I did my best to label this post clearly, so that any squeamish readers would have the chance to x-out of here before things got too in depth…
I mean it. Fellas. Non-baby-loving ladies. Dad. 😉
Last chance…
OK, I warned you.
I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, but have learned that things don’t always go according to plan.
Before Hailey arrived, I read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, listened to the experiences of other moms and decided to wing it with anything beyond that.
I knew the basics:
- nurse the baby as soon as possible after birth
- make sure a lactation consultant helps you and the baby have a proper latch from the start
- it’s natural, but don’t expect it to be easy at first
But there are some things that weren’t clearly outlined for me, so I wanted to share with you some of the truths I learned along the way…
What No One Told Me About Breastfeeding
1. Nursing can hurt.
OUCH. Even with a proper latch, it takes a while for your nipples to toughen up. (I just said nipples on the blog… I warned you, squeamish readers!).
And I’m not talking about a ‘oh that’s a bit uncomfortable’ feeling. No, I’m talking ‘What the FUDGE?! Is that a rabid kitten trying to gnaw off my nipple?!’ kind of pain. For the most part, it only lasts about 15-20 seconds, then if you have a proper latch it fades away. But those initial seconds are brutal. I cried, I cringed, I might have bit David’s hand at one point…
but the good news is…
2. It doesn’t always take 6 weeks.
I kept hearing to try and stick out breastfeeding for 6 weeks because after that, things get easier. I remember thinking how long 6 weeks sounded, so imagine my delight when after only 2 weeks, I felt like we finally got into the swing of things.
Latching didn’t hurt anymore and my cracked, painful nipples were healing. Hooray!
3. Lanolin is a lifesaver.
Prepare to pamper your nipples. When your newborn is eating often, your nipples barely get a break before they’re being gnawed at again.
(Who knew a mouth with no teeth could wreak such havoc?)
So, in between feedings, take the time to care for yourself. Even though I was tired, after every feeding I’d let ‘the girls’ air dry, then smother them with Lanolin. My house was like living in a nudist colony for the first two weeks; I was always topless. It soothed and healed my poor cracked nipples and I’m pretty sure it contributed to helping them heal more quickly and made me get the hang of breastfeeding quicker than I expected.
4. Baby fingernails are like razor blades!
An infant’s little fingernails bend easily and are paper thin, but don’t let that fool you. Those little things can do some serious damage. I called Hailey’s nails ‘her little raptor claws’ because if I didn’t keep them trimmed and filed, it felt like being jabbed with a safety pin every time they brushed across my chest. That lucky little girl got constant manicures with baby nail clippers and a gentle file.
[Tweet “Baby fingernails are like razor blades and other breastfeeding truths.”]
5. Breast pads will be your constant companions.
Buy them. I love this organic option. I was thrilled when my milk came in after only 36 hours, but I was not prepared for the sudden oversupply I had. I don’t think my body was either. My boobs couldn’t contain it all and they turned into milk fountains if Hailey didn’t eat every hour.
It’s the craziest thing to watch your body suddenly start squirting milk. In hopes of saving at least some of my shirts, I bought the extra large box of breast pads and suggest you do the same… no matter how unsexy they may make you feel.
Once you get the hang out it, nursing your baby is pretty awesome.
Not only is it free (wahoo for budget friendly!), what they say is true — it’s a really sweet way to bond with your baby. When David first fed Hailey a bottle, I was a little jealous. Isn’t she supposed to need me for that?
There is something so satisfying knowing that you are sustaining your baby through milk that you are producing and having the ability to calm her at anytime. The body is pretty darn amazing.
What is one thing you learned through experience about breastfeeding?
Will you ever read my blog again now that I said nipples this many times in one post?
Bethany @ One Girl's Taste On Life says
OK, I don’t have any tips to share as I’m still 32 weeks pregnant, but I am definitely acting as a pregnancy tip sponge these days and soaking up all the information (from real women, not just books!) I can! Thanks for sharing all your tips for us soon-to-be mamas!
Lee says
I love the last picture!
I don’t have any kids, but posts about nipples don’t scare me!
