In case you missed it… Part 1
By 4:00pm I was fading fast. I remember feeling incredibly exhausted and did not have any break between the contractions. I felt like I was starting to lose it. When a contraction hit, my body would go limp and I’d fall into David. He’d support my body while my eyes rolled back in my head and my body shook. I couldn’t focus on anything. I was walking around the room completely naked and couldn’t have cared less about who saw. I was crying, bleeding and shaking. The doctor came in and took a look at me and offered me an epidural. I had clearly stated at the beginning of the day that I didn’t want to be offered one… yet, I wasn’t upset when he asked. My lack of progress and increasing pain was enough to win me over.
A brief second passed before I just knew I wanted the epidural. David looked at me and asked me if I was sure. I knew what he was thinking. I had talked to him so much about wanting to avoid the epidural and to help me stay strong. I could tell he wasn’t sure if I’d end up regretting my decision, but I assured him through my tears that I was OK with my decision.
The epidural was put into action and the thought of relief on it’s way gave me hope. Unfortunately I learned the hard way that the doctor doesn’t walk right in and stick it in your back. He had to be called and I had to have fluids. They hooked me up to the IV, and told me it wouldn’t be long. They lied to me. And through my pain, I knew they were lying when they said the doctor would be in soon. I knew I had to have 1/2 a bag of fluids in me, and I saw the rate it was going in. I knew I had a while to go.
It ended up being another hour of horrible, constant contractions before the anesthesiologist came in. We waited for a contraction to pass before I was asked to sit on the bed and lean over a pillow. The doctor was wonderful. He moved quickly, but explained his every move in detail. People are truthful when they say getting the epidural is no big deal. Not one single part of it was uncomfortable. Soon enough, the epidural was in and the medicine was being administered.
Instant Relief.
My poor, shaking body relaxed and my teeth finally stopped chattering. I think I cried out of pure joy. I was so, so tired. I was worried as soon as I felt relief that I’d feel like a failure, but was surprised when I didn’t feel that way in the slightest. In fact, I knew immediately that I had made the right decision for me.
I feel fortunate that the anesthesiologist gave me a perfect epidural. I was able to move my legs on my own the whole time. I never went completely numb. I could roll myself over from side to side without assistance. Of course, I was no longer able to get out of bed, but that was OK with me at that point.
My decision that I needed the epidural was confirmed when my doctor suggested we put a monitor inside of me to test the strength of the contractions. I was OK with this because it didn’t touch the baby. Once we began monitoring, he said that my contractions weren’t measuring powerful enough to move the baby, so it would have been many, many more hours, which probably would have resulted in a c-section.
Once the epidural was in, I closed my eyes and rested for a good hour. The body tremors faded away as I relaxed and rested. Also, my contractions began to space out further, coming every 4 minutes or so, rather than 2.
The doctor came back in and suggested we use some pitocin to move things along since my contractions were spacing out. He said we could start with what he called a ‘whiff’ of pitocin. Though I saw myself venturing down the path I had hoped to avoid, I agreed. Around 6:00pm or 6:30pm we started the pitocin. The contractions spiked a little in intensity, but weren’t getting much closer together. We watched the monitors over the next hour.
Around 8:00pm the nurse checked me. I was 6 cm and at a 0 station. Progress, yes, but not much. At this point I began to think I was going to have to have a c-section. Instead of fretting, I was ready to accept whatever needed to be done to get the baby out safely.
David went to inform our families of the progress, and mentioned they may want to leave and get something to eat, since we probably still had a long night ahead.
Well, while David was in the waiting room talking to our families, the doctor came in and wanted to check me himself. BAM! I was at 9cm and +1 station. It was music to my ears! He said that we were going to have a baby really soon, and my heart started racing. Where was David?!
The doctor stayed in my room to watch the monitors because Baby D’s heart rate was experiencing some decels after each contraction. It would go back up, but the doctor wasn’t liking the way it was looking.
Again, where was David?!
Finally (after probably only 5 minutes, which felt like forever to me), David was back in the room and I’m sure my wide eyes let him know immediately that there was something going on. The doctor filled him in as he became increasingly uncomfortable with the heart rate decelerations. Then things started happening quickly!
David barely got a text out to our families saying ‘update to the update- don’t leave!’ before our room was full of nurses that began breaking down the bed. The doctor informed me that the decels were too much for him to sit and watch, so we needed to have this baby. They turned my pitocin off and things got crazy.
The bed was broken down and I was given an oxygen mask to help maximize the oxygen to the baby. At this point, I thought I’d be nervous, but I was so excited! Finally, we were going to get to meet our little one. I was up to 10 cm dilated and set up to push. The doctor was serious about the baby coming out soon… so much so that he put an emergency c-section on hold and made the anesthesiologist wait outside the room in the hall because if I couldn’t get this baby out, my emergency would supersede the other one.
