Guess who is napping in the crib for the first time?!
Yes, those are bumpers. Yes, I still have them in the crib. I’m OK with it for right now. The crib is part of this new schedule thing I’m trying. At readers’ requests, I’ll be posting about it soon- a day in the life style, but today, it’s all about the FOOD.
Wheat toast, peanut butter, chia seeds and honey. It’s my new quick breakfast- fills me up and is easy to eat while holding a clingy baby. Of course, no fall breakfast is complete without…
a cup of decaf with Pumpkin Pie Spice. Usually I buy Breve Cream, which is just cream and sugar instead of this stuff that has unrecognizable ingredients… but the pumpkin pie spice suckered me in… sigh…
No morning snack? Nope. Somehow the morning flew by. Oh that’s right. It flew by because SOMEone didn’t feel like sleeping… not a wink… I let her fuss a little while I finally made lunch.
Garlic and herb tuna and spinach on wheat, with sliced HONEYCRISP (drooooooooool) apple on the side.
Afternoon Snack
I was going to sneak in some more nutrients with carrot sticks, but after only 2 days, the carrots had turned slimy. EW!
Be honest… who is in the mood to go watch Ghost Busters now? ::timidly lifts hand and blushes::
Guess who stopped by to meet Hailey? Uncle Chris!
Hubbs’ bro was in town for work and made it over to meet his little niece. I was so happy he was able to stop by! I was a bit tired (OK, a lot tired), so I snuggled with Hailey while the guys took over dinner duty.
So… it wasn’t surprising when dinner ended up looking like this:
Is that a man meal or what? I didn’t even bother asking where the green stuff was 🙂 It was delicious, though. Who doesn’t love sweet potato fries?
The guys didn’t stop there… dessert was in order, too.
Angel food cake with caramel swirl ice cream and peanut butter chips. This dish could be served in a restaurant. It was a-mah-zing. (Anyone watch Happy Ending? Penny? Anyone? ::crickets::)
When your boyfriend, husband, dad, guy friend is in charge of dinner… does it come out looking like a man meal, like mine did?
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
I wish I weren’t vegan right now because I LOVE me some angel food cake. Sadly the main ingredient (as you know) is, well, eggs (at least the whites!).
I kind of want a bigger version of Hailey’s pajamas. Do you think we could find some in my size?
[PS. Sometimes you just need to give in to artificiality. With food. Not people.]
Whitney says
When the husband “cooks” it’s always a manly meal because he only knows how to grill!! haha bless his heart! 🙂
Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength says
I kept my bumpers on until a few weeks ago (so until he was 4 months or so)…he couldn’t really move and I liked that he couldn’t see out of the crib bc sometimes he’s easily distracted. 😉
Christina says
When my husband makes dinner, I’m usually too focused on the fact that he manages to use EVERY pot and pan in the house to notice the food itself 🙂 But generally speaking no greens either 🙂
Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength says
Oh…and that’s exactly the type of meal my hubby would make. He never thinks about the veggies. His favorite lately is chips and salsa and chicken. He says it’s well-rounded. LOL
Brittany says
chips, salsa and chicken is Hubbs’ favorite meal- haha!
Amanda Perry @ Sistas of Strength says
see…told you we should live closer! they could eat that together and we could throw in some veggies for you and i 🙂
layne says
When Corey cooks, it’s always a lot of meat and noodles…and ‘sketchy’ meat at that- w/ the fat and that ‘ewwy’ stuff! I try to smile and enjoy…it’s all about compromise right?!
Suzanne says
We’re starting on the crib the weekend. It’s so bittersweet, especially since my little boy is already outgrowing his 3 month clothes at only 6 weeks. Doesn’t part of you just want to keep them this little forever?
Brittany says
Oh I just love her little and it’s so bitter sweet that she’s growing so quickly. I know exactly what you mean 🙂
Jodie says
It always is beef, steak or some sort of red meat!
Krista says
We always used the bumper, I didn’t even know it was a controversy until after she moved out of the crib. With this one, I’ll buy a breathable bumper. I can’t imagine NOT having one in there with the slats!
Jen says
I am addicted to International Delight’s gingerbread flavor. All crap ingredients but too good for me to pass up! Thank goodness it’s only seasonal.
Hailey is so precious! So sweet of your hubs to cook dinner. What is with men and red meat?! They’re all the same.
Brooke @ Veggie Table says
Forrest’s man meal includes a still-mooing cow and a beer 🙂
Brittany says
still-mooing cow- haha!!
