Goooooood mid-morning! I’m extra chipper this morning, and it could be because of the coffee… or the fact that I slept for over 10 (yes, TEN) hours last night. I fell asleep on the couch not long after we finished dinner and didn’t wake up until this morning… well I guess I woke up enough to zombie-walk my way to the bed. And boy did I have some cr@zy dreams! In one, I was rescuing people from an old man that was dying of radiation poisoning and passing it on to other people. In another, I was back in high school, and purposely kept off the competition cheerleading squad, and put on the squad that just cheers at games. This was punishment for something and the coaches were rubbing it in and I was furious! Talk about 2 different extremes… and a slight over-obsession with cheerleading… ::sigh:: I miss cheering. Does that make me lame? If it doesn’t, I’ll make sure I secure my lame status when I have a little girl that cheers and I’m the mom that is out there trying to show people how to not have broken wrists in motions and how to do a toe-touch.
Ok, Ok… moving on…
I decided to take a break from eggs this morning (pun intended) and went with oatmeal instead.
Oatmeal with flax seeds, almonds and a peach! I mixed it all up after the picture and the peaches warmed up and it tasted like a peach cobbler… yum! Oh fall, where are you?!
Then I decided to ease my way into the morning while enjoying coffee w/ Hubbs
Notice the head down? That because the whole time he played— I mean did some work— on his new Droid 🙂
I’m really liking Wordless Wednesdays, and I hope you do too! I know my friend Christen complains about them, but that’s just because she’s bored at work and misses my witty commentary (right? ;)). It’s fun to try and take a typical day and pull out images I think may be entertaining. It was a challenge yesterday because it was a pretty boring day with lots of computer work… so I thought I’d show off the multi–colored carpet in our upstairs. When no one commented on the fact that we have blue carpet, pink carpet, green carpet and regular carpet, I got scared and thought… “do y’all think I actually CHOSE this heinous carpet?!“. Surely you just didn’t want to hurt my feelings right? Hubbs and I still have a lot of updating to do in the house, and we’ve done most of our changed on the main level, so we still have pink walls and colored carpet all upstairs. We’ll get to it… eventually.
Did you have any crazy dreams last night??
Lunch was left over spaghetti, which sometimes tastes even better the day after!
Then after a couple more hours, I had intentions of finding some sort of vegetable to snack on, but my good intentions went right out the door when I saw Stacy staring back at me. How could I say no??
Needless to say, I’m feeling pretty carb heavy today… but it’s all been so good 🙂 Plus I need to carbo load to go play tennis is an hour, right? Sure… why not. I’m a little scared of this heat, but the courts are calling my name!
In other thoughts… are bathing suits on sale yet? I really need a new one, and figure they’ll have fall sweaters in stores soon enough (because retail is crazy like that) and bathing suits on sale…
to work or online shop… that is the question…
Whew! Sorry for the late dinner post. Tennis was hot! And I got beat… Again. Then it was time for a quick change because then we were off to meet some friends for dinner!… Except that we had some boat issues which made us 30 minutes late and negated any use of my post-tennis shower.
By the time we got there, I was ready for a Blue Moon (or 2)
I enjoyed some live music (always Fun!) and a slice of the appetizer…
I tried to sneak in some veggies with my Main course, but it was pretty terrible. Next time I’ll go with grilled chicken and onion rings like hubs
Then we waved bye to our friends and enjoyed a sunset cruise home… Very relaxing! Now I’m hitting the hay soon so I can get up early for my couch to 5 k training 🙂
Aimee says
Funny you asked about dreams because all my dreams were completely crazy last night. So very odd and not related to anything. Usually I can pinpoint where certain crazy ideas stem from in real life, but these were just crazy.
Fun though, right? 🙂 Not a bad morning coffee view you have going on there by the way!
Shawnee says
I dreamt that I was at Creation Fest (a big 4-day concert that used to be at the Gorge in Washington State). But I was with my cousins and two of my aunts. My aunts accidentally left me and one of my cousins. So we started walking (with a blanket over our heads, cause we were hot). Then I randomly started to run and my aunts picked us up. NOt very exciting, but it has no point!
Rachel says
I didn’t, but my friend has complained the past two nights of pretty bad nightmares. Something must be in the air!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
i am in LOVE with your bowl of oats! the pinwheel is gorgeous 🙂 i also really love the tomato/basil header…beautiful! i typically remember my dreams, but i think i was SO TIRED that i forgot mine from the past couple nights!
homecookedem says
I am ALL about peach oatmeal these days!!! So good and you’re right, it’s like peach cobbler…mmmmmmmm!! 🙂
I’ve had some crazy dreams since being pregnant… and a few nightmares that have woken me up!
Nichole says
I dreamed weird crap all the time. Last week I dreamed I was on Air Force One, cause that’s how I roll.
And we ALL know you love the crayola carpet and would have it no other way:)
Blond Duck says
I dreamed I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer the other night. The 90s movie version, not SMGeller, the cool Buffy! 🙂
And then the other night, I had a dream I got in an argument with the owner of a pizza parlor about his oven not being a real brick oven and him not putting enough meat on my pizza. In Italian. And I can barely speak English!
Tina says
I have crazy dreams like that all the time. The ones that go back to high school always freak me out. They are always the ones that seem so real. I don’t want to go back! Even in dreams. LOL
And I have sympathy for the carpet. We had teal and pink carpet until about 2 years ago. It made my eyes hurt. We still have teal tile. It makes me very angry when I have to feature it in food pics. Haha.
Brittany says
love your Blog!!! lol my name brittany and i was a cheerleader too : ) I still love it …so I teach cheer to little ones…well i did now i back working : ( lol! Great view and WAHOOO i wish i could get a 10 night in : )
Tomorrow is my last day for give away….ITS JEWERLY!
stop by!
Alycia @ Fit n Fresh says
Totally weird dreams – what the hell did you eat for dinner? lol and your oatmeal looks delicious! So pretty!
Baking Serendipity says
What a gorgeous view! Is that your backyard? If so, I’m ridiculously jealous!
thatShortChick says
what a gorgeous view you have!! such is the life when living on the lake, right?
I’m really bad when it comes to recalling dreams…I don’t tend to dream frequently (or maybe I just don’t remember!) only if I happen to see something scary/crazy right before I go to bed.
christen says
love that I officially made it in your blog…phew glad it’s not Wednesday…didn’t enjoy the unexciting blog posts yesterday jk jk…glad to see you’re back in full swing today! Have some flax seed and was curious about different things I can use them should give me som recs!
love your spaghetti I want to try it! and of course as always jealous of your boat ride dinner cruise..hope it was fun! now looking forward to catching up tomorrow!
Eat Cat says
I’m impressed! Your post has really made me think. I think I will talk about this.
Thank you.