At this point, I was so grateful I had the epidural for two reasons.
#1- if I didn’t get the epidural I would not have had that hour to relax and regain my energy, and I don’t think I would have had the strength to push
#2- I knew I was going to tear. This baby was going to have to come out quickly, which I knew from my reading often leads to tearing.
We waited on a contraction, and when it hit, I was told to push, so push I did! I took a big breath and bared down with everything I had. I knew I had to get this baby out. I knew I was going to tear. I didn’t care.
It felt like an eternity between contractions, and the doctor had them turn my pitocin back on. It worked, and after about 15 minutes and 4 contractions with 3 pushes each…
our baby girl was here!
I stared in disbelief when I saw her come out. It was the most amazing feeling of my life and immediately I had tears welling up.
She had the cord wrapped tightly around her neck one time, which explained the heart decels, and she came out sunny-side up. She had stayed posterior after all. I held my breath until I heard her cry, which didn’t take long at all.
As I had specified, they put her on my chest immediately and there we finally were… looking down at our little miracle. She was born at 8:49pm and was 19 inches long. She arrived wide-eyed, alert, had a head full of dark hair and was the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen. I clumsily got her to latch, though I’m sure I didn’t do it correctly. It didn’t matter right then- we were in awe.
David cut the cord when we were ready and we both stared down at our daughter, who was staring right back at us. Incredible.
The nurse told us to let her know when we were ready for her to be cleaned off and weighed. It was so nice that they didn’t rush us. After about 15 minutes, I handed her off and watched as she was cleaned up and placed on the scale. 7 pounds 1.6 ounces.
My beautiful little peanut.
I couldn’t wait to get my hands back on her and invite our family in. Soon enough, that’s what we were doing.
Everyone walked in and I think my eyes filled up again with tears as I announced to them that SHE was here…
Hailey Ann Dixon is here.
Lisa says
Oh, I am so happy for you!! The moment when the baby is placed on your chest cannot be compared to anything else, it’s just amazing. Welcome to the world, Hailey Ann! And way to go mama on getting her out all by yourself 🙂
Brooke @ Veggie Table says
I have tears in my eyes!! 🙂 So sweet and amazing!!!!
Whitney says
Tears in my eyes! Simply amazing!! Congratulations again 🙂
Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun says
I think you can have a general idea of birth plans but never really know how it will go. I think it is so important to be open to any path that will get your baby there safely. You did that and have an amazing birth story to share….but more importantly a special baby to hold and love. 😉
Lauren says
oh WOW!! So amazing! You knew exactly what to do and what your body needed 🙂 Well done! Such a gorgeous baby girl! I appreciate your story. Take care 🙂
blackhuff says
Birth stories are always frightening. I remember when I was expecting and reading other women’s birth stories, I got scared. But like you say, this sound more scary than it actually is. Mostly it is excitement all the way and no real scary things.
Love that you posted Part 2 and thanks for sharing. Each birth story is so unique and different.
Verna says
Great story!! I was in labor for 30 hours with my son. I was very glad I decided to get an epidural. I was able to get some much needed rest! I don’t know if I would have had the strength to push my son out without it. I think it’s important for women to keep an open mind about labor and decide as you go, somewhat. There is no way to tell how it’s going to go and how it’s going to feel and what your body is going to need. Congratualtions on such a beautiful baby girl!
Jess Mathias says
Thanks for sharing – Joe and I are soooo happy for you guys! This story totally made me tear up. 🙂
Michelle Caputo says
That was such a great recap! Congratulations and welcome baby Hailey!
Holly says
Wow. I am no where near having kids yet but I seriously appreciate your honesty! I’m the sort who would rather know what could happen than to be caught off guard.
In response to natural child birth, I always think about women giving birth before modern medicine in the U.S. A lot of women died doing so. So yes, I think natural possible too, but I am also keeping that in the back of my head, for a reality check, that natural may not happen for every woman who wants it to.
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
This brought tears to my eyes, of course! I’m so happy for you! I know it didn’t go the way you planned, but you seemed to adapt to it so well and did what was best for both of you. That’s the same situation I’d see myself getting an epidural in too, even though I don’t really want one. You needed that strength to get your little girl out when she needed to come! And she’s SO precious. I hope you’re doing well!
kristin says
When I saw that you had updated part 2 I did a fist pump! I’m 17 weeks along and obviously intrigued with birth stories and babies. You left us in such suspense with part 1 haha. I had tears in my eyes reading your story (hello hormones), I’m so happy that hailey was born safe and sound which is the most important thing! I admire your flexibility with your labor and hey…on the bright side, at least you avoided a C-section! Congrats again 🙂
Madeline@Food, Fitness, and Family says
What a wonderful story … thank you for sharing!!
