Fact. There is no snow on the ground. I feel cheated.
Fact. Healthy Home Market in Davidson has new kid carts and they are awesome.
Fact. One dried mango slice will keep Hailey happy and occupied for approximately 26 minutes.
Fact. I’m a sucker for marketing.
Fact. If you ever took a red snapper or any other girly shot in college, this will be a breeze. I DID feel a boost of energy, but probably because I’m so caffeine sensitive and this contained 100mg.
Fact. When the mango runs out, try green bean chips from the bulk bin. Hailey loves them.
Fact. David does not.
Fact. The fancy TV treadmill is growing on me.
Fact. Running really never gets any easier for me, but I still love it. Twisted relationship? Yes, yes it is.
Fact. When you marry a health nut, be prepared for “I have a surprise for you!” to result in things you may not actually be all that excited about.
Fact. Zappos has a ridiculous amount of merchandise and accepts paypal.
Fact. My new Patagonia bathing suit arrived yesterday.
Fact. That’s not me, but I wish it was my hair.
Fact. I do not look like the model in it, but you know what? I felt really good wearing it. High five for healthy living.
Have a great weekend!
Tiff (@LoveSweatBeers) says
Haha, I love this… despite the fact that I too feel a bit cheated. Silly meteorologists. Have a good weekend!
PS – Nice swimsuit!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Snow has been seriously lacking here in the Midwest. I have pretty much given up on us getting much of it and am now ready for spring. I hate being cold!! 🙁
I have never heard of green bean chips, but I am really intrigued. I am hoping that I can hunt some down somewhere!
Karen says
We have hardly had any snow in Chicago as well and I feel totally cheated. Now, two years ago we did have a bad snowstorm that happened the second week in February so that can always happen again. I love the suit as well. I need to get some new suits this year. Have a great weekend.
Michelle @ Lifewithacrazypup says
HIGH FIVE! Have a great weekend 🙂
Maria says
I LOVE Patagonia, but haven’t tried their swimsuits yet. I have so much trouble finding bottoms that both cover and don’t ride up. Maybe I’ll give them a shot!
Brittany says
Preaching to the choir… I was SO nervous to order online because almost no suits cover my backside. This one did a pretty darn good job of providing coverage and feeling secure without squeezing tooooo much. My love handles don’t need any help being noticed 😉
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
Super cute bathing suit!! 🙂
Nicole @ Fruit 'N' Fitness says
Haliey is adorable! I love that suit, it looks like it would have a good/secure fit too!
Brittany says
That’s my favorite thing about this suit- it keeps the girls securely in place! I hope to be diving off the boat on vacation in a few weeks and don’t want to lose my top! 🙂
Kayla @ Lovely Ride says
Cute suit! and Hailey looks so pumped to be in that car cart! Love it!
Jessie says
Love the bathing suit. I’m sure you rock it even better than that model 🙂
Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome says
Three things,
Kids cart, awesome! Anything to distract toddlers while grocery shopping is awesome!
My son loves the green beans too! He also loves the other veggie chips you can get in the bulk section.
TV on treadmill = awesomeness! They have those at our Cabo resort and I go everyday when we’re on vacation just to watch E news and get in a workout! I want on in my house!
Kaye says
I can tolerate the treadmill a lot more when there is TV on…probably doesn’t help if I’m watching The Food Network 🙂 Loved this fun little post.
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
The bathing suit, the knowledge that Zappo’s takes PayPal, the kids’ carts, and the fact that your husband brought home and apple cider drink. Where can I get one? [The drink…and the husband.*]
*I mean, not actually him. But one LIKE him. Obviously.