Somehow I’m feeling rather pulled together and ready for the week. I have David to thank for helping me get the house in order yesterday and the fact that this week’s menu is set. So how about a little weekend recapping?
Starting Thursday we had a group of friends up that we haven’t seen in way too long, our Georgia Tech crew! They are friends I’ve had from when David and I first started dating in college, and David goes as far back as high school with some of them. Is there anything better than catching up with old friends?
Yes, there is. When you can get all your kiddos together, too!
Despite the on and off rain all weekend, we managed to do the holiday justice.
Every time the sun emerged, we headed to the lake.
There was boating and plenty of swimming.
There was tubing.
And stunt shows.
When the storms rolled in, we’d head inside.
During naps we hung out on the dock. The girls chatted while the guys pretended they were back in college.
And when the kiddos woke up, back out we went!
We snacked and grilled.
And ate strawberries with whipped cream.
And washed off in the water table.
I’m not sure Hailey wore anything but a diaper and a life jacket all weekend.
She didn’t seem to mind.
By weekend’s end, we were left with exhausted kids.
And dogs.
And full bellies.
It was a wonderful way to say…
Happy Birthday America.
What did you do this weekend?
Elizabeth @ My Neon Running Shoes says
What a wonderful weekend! How awesome to see your college friends again 🙂 Hailey is precious too.
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
You had some daaarn good grillin’ food this past weekend! I would never have thought to put jalapenos on a hot dog, but that sounds super tasty. I’ll have to try that the next time that I make my carrot “hot dogs!”
Brittany Dixon says
I could put jalapenos on everything- love ’em! And I’m intrigued by this carrot hot dog you speak of…
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Check them out! 🙂
Erin @ Sugar Magnolia says
That ponytail 🙂 🙂
Glad you had a great weekend!!I can’t wait till my friends start popping out babies!!
Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans says
Oh that just looks like so much fun…I love being able to catch up and have fun with old friends, especially when your little ones can all play together too 🙂
Parita says
What a fun 4th! I love how your house is the center of all gatherings. I’m sure your friends appreciate it. 🙂 Vishnu and I were talking about how we hope our house (when we buy one) is the same way.
Christine@ Apple of My Eye says
Aww love the pic of the kids together! They look like they’re having such a wonderful time :). Wow, you guys REALLY did the 4th of July justice! Seems like such a blast to be lakeside and all that grilling? Delish 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression says
Despite the rain you guys had to deal with, it looks like it was one amazing weekend!! We spent some time at my in-laws’ lake cabin and had a blast out on the water, grilling, and laughing too : )
Chelsea says
We got lots of rain here in Raleigh, too. The end of the weekend turned out to be beautiful, although a little hot!
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
Aww I love all of the pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time. We didn’t do anything too interesting. But it was nice having my husband home for 4 days from work. I love watching him with Addie. 🙂
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
What a perfect summer weekend! Doesn’t seem like it could get much better than that! 😉
Heather Murphy says
Babies in diapers and life jackets are the best 🙂
Jen says
Looks like such a fun weekend! Hailey keeps getting cuter and cuter.
Lauren B. says
Looks like so much fun! Which one of you plays the piano?
Ashley says
Your posts always make me want to pack up and move closer to water. What a wonderful weekend!
Katie says
Looks like a fun weekend, and I’m glad you were able to make the most of the sporadic sunshine we’ve had around here!
I had a question for you about the quinoa pasta you’ve recommended lately. I was going to get some this weekend, but when I compared it to whole wheat pasta, I was surprised to find it had less protein & fiber. Are there other advantages to the quinoa blend (other than it being gluten free, which is not important to me)?
Thanks so much; hope you have a wonderful week!
Brittany Dixon says
Mostly I just like the texture better. I’ve always been fine with whole wheat pasta, but it’s a little on the thicker/chewier side. The quinoa pasta feels more like white-pasta to me, but is made with quinoa instead of processed (white) flour. I have absolutely nothing against whole wheat and will happily eat it again; I’ve just been enjoying the less-chewy-ness lately! 🙂
Katie says
Gotcha… thanks for the info! 🙂
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
What a fun weekend! I love Hailey’s Dora life vest. So cute!
gracekelle at leangirlsclub says
Looks like you had a lovely weekend with the family!!! And the kids are adorable. The picture of you guys eating strawberries looks like it came out of a magazine.
Matt @ The Athlete's Plate says
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Mer says
You didn’t get rained out during the whole weekend- how nice! Going to the lake on the 4th is the best!
Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome says
Looks like such a wonderful weekend! I love getting to visit with friends especially with all the kiddos! You are so lucky to live right on the water. Jealous!
Neil Butterfield says
Happy birthday indeed. America, the land of opportunity and freedom. God bless America.