Whitney says
Honesty is the best policy!! I am a newlywed and kids arent in my near future but it’s nice to hear the real truth behind pregnancy so when the time comes I will know what’s in store! Thanks! 🙂
Holly says
Agreed! I’d much rather hear it now than be freaking out when I am pregnant and can’t turn back! Haha. Now if only my Hubz knew all this 🙂
Brittany says
It’s better for the guys not to know anything ahead of time 😉 Plus, it’s fun to watch their faces as they discover all the fun!
maria @ a life to bragg about says
Everything I’ve read about breastfeeding terrifies me…but it’s nice hearing from real women who are doing it and handling it well. Gives me hope as I’m almost there 🙂
Brittany says
It’s challenging at first, but nothing to be terrified over. You’ll do great!! Good luck 🙂
Susan @ Real Life Travels says
Great post and so true. One thing I’m learning is that they’ll hit an age where they become extremely distactible and they forget they are eating and suddenly turn their head … Talk about a titty twister!! My husband isn’t allowed to talk while Caden eats anymore .. It’s gotten that bad!
Paulina says
You are Soooo right. My baby is 15 days old and I’d like to add that no one warns you about growth spurts. This kid has been nursing almost constantly for the last 2 days, and from each side for about 30 minutes! It’s tough when she sleeps for only 45mins between each feeding. It is pretty amazing though, and I know what you mean about feeling a little jealous of the bottle 😉
Alex @ The Plum Foodie says
I was so entirely surprised at a number of things that surround the topic of breastfeeding… A) When my milk came in, I looked like I had my breasts augmented and I LOVED it until they “went down” as soon as my baby started eating :(. B) OUCH!! No one told me about the PAIN that accompanies breastfeeding. I had no idea it was like that!! C) I was always more comfortable holding Keira in my left arm and letting her eat from my left breast…. I realized that by doing so, my right breast didn’t get as much use and so it stopped supplying as much milk as the left did. Uneven breasts were not very fun!!
Brittany says
Seriously… when my milk came in I felt like a porn star! So crazy!
Jen says
So helpful, Brittany! Like childbirth, it sounds like everyone’s breastfeeding experience is so different. I’m so glad you got into the swing of things quickly! Hailey is so precious 🙂
Christie says
I learned so much when I first started and a few things definitely surprised me. 1- You aren’t kidding about the initial pain. My first week wasn’t bad at all, then I remember in the next few weeks having to bite my lip for the first 10 seconds, then it was fine again. Definitely takes some getting used to.
2- Before getting milk most Moms get colostrurm- I got it WAY early- like second trimester early. Was so wierded out by the neon color! Haha!
3- After 11 months of breastfeeding my biggest shocker, which is kinda nice too, is that I, like a lot of women, won’t get their period while bfing. Still haven’t gotten it. T.M.I.- bit a need to know if you didn’t already!
Kristie says
I had no idea about #3!
Monica says
I lived with my sister for the first few months after she had my (now 11 year old) nephew, and I remember her sobbing while nursing him because it hurt so much. I’m glad you are past the worst of it!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Of course I’ll keep reading! Good info!
Marlen says
OUCH indeed!!! I remember clenching my jaw and curling my toes whenever my son latched on. Luckily, we also got the hang of it and it was fine after a couple of weeks.
Hailey is beautiful!!
Linda says
I’ve learned that it is a unique experience for everyone and one that I am so thankful to have work out for me. I know a lot of women who were not able to breastfeed. My daughter is now 10 and a half months old and she has been breast fed the whole time. I work full time and pump so she can have breastmilk from a bottle during the day. I was foolled at how easy it was for me in the beginning and did not have any issues until later. I was on antibiotics which gave me a yeast infection that entered my breasts. That was the most painful experience for me. In addition, I got a blocked duct that was also extremely painful. I never had an experience with cracked nipples until around month 7 following an issue with biting. My daughter bit me really hard which caused me to shriek in pain. This frightened her and she went on a 3 day nursing strike. Thankful again for the pumped breast milk so I didn’t have to give her formula, but I was so nervous that she would never nurse again. Then, I was scared she would bit again. Good news is, it has all worked out and has been one of the best experiences of my life. Once I am so proud of. I’m so happy things are working out so well for you too. Best of luck for continued success!
