We are 5 weeks in and things are starting to settle down. No real routine yet, though predictable patterns are starting to emerge and my confidence in taking care of two is more steady. We get to venture out to the pediatrician today and I can’t wait to get an update on Kaitlyn’s stats!
As I reflect on the past 5 weeks, I realize there are a few items that really helped make things easier. I wrote a similar post on my baby favorites when Hailey was a couple months old, and some of those still ring true (I love my boppy!), but others don’t apply (Kaitlyn does not seem into pacifiers).
Though I stand by my statement that there is very little you need for a baby, here are 5 items I’m loving this go ‘round…
1. Aden & Anais Classic Muslin Swaddle Blankets– These blankets are the best because they are big, gauzy and have a little stretch. We use them for swaddling, as a breastfeeding cover (they are so light that they allow so air through which is nice, especially in summer heat), as a tummy time blanket and more.
2. The Boppy Lounger. I forgot how handy it is to have a place to put the baby down in almost every room, especially when you have a toddler that needs some help from time to time too. The lounger is a great little spot because it keeps baby’s head elevated, which Kaitlyn loves because she can look around and see what’s going on.
3. White Noise App. I know I keep mentioning it, but it’s because I use it every single day. I love the different options for noise. White noise is a bit harsher sounding and works wonderfully to help calm Kailtyn down, then the air conditioner sound is softer and perfect for back ground noise or to help lull her to sleep. There is a timer to set so it turns itself off and even has a baby monitor feature that will restart the noise if the baby cries.
4. Moses Basket. We are using the same Moses Basket and stand that we did with Hailey and again, it works great! Kaitlyn sleeps right beside our bed. I like the fact that it’s a flat sleeping surface to hopefully make the transition into the crib go more smoothly. I originally got it so I could carry it around the house with my while she was napping buuuuuut yeah, that never happens.
5. The Carseat Canopy. This was a gift from a friend and I absolutely love it. It stays attached to the carseat and is easy to flip over to cover the whole thing (great for blocking out sunshine for naps without having to rig a blanket to stay put). I also use it in stores to keep touchy hands from reaching for the baby. And a bonus? It’s really cute! I’ve been stopped several times and asked about it. It would make a great, unique baby shower gift.
*Bonus Favorite- A mother’s helper. Yesterday I had a neighborhood girl come over in the morning for 3 glorious hours to watch/play with Hailey. Since she is young (11 years old), she really does a great job of connecting and playing with Hailey. I of course stayed home with them, but with only having Kaitlyn to worry about yesterday morning, I was able to get SO much done. She is now set up to come once a week for 3 hours through summer and I won’t lie, I’m giddy!
Moms, weigh in!
What was your FAVORITE newborn must have?
Rachel Cooks says
I loved my carseat canopy too — like you said, it is such a bonus that it helps with nosy strangers. 😉 She is so stinking cute. Congrats again!
Erica { EricaDHouse.com } says
Having the 11 year old there sounds like a great idea! Let’s her get experience babysitting at a young age and gives you some much needed help. Win-win!
Brittany Dixon says
Exactly, by starting her at age 11 I can mold her into the type of sitter I want 😉
erin says
My moby wrap and ergo were a must have with both kids, but especially useful when #2 arrived. My “baby” is now two and oh how I miss those newborn days. I love cuddling a swaddled baby:)
Marjorie says
I loved my Aden and Anais blankets too! And good for you getting some help with Hailey.
Katie bearden says
I love my Aiden and Anais blankets! Perfect for summer….
I’m not using the ergo as much as I thought I would… Too hot!
Britney- my two are almost the exact ages as yours… Hayes is six weeks Sunday. What are your thoughts on nap schedule in the coming months?
Are you going to let Kate sleep on to in the mornings so hailey can get out to play dates etc?
Also how are you getting housework and errands do e right now? I’m flying by the seat of my pants ha!
Think I need to lower my standards 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Agree with the ergo- it’s a little hot right now with the infant insert!
As for your questions…
I have no clue how to handle nap schedule haha! My guess is that her morning naps will be on the go, as our mornings are full of activities and play dates. Since Hailey still naps 1-3:30/4, we will be home in the afternoons for naps and I hope to try and sync them up at some point.
As for errands and housework… my house is just kind of a wreck- haha! There is baby stuff everywhere. I do basic picking up every night after the girls go to bed and always clean the kitchen (for my own sanity). I just fit things in where I can- folding clothes while talking to Kaitlyn, having Hailey pick up toys when she’s done… I’m just flying by the seat of my pants, too!! 🙂
Katie @ Pick Any Two says
My boppy was essential those first few weeks, both for nursing and for having a place to put my baby down!
Jaclyn @ BumpSweat says
I registered for the Aden + Anais swaddle blankets and REALLY hope someone purchases those for us. If not, that’s one of those items we can use the gift cards for 🙂
Heather says
Love the boppy! It’s so useful, and even now, our 2 year old still loves his… we had to get a new boppy for his sister because he would take back his old one. Now he uses it when he lays down to read on the floor. :p Neither of our kids liked being swaddled with arms in, so the Halo Sleepsacks were a big must for us! Our 7 month old still sleeps best when she’s put in one.
Halsy says
I have a 6 week old and 2 year old. Boppy lounger has been used frequently with both as newborns. Also this time I love my baby K’Tan and Ergo. Best $62 (for both new) spent this time around! I have a big girl (13 lbs at 6 weeks) and almost 9 lbs at birth and actually returned my ergo infant insert). I used Emily’s blanket trick until 5 weeks. My little one has mild reflux so we got a snugabunny newborn rocker and it’s been a lifesaver! Also we have loved the gentle giraffe sound machine with both girls!
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables says
Can I borrow your mother’s helper?? 😉
I loved my swing!! That was the only thing that would calm baby D at times.
Emily says
I also got one of the Carseat Canopy things the second time around, and I loved it! much easier than using a blanket.
Laura @ FitMamaLove says
Having a mother’s helper sounds amazing! I wish we had a teenage girl in our neighborhood that I could have help out for a few hours sometimes.
We love those swaddle blankets at our house too!
Elle says
I was a helper when I was 10 and loved it! I was with the family for another 11 years as a nanny 🙂
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
Yes, I’m totally with you on these! We never used a Moses Basket, but the other four things were very helpful for us. I also used the swing a TON when Hunter was a newborn. It was my miracle worker. 😉
Katie says
Aden and Anais blankets are the best! My daughter is now 2 and still uses them as her “lovie”. Definitely purchasing another package for baby boy due in a few weeks!
Erin says
The Miracle Blanket + The Happiest Baby on the Block book!
Sarah says
Boppy pillow all the way!!! It makes nursing so much easier….