? Just wondering, from a fellow nursing mom, who worries about milk supply constantly, but for different reasons (mainly, working full-time away from baby.)
Also, hope you are having fun!
Brittany says
I started stockpiling milk back in May (bc I hate pumping and only did it occasionally). I’m pumping 3-4 times a day (same as nursing at home). It’s tough bc I have to make sure I get back to the hotel for pumping. Then I just pour it out so I don’t have to mess with storing it. Since I’m only gone 2 nights and have had a consistent strong supply, I’m not too worried about it going down. However, any more than these 2 days and I might be a little more concerned about it.
It’s not totally care free, but I’ve worked it out to be able to have fun and maintain pumping, too! 🙂
Liz @ IHeartVegetables says
I’ve only been to NOLA once! It was a lot of fun, but we took a cruise out of there, so I didn’t stay in the city very long! It looks like a fun time!
Kayla says
I’ve been twice. The first time was with my grandmother right after graduating high school, only months before Hurricane Katrina. We found a restaurant called Mr. B’s Bistro and ended up going there twice for lunch and once for dinner. It was THAT good. I went back again in 2009 with my husband because he was training in Biloxi and I took him to Mr. B’s and he approved too. Their buffalo chicken salad is the best I’ve ever had. Not sure if they still do it, but they also had $1.50 drinks during their lunch hours.
Brittany says
Buffalo chicken salad? Oh I want to try that!!
Caleigh says
If I’m remembering correctly–the best brunch restaurant I’ve been to there is called Cafe Atchalaya–it’s a little of the map, but you’ll love it! We had Sunday brunch there and it was sooooo good!
heather says
I hope you enjoyed your time in my old stomping grounds!
Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More says
I’ve never been but hope to go someday! I love me some people watching!!
Andie says
I hope you had an excellent time in my town! 🙂 There are tons of yummy restaurants to choose from and I just love hearing that people enjoyed their visit here! 🙂
I can’t wait to hear more about your experiences on your visit and what you loved! 🙂
Samantha says
I have never been but it is def on my bucket list 🙂 I can’t wait to read how tomorrow goes. Have fun 🙂