Brittany says
Wow, you sound like a super star for sticking it out through all those tough times, but what a wonderful thing for your daughter. And I’ve heard clogged ducts are so painful- hoping to try and avoid those!
Amy says
Thank you for posting this! I don’t have children yet but I find all this stuff really interesting as we prepare to have children of our own. Hailey is so cute, congratulations! 🙂
Brittney says
So glad breastfeeding is going well! Great information for future reference 🙂
Rachel says
Very helpful info for me to use in the future! I hope to breastfeed as well as you have. And please, keep posting the pictures of Hailey – she is just so precious!
Ms. Adams says
I’m not a Mom yet but I love it when Moms tell it like it is. It’s always good to be prepared. Everything I’ve ever read about breastfeeding scares me to death but I’ve got lots of time to work up the courage. Also, Hailey is adorable!
Jamie @ FoodinRealLife says
I haven’t breastfed yet, but plan to when my baby arrives in January. I’m just hoping that all goes well, and I’m preparing myself for the pain and some of the challenges. Guess that’s all you can do! I heart the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a great book. I should probably go ahead and order it.
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
Love the baby doggie picture. SO SWEET. her expression is priceless 🙂
Marci says
Thank you for being so honest! I hope I can bug you in 5 months!
Lauren says
It’s crazy how much I *don’t* know about motherhood. But fascinating to learn about! This post was hilarious and that last picture of Hailey and Koda is adorable 🙂
John J. says
I could handle the blog. There was no blood, poop, or throw up!
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
Thanks for the info! I have heard it can be painful, but I didn’t realize the pain would last for weeks. Yikes!
Heather @ girlyeverafter says
I love honest mommy posts like these. I’m not in the “baby making mindset” yet, but I still like to know as fair warning. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic with Hailey and your pup! So Sweet!
Lauren B says
I love it. Keep the honesty coming. I used to work at Barnes & Noble a long time ago, and there was a book there called “The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy.” It was basically as if your girlfriends sat you down and told you all of the things that people don’t necessarily tell you. I feel like you are doing the same for us pre-babyers. Thank you! 🙂
Jenny says
I too was very fortunate to have success early on. I think it helped that my son was born so early in the morning and I was able to have the lactation consultants come in and assist on only the second time I nursed after he was born. I also read beforehand and that made all the difference for me. I think my biggest surprise with breastfeeding was just how incredible a woman’s body is and how in tune to your child it will be. I had an overabundant supply at first and was told to “block” feed for a little bit (only nurse from one side) and was amazed at how quickly my supply adjusted to meet my son’s needs. Glad everything is going so well for you and sweet Hailey : )
Alyssa @ Life of bLyss says
hahaha. thankfully, I’m not squeamish. AND I will still read if:
1. I get to see you this weekend for a coffee date
2. you bring Hailey as well.
Amy says
They sleep on your breasts when they eat!!!!!
Verna says
I’m so glad you said that it hurts, even with a proper latch sometimes. I thought I was doing something wrong when my son was born and I was in so much pain. Breastfeeding HURTS!! It took 6 long weeks for things to get better with him. I just had a baby girl a couple days ago, I had forgotten how bad breastfeeding hurt. I’m hoping it won’t take as long for things to get better this time.
Brittany says
I hope it doesn’t take as long for you this time, either. It’s also good to know that even with number 2 it takes some getting used to again. Good to know for future reference!
Sarah says
As usual, I love it when you publish these kind of posts. And nope, the word “nipple” doesn’t bother me at all. Say it all you want! …But then, I find pregnancy has dwindled my verbal filter WAY down, so maybe I’m not the best purpose to take advice from on that matter. 🙂
Tara says
It’s frightening to hear how many people say it hurts! We are awaiting the arrival of our baby boy any day now (4 days overdue today) and I’m planning to breastfeed. This post is reassuring and makes me worry a bit. Nonetheless, glad things are working out for you and your precious baby!
Brittany says
4 days overdue… you’re so close!! No worries about breastfeeding- you’ll do great. I think it’s much better to have an idea of what to expect, rather than go in thinking it’s easy. It may (or may not- some people don’t have any pain) hurt a little at first, but it’s so worth it! Good luck with everything!