Stefanie says
*cricket, cricket* I got your Happy Endings reference! Love that show! It’s a-mah-zing! 😉
Susan @ Real Life Travels says
Keep the bumpers! I was so anti bumpers but my crazy one needs ’em. Plus at that age they don’t even move.
Nate cooks alot and he’s pretty good at having a variety. But yes there’s always a hunk of meat 🙂
Erin says
I bought the same coffee creamer…so yummy (unrecognizable ingredients and all)! 🙂
marian @ marianwrites says
haha i LOVE happy endings – it is my new favorite show and COMPLETELY a – mah – zing. love it.
Brittany says
I want to be BFFs with Penny- she’s a-mah-zing … they all are actually 🙂
Heather says
I love the show Happy Endings, it is hysterical. Dinner looked delicious and that is about how my boyfriend’s looks when he cooks except we may have mashed potatoes or roasted red potatoes and a ceasar salad.
Also, Hailey is precious and I love the way she is looking at her dad, like she is so in love.
Meredith says
My boyfriend loves to cook, but he’s pretty limited to breakfast tacos and Indian food (he’s from India) so our meals are usually meat and carb heavy — he loves rice and naan! He is, thankfully, conscious about healthy eating so he’ll buy skinless chicken and use milk instead of heavy cream, but he does try to sneak in veggies when appropriate.
Brittany says
Oh my gosh, if Hubbs could make authentic Indian food at home, I’d make him cook every night! I’m so jealous that your boyfriend knows how to make the real stuff- YUM!
Lindsay @ Schnoodle Soup says
Matt does the same thing, so I always say, “Okay, you cook the main meal and I’ll handle veggies!” That way, we get the best of both worlds. I, of course, am not exhausted because I have a one-month old so I would gladly eat without anything green if that were the case 🙂
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
If my husband was in charge of dinner, I’d end up with a big empty plate. Maybe a bag of tortilla chips if I’m lucky. 😉
Sherry says
My man’s meal is a delicious grilled steak, baked potato, and a Caesar salad (we even have something green). He does a fabulous job!
Brittany says
Sounds like a keeper 😉
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
haha, that would be exactly what a “man” meal would look like in my house too. When (and it’s very seldom) my husband takes over dinner I always have to remind him to make something green along with the “meat.”
faith says
My husband compromises; he cooks vegetarian for me but it never has the giant pile of greens that I would make myself.
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
Honeycrisp apples are SO good right now. Too bad they are so expensive where I am…I paid $6.00 for 5.
When David cooks it’s usually my recipes so it’s not very manly. haha. On the other hand, when my dad cooks, that’s a whole other story!
Katie says
Coffee creamer is the ONE thing in my diet that I can’t seem to let go of (when it comes to eating real food). I have a few of the breve creams but my heart always yearns for the “regular” flavors. I have the pumpkin spice in my fridge now too! I also caved at the store yesterday when I saw they had released on of my favorites, white raspberry mocha (they only have it in the winter). Siigh. I just keep telling myself I can’t be perfect (and try not to look at the ingredients) 🙂 P.S.- H is adorable!
Brittany says
oh… I MUST try white raspberry mocha. So glad I’m not the only one that is weak about coffee creamers 😉
Emily says
I just started to schedule the twins (or atleast try to!) They took their first crib nap last week! So far, nap time is usually more exhausting for me, not so much a nice quiet nap time haha one or the other will cry most of the time and I have to keep going in to give them a pacifier or rock them for a bit, but hopefully they’ll get the hang of it soon! can’t wait to hear how you’re doing it! haha send any tips my way 😉
Lauren B says
My husband is very thoughtful, and usually tries to cook something healthy for both of us when he cooks. But if it were solely up to him, our meal would either be spaghetti bolognese or steak with french fries…. or a big juicy hamburger. Definitely man food.
Chelsea M says
Hi Brittany,
I’ve been lurking on your blog since the late summer but I’m finally posting a comment 🙂
-love Happy Endings it’s ah-mah-zing, new episode tonight!
-my man can actually cook better than me but food is always healthier. On our second date he made me pan roasted pork tenderloin, risotto, and grilled asparagus. Not my normal healthy meal but there’s something romantic about a man who will cook for you!
Brittany says
So glad you finally commented …especially if you’re a Happy Endings fan, too! It means you’re pretty a-mah-zing.
PS- sounds like your man is a keeper!
Alyssa @ Life of bLyss says
I still need to try pumpkin spice creamer!
AAANNDDD I’m going to head out of salisbury early-ish on sunday morning… what are your sunday plans? 😀
Brittany says
I don’t know at this point, but maybe we can grab a Starbucks or something before you head out?!