Lindsay @ Schnoodle Soup says
I’m glad I’m not the only one to write that I’m crying reading this. Even knowing she was okay, to hear you write about the docotor needing to rush her birth and possibly superceding the other emergencing c-section is just so emotional. My goodness. You made the right decision for you. Who cares about natural vs. not natural? Honestly, she’s here and healthy and you are no less of a Mom.
Sara says
I head tears in my eyes reading this. You are such a strong woman and such an inspiration. THANK YOU for sharing!
Caree says
Beautiful!!! Giving birth is the best feeling ever!!! I cry every time I read a birth story!!
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
Thanks for sharing Brittany — Hailey is such a beautiful baby 🙂
Kristin @ eat healthy. be happy. live well says
Thanks for sharing!! It amazes me that you were still able to update Facebook while going through all of that 🙂
Glad everyone is doing well!!!
Nicole says
Beautiful story! thank you for sharing. your family is so beautiful!
Marci says
thanks for sharing your story! So much to take in! What a pretty girl and mommy!
Linda (Kristen's Mom) says
I have been anxiously awaiting part II! Thank you so much for sharing, Brittany! I was right up there with everyone else — big tears in my eyes as I read your wonderful birth story. My “baby girl,” who is now 39 weeks pregnant with HER baby girl (and my first grandchild), really wants to go totally natural — no petocin, no C-section, no epidural, not even an IV. I admire her so much for that, but worry too because I don’t want MY “baby girl” to be hurting either! I guess my generation was the “wimpy generation” — I didn’t even consider NOT having an epidural! My childbirth experience with both my children was absolutely wonderful, and I wouldn’t change a thing! It is such a miracle! We all need to remember that the ultimate goal is to have a healthy baby, so whatever way it has to happen is just fine as long as Mom and New Baby are healthy!
Jen @ Living a Brighter Life says
What a great birth story! Thanks so much for sharing! Although I am not pregnant yet, I really appreciate the fact that even though you wanted a natural birth you made the decisions that were best for you and you were ok with it! And look at the beautiful baby that was a result of it regardless! 🙂 Congratulations!
Jen says
Ahh I love your story! I am so glad Hailey was born healthy because that’s all that matters <3.
I want a natural birth- and stories like this are actually inspiring to me! It makes me so thankful that we have options because things don't always go as planned. You're amazing, Brittany, and I can only hope that I can be as flexible and calm as you are come my delivery day. Thank you so much for sharing Hailey's birth story 🙂
Oh and maybe I missed this from part 1, but why were you bleeding?
Jen says
amazing brittany! thank you so much for sharing your beautiful birth story with so much honesty and insight. you are so strong!
Jen says
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story! I’m so happy everything worked out so well for you and your family. I’m looking forward to reading about your thoughts on natural births now.
Rachel @ Not Rachael Ray says
Aww, what a little angel she is. Thanks for sharing this! Totally made me cry–brought me back to that day for me. Such an amazing miracle.
Kath says
Teared up reading this!
you are the perfect example of someone with a plan but still making the best decisions for you at the moment. {and i’m so glad to know the epidural wasn’t bad at all – my biggest reason for not wanting one someday is I’m terrified of the needle pain!}
Shari says
Beautiful, just beautiful. Kudos to you for being so strong throughout the whole thing – and what a sweetly indescribably moment when you finally met your little girl. It was so special to read about! Thanks for sharing the story with all of us 🙂
Suzanne says
And I’m crying! Reading your story made me relive the birth of my son. I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to follow your daughter’s growth and development along with my son’s. Don’t you just love being a mom?
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
As long as the baby and mama are healthy – it’s all good. 🙂 I’m so happy for you, but I have to admit, now I’m even more scared of childbirth! haha. Maybe I’ll put that of 4-5 years instead of 2-3…
Kristen @ The Concrete Runner says
So beautiful! Your story doesn’t scare me in the slightest as I probably would have done the same thing and it sounds like it actually helped your labor progress instead of doing the opposite. So happy for you!
Sam @ owlmazing says
Wow that sounds so intense but I am so happy for your end product! it’s crazy to think how quickly things can change but I am so glad you were happy with the decisions you made! Very good story 🙂
Lauren B says
Your story made me cry. Happy tears. Thank you for filling us in on the good, the bad, and the ugly… and can’t wait to hear and see more of “the good” (aka Hailey) to come.
Heather says
Thank you for sharing your story it was beautiful and made me tear up. She is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for you and your little family.