Katie @ Legally Fit says
Amen! Audrey is over three weeks old and it is still painful when she first latches- tolerable but holy heck for the first 10-20 seconds. Sometimes it feels like all I do is nurse (well, it’s kind of true haha) but it’s so worth it!
Karlee says
I hope to breast feed (I just write breast Fred on accident, haha autocorrect) some day. Ps that is the cutest pic ever of hailey and koda!!! Aww
Lindsay @ Schnoodle Soup says
1) That picture of Koda and Hailey is priceless.
2) I learned a lot from this post , so thanks for sharing.
3) I am the least squeamish, tell-it-like-it-is person, so you could talk about Hailey’s poops and I wouldn’t run. You can’t get rid of me that easily 🙂
Sabrina says
I just want to say that it isn’t painul for everyone. I only had pain in one nipple for one day (the first one) and Ive been fine since.
And I feel like no one mentions breast pads. Will I have to wear them forever? It is what I hate most about breastfeeding.
Sabrina says
PS- Hailey is soooo cute!
Brittany says
Oh you lucky girl- no pain! That’s so awesome. And yes, I think the pads are one of my least favorite parts too- so annoying!
Corrie @ Blurb Column says
I am sitting outside, enjoying some fall sunshine, eating my lunch before my next class. I decide to pop on in to see what is up with Brittany today… and lo and behold she is breakin’ out the nipple talk!
I seriously just laughed out loud at point number one. I’m sure those around me think I’m looooney. Hilarious!
Thanks for the giggle!
Brittany says
Haha! Glad I could brighten your day with the nipple discussion 😉
Michaela says
Hailey is sooooooo cute! Thanks for including all the pics of her!
And thanks for the honest post, definitely not scared away!
kristin point says
I’m 20 weeks pregnant and really enjoy the new baby posts! I’m scared to hear it hurts 🙁 but I’m so glad that its working out for you. You say hailey nurses like a champ but sounds like both of you are nursing champs! Haha
Kristin says
i don’t have any kids but i want to in hopefully the next 5-6 years! I appreciate these posts so much! I love the real deal-ness of it! I will remember it when i have little ones someday 🙂
Roz says
I don’t have kids, so know nothing about how breast feeding feels, but I will continue to read your nipple and non nipple posts, ooh and ah at Hailey, and ooh and aah at Koda too. Have a great day Brittany.
Shayla @ The Good Life says
Great post and such great information Brittany! We’re trying to have a baby so knowing these little details that may happen to me is so very helpful 🙂
And I’m loving the baby Hailey pics, she’s so precious and has such a beautiful smile!
Corey @ the runner's cookie says
Love the pictures! Leave it to adorable babies (and dogs) to make me smile after a tough day 🙂
Madeline@Food, Fitness, and Family says
Bahaha … your post made me laugh! When I got pregnant one of my friends emailed me with the down and dirty list of pregnancy/postpartum woes. She said, don’t let it fool you … breastfeeding hurts. She was so not kidding.
Your analogy of a rabid kitten gnawing at your nipples (I said nipple too! haha) was spot on!
I feel lucky that 2 weeks in Emmie and I seem to have gotten the hang of it too and it is a much better experience then the first couple of days! Hallie is adorable as always 🙂
galit says
I love this post! How true and honest! I remember the midwife telling me very simply that breast was best before my daughter was born, but no one said it would hurt! Well done to you for sticking it out 🙂
Sarah says
I love how open, honest, and real you are about all of this. I hope you continue to blog about the baby and post pregnancy!
Jen@FoodFamilyFitness says
I didn’t breastfeed my first two, but breastfed my youngest for a year. The first night he slept for 8 hours, I woke up after 5 with two giant boulders and had to go pump just so I could keep sleeping. Sometimes I would feed Aiden just to relieve the pressure LOL! I did love it though and it really did bond us!
Brittany says
oh my gosh, yes, middle of the night engorgement suckssss. Like boulders.. you’re right on!