Karen says
I can’t complain when my husband cooks – b/c, well, I’m off the hook! He has a repertoire of 3 items – pasta with tomato sauce from a jar, sausages with oven fries, and burgers on the grill with potato chips.
Hailey is adorable – waiting over here for our little sprout – I’m due FRIDAY!
Brittany says
Friday?! Ahhhh! SO EXCITING! Sending good labor luck your way 🙂
Lauren says
Joey is really good about cooking healthy, but only because I buy the groceries and provide the recipes. If it were up to him we’d probably go out for Mexican every night and eat ice cream for dessert. For someone who can’t digest dairy very well, he sure loves it 😛 Little H is so cute in her crib 🙂
Dee says
Actually DH does pretty well with a rounded meal, but once in awhile it’s ALL about the meat. LOL
Claire says
Love her little pj’s! I don’t have a boyfriend/husband but have a friend who would DEFINITELY make a dinner like that. he claims to eat by color – brown, white, and red (meaning tomatoes)…no green, orange, or yellow. Hmmm, gonna have to work on that one! 🙂
Sophie @ LoveLiveAndLearn says
As usual Hailey looks adorable!
My boyfriend would definitely go for a heartier meal than I normally eat but he knows how much I love pasta so it’s often something like quorn spaghetti bolognese 🙂
He knows how to make me happy 😛
And I definitely would not say no to some sweet potato fries!
Maria says
Hailey is growing so quickly!
It’s funny because I’m more of a steak and fries girl and the husband is more of a pasta and meat person. But usually, if he’s calling the shots, it’s In and Out Burger 🙂
Megan says
Oh my word, if I let Mr. Skinny make dinner it would be some kind of fast food, guaranteed. He can’t cook to save his life. Scratch that, I think he CAN cook, he just doesn’t want to try to.
Rachel @ My Naturally Frugal Family says
Your baby is gorgeous!!! I always used bumpers in the crib and never had a bit of trouble (and all 3 kids survived), you do whatever you think is right.
Congrats to your hubby for pulling dinner duty (even minus the green) it must have been nice to have a little break.
Keep up the baby pics it is so nice to see her progress.
Lyndsey says
When my boyf cooks, it’s always pasta with a lot of oil and parm on top…and never any veggies. God bless him for trying though haha..
Melissa says
When my husband cooks, it is either this type of meal or some kind of meat and pasta dish with a dash of every spice in the spice cabinet. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little.
Roz says
Awww…Hailey looks sooo cute all swaddled in her crib. Adorable. My husband’s favorite “cooking” is phoning for delivery. Or…if he’s feeling daring, he’ll flip some burgers on the grill. Just burgers. No sides…strictly meat and bun… And he calls himself “Master Flipper” like he’s a superhero for cooking. sigh. I love him dearly, and wouldn’t trade him for ANYONE (George Clooney included) but seriously??? Master flipper???? 🙂 Have a great day Brittany!
Autumn@Good Eats Girl says
That looks like a perfect man meal! 🙂 Sounds like you guys had a great night!
Sara @my less serious life says
angel food cake? i haven’t thought about that in years…sounds like something i need to eat soon.
Belinda says
My boyfriend totally used to eat like that! Just carbs and meat! I think I’ve had an effect on him over our 7 years together – he now likes things he never would have touched in the past like green tea, oats, chia seeds, and he now insists on having something green with dinner… muhuha!
Jess says
My boyfriend’s a vegetarian, so there are usually lots of veggies involved. He’s actually a really good cook—I wish he’d do it more often. When we were first together, there was a lot more cheese and a lot more fried tofu when he cooked, but we’ve introduced each other to lots of good recipes in the past few years.
blackhuff says
No man meals in my house – hubby like experimenting and thus is why we get wholesome meals with lots of veggies 🙂
Michaela says
I loved Ghoast busters when I was younger! Me and my bro watched it sooo often.
hahahaha, yes, that is a man-meal 😀 My dad is currently in a “I will add pre-cut, pre-washed salad out of a bag and its healthy” phase. Steak and potatoes. Tuna with potatoes. Scallops with potatoes. Steak and bacon with potatoes. But everything with said salad on the side 😉 So I guess it could be worse.
Katie says
I loved my bumper too and kept it in when my little guy was a newborn. As he got older I took it out – but the crib seemed so uncomfortable! His head would be pressed up against the bars. =( I found the Cozy Wedge – It is awesome!! You should check it out!! says
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