Maria says
All I have to say is that you and Hailey are troupers! What an experience and I’m happy that you did what was best for you. Thanks for sharing and keep those baby pics coming (I swear I cannot get enough!)
Melissa says
Such a beautiful story, Brittany! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Christie says
Thanks for sharing your story! I’m 22.5 weeks and reading all the birth stories I can. I am also interested in reading your update to your feelings on non-medicated labor. I’m still on the fence about what I want to do.
JenRD says
I know, why did nobody ever tell us how long you have to wait before getting the epidural? Once I made the decision to get one, I wanted it NOW!
BTW, did you get any good tips on waking your baby up when she nurses to avoid snacking every 1-2 hrs? I saw your tweet, and our Maya has been doing that.
Danica @ It's Progression Not Perfection says
I love how you made your intentions and plans clear to the doctors, yet still listened to your body and took care of what it needed during those exhausting moments…such a beautiful story…
Meghan says
Love your honesty, I hope to have a natural birth but have said if I need help for relief I won’t hesitate. Your daughter is gorgeous, congrats to both of you.
Jennifer B. says
Ack I knew I should have had the tissues ready. I’m so glad that even though things didn’t happen the way you’d expected that you were open to the possibility of what was to come. I’m so happy for you to have little Miss Hailey, thank you for sharing photos and your story and congrats on having your world turned upside down, in a good way!
Brittney says
I applaud you for listening to your body and getting an epidural when you felt it was necessary. I love the picture of you holding her after she was born, you can really see the emotion and happiness in your face 🙂
Megan says
Aww congrats again! I had tears in my eyes when I was done reading!
Ashley M. [at] (never home)maker says
More gorgeous photos. And I must say, as someone hoping to do natural childbirth . . . your story helps me so much. I am not rigid in my plan. In fact, we just went to our birth class and talked about how sometimes, an epidural can be a fantastic resource and eliminate the need for c-section by giving time to rest/etc. Your story helps me be more OK with that option. Also hearing that it wasn’t as scary as it sounds . . . thank you!!!!!!! AND CONGRATS!
Shayla @ The Good Life says
I teared up reading this…such a beautiful story and thank you for sharing Brittany. Though it didn’t go as planned, you adapted to the changes so well and were so strong through it all. So inspiring and you should be so proud of yourself. Congrats again, she’s absolutely so precious and perfect 🙂
Sarah says
What a beautiful story. I love that you did what was right for your labor and delivery- and I love even more that you gave birth to a healthy baby! Congratulations, Mama!
Alyssa @ Life of bLyss says
I LOVE that happy/relieved faced picture, Britt. 🙂 and you should be so proud of yourself for doing what you needed to do. there can’t be any better method to follow than that, especially when it comes to having your sweet little baby.
Jennie says
Such a beautiful story, I teared up at work! Congrats she is so beautiful and you are an inspiration!
faith says
Thanks so much for sharing your story with us! Congratulations!
Trainer Kjirsten @ Balanced Healthy Life says
I just found your blog and loved your birth story. I actually have tears in my eyes while at work! We have a baby girl on the way and I have the same beliefs as you had about natural birthing. I can’t wait to read through more of your posts!!! Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!
Jennifer says
Loved reading your birth story. I had my first with an epidural and my next two children naturally. It is much harder to go drug free with the first child. I was in labour for 20 hours. My second though, labour lasted 4 hours and my third maybe 6 hours. I was able to go drug free with the last 2 because of the shorter labours. And it was an amazing experience.
Melissa says
I just joined your website and read your birth story. Congrats and your daughter is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing it and you did make the right decisions and you are a brave strong woman to go as long as you did. It brought back a lot of memories with my first child’s delivery. She was induced I was overdue and labor lasted over 10 hours and I pushed for 2. I did finally ask for the epidural at 6 cm’s I just couldn’t do it without. However with my second child he came quick!! He was one day late started having contractions around 9:15am got to the hospital by 11:00am I had planned to have the epidural. I was rolled in contractions were becoming even more closer and longer . Right away I said I need the epidural and was basically screaming for it by the time I had my gown on and laying in the bed. However they were lucky to even get the I’VE in for fluids by 12:15 he was born without the epidural! The experience was totally different from my first within 4 hours of having contractions my son was born, there was no 2 hour pushing. The pain is soo extreme there s nothing that even touches in comparison however when he was out it was like the pain did not matter. Now I pregnant with my third and I have to say I will request the epidural and hope to get it but if this one comes even quicker I am now prepared for what is to come without the epidural :)))
Christy Knutson says
What a lovely story! The way you navigated the change of plans and everything in between was so graceful and brave. Beautiful. I would be honored if you would consider sharing your story at Birth Memoirs! Either way, congratulations on a wonderful reflection on your daughter’s birth!