Allie @ PickyEatingRD says
Ahhhh this is what scares me about breastfeeding !!! But it is one of the best things you can do for your baby so it is def. worth it. And like you, many people say the pain subsides after a while.
faith says
She’s so beautiful! I don’t have babies (yet!) but I really appreciate your honest, straight-forward post baby posts!
Meaghen says
I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant, so I really appreciate your “real” posts about being a mom! One question I have about breastfeeding is how does it work being able to drink and breastfeed? Is it just that a beer now and then doesn’t affect them, or do you pump the day you have a beer? And if so, how long do you have to pump after having a beer? Sorry, I know I could probably just read up on it, but I like hearing actual mom’s experience and opinion on things. Thanks!
Jen says
The laxative effect breast milk has on baby!
Jess says
I learned it’s not quite as natural as its supposed to be. I mean obviously the act is natural, but you don’t naturally know how to do it correctly.
My first month was rough! My baby was so small, she could not get her mouth open wide enough. Ouch!
I’m so glad I stuck it out. Now she can latch herself and it’s special mommy-baby time when I’m home with her.
I also have to say, though they’re expensive, the Medela Pump in Style is worth every penny for working moms!
Kristen @ The Concrete Runner says
Oh my gosh, she’s a cutie! I’m only 5 days in to breastfeeding but I feel like MacKenna + I have really gotten the hang of it. It was sooooo frustrating the first day or 2, but now I can tell when she’s latched properly + feeding fine. (My biggest problem is being able to tell if her diaper is wet! Of course, I didn’t realize that there’s an indicator strip on the diaper until this morning – duh!) I do feel like I am CONSTANTLY nursing her. I’m still not sure if my milk has come in yet, but I know my boobs are the biggest they’ve ever been (I’m normally an A-cup… pretty sure I’m close to a C right now). I definitely don’t have an overabundant supply yet since I have yet to leak, but I have pads on hand just in case! Thanks for sharing! I think we need to do a post on what they don’t tell you you’ll find in a dirty diaper.
Erica says
Thanks for this post! You’ve honestly made something I’m terrified of (breastfeeding) seem much less foreign through your humorous descriptions and unfiltered point of view.
Elizabeth says
Hi Brittany!
I read a bunch of your blog months ago, but haven’t checked it out since…and now I want to read all your posts 🙂 … I love everything you write about! ..anyway, I just wanted to say I’m glad to hear that the bfeeding has gotten easier. It definitely took me about 5 or 6 weeks and a bout of thrush in the beginning to push through to smooth sailing. Just wanted to encourage you to do it as long as you can and wish to… it’s so good for the baby!
Congratulations on everything!
thehealthyapron says
thanks for sharing your experience! I worked with nursing moms for almost 3 years but you never truly know the difficulty until you try it yourself (which I haven’t yet). I’m intimidated to nurse after your description of the pain, but I know if I get through the initial few weeks, I’ll be okay! Thanks girlie!
TheCrunchyGemini says
I was definitely not prepared for the leaking!! Omygosh it gets everywhere!!! That was the biggest shock for me as my milk came in like less than 24 hours after birth and freaked out the lactation consultant with how much I was producing… Lol!
We had problems with latch though and thank god for the lactation consultant because she introduced me to nipple shields which I still use 4 months in. So just a tip for any mamas out there struggling due to flat nipples! Lol
Marci says
Just re-read this after 1.5 weeks of bf’ing. I agree so far and it is feeling more natural. Also using the same Lanolin and breast pads.
Shanna, like Banana says
Haha funny, but oh so necessary.
I agree with the rabid kittens. That lasted for a few weeks and then it was fine. I didn’t need lanolin after that either. And I had a low supply so I ended up with enough breast pads for 10 nursing moms 😉
I learned to experiement with holds. For us the football hold worked really great until he became too long!
Amy @ {Life to the Full} says
I only have 3 months of breastfeeding experience to date, but I have to say it is awesome! Now, not everything has been awesome, like you mentioned above, but I love bonding with my little boy. Two things I’ve learned 1.) You CAN run/train for a marathon when breastfeeding (no supply issues here), and 2.) Being a breastfeeding bridesmaid is NO fun – my son cluster feeds in the evenings (reception time) and I couldn’t get out of the dress on my own! Funny, but awkward and uncomfortable :s
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