Where we live in North Carolina we only get snow once or twice a year. Luckily when it comes, it is usually enough to warrant a sled, so when Brad raised his snow predictor from “social media talk” past “buy milk and bread” and all the way up to “buy a sled,” I took it to heart. I loaded up on snow day essentials (pimento cheese, hot chocolate, and adult beverages) then fell asleep on the couch at 8:20 pm.
The next morning we all woke up to a winter wonderland!
The girls were super excited, albeit a little confused (does this mean it’s Christmas again?!). Whoever made snow an integral part of any Christmas scene has thoroughly confused my children for life.
The snow was still falling and things looked bitterly cold, so we eased into the day, sipping tea and looking out windows until the girls couldn’t wait any longer and we agreed to suit up.
Out we went, into the 6ish inches of white powdery stuff, giggling all the way.
The morning was cold but the snow was so soft and fluffy that it didn’t really work all that well for sledding. No matter, just being out in it was pretty exciting. I adore how it completely transforms the landscape and can’t help but to agree with Hailey that the whole scene looked magical.
Though Kaitlyn did take more than one faceplant, as our little lightweight didn’t seem heavy enough to keep the sled balanced.
We have almost all the right clothing for snow- ski bibs, waterproof coats, hats, and even snow boots. However I overlooked a tiny detail (MITTENS) so we forced the girls to wear our ski mittens, which was a fairly sub par solution.
We came inside for lunch with two shivering girls, who quickly warmed up with the mention of hot chocolate.
I lucked out that the hot chocolate mix I picked up was downright delicious, and the girls literally squealed with delight (girl moms, you understand that octave that only a 2 1/2 year old can hit).
Though to be honest, it probably could have been hot water with a single chocolate chip thrown in and they would have gone wild. Ah, the simplicity of childhood.
We skipped over rest time and spent time playing and warming up by the fire while I took advantage of nature’s freezer to cool off some brewskis for David and me.
Beer fans: this Allagash Curieux was ridiculously good!
Once everyone could feel their toes again and our clothing had dried, we decided to do it all over again!
I seemed to forget ‘carrots’ as a snow day essential but we made do with celery for a nose, my Adora chocolate calcium discs for eyes, and grape tomatoes for a smile.
You may not be very impressed, but the girls loved him!
When the sun went down I had little energy left to make dinner so we fed the girls mac ‘n cheese and applesauce and put them down at 6:30 without even a shadow of a resistance. Then David and I turned taco night into this:
The jarred cheese sauce was terrible, but standing at the counter with a chip and dip assembly line tasted like what dreams are made of!
All in all, quite the successful snow day (weekend, as Sunday looked quite similar). Thank you Mother Nature for bringing in the white stuff on a Friday evening. Your timing was impeccable!
School is cancelled for today so I’m sure there is more sledding in our future before the temperatures hit 68 on Friday. The south is weird.
What is your favorite part of a snow day?!
Mine is either sledding (I could do that all day long it’s so fun) or the hot chocolate/beer part when everyone comes in and warms up by the fire with big smiles on their faces!
John J. says
“A picture tells …. !” What a blast. Memories are made of this. Enjoy today, too.
Karen says
Please tell me about this pimento cheese…..we are due to visit nearby soon and my husband said when he was there it was everywhere and I need to try this when I arrive.
How do you eat it, crackers? veggies? bread?
And a word of advice about lack of mittens….adult socks under their jacket sleeves pulled up to their arm pits will keep them warm, stay on and will not be able to be pulled off. Double them if needed for wet soggy snow.
This is what I do with all my children…makes life easier for me and them.
Brittany Dixon says
How DON’T you eat pimento cheese?! No option is wrong 🙂 Sandwiches (like at The Masters), in omelets, on vegetables, etc, but I usually use a hearty pita chip and scoop right in. There are a lot of varieties and different consistencies. My favorite store-bought pimento cheese is http://www.mtsgourmet.com/. Definitely check it out when you’re down here!
PS- thank you for the sock tip too- so smart!!
Heather @Lunging Through Life says
What a fund day! I’m still waiting for a day like this and I live in the north! haha Glad the girls had a fun day 🙂
sherry says
Oh what a fun day! The pictures show the fun and excitement so well. The picture of Hailey making her snow angel looks just like you at that age! I had to take a double look to see if it was you or Hailey.
Brittany Dixon says
Aw, I love that we look alike, down to the single dimple in our cheek! I just hope she does too! Next snow day, your presence is requested! 🙂
Jessica says
We had so much fun in the snow. Neither of my children wanted to eat breakfast, but immediately asked to go outside when they looked out the windows. Ha ha! That’s big for my kids because they love food. Sledding was pretty difficult since the snow wasn’t very wet, but we tried hard. Snowmen were hard too, but my FIL helped with a small one once the sun came out. There were no bedtime fights after playing in the snow twice, Emmy’s birthday party, and the fun of having grandparents in town. So much fun! Glad you guys had a blast!
Brittany Dixon says
Yes wasn’t it bizarre snow? So soft and fluffy! Absolutely beautiful but not the best for sleds! So glad you had such a fun weekend!
Heather says
As much as I dislike being cold, snow really does have a way of making everything so magical! Alas, our temperatures have been a tad too cold for playing outside in it lately. haha!
Gcroft says
I dread snow days. Just a light dusting and the London transportation comes to a halt, although schools may remain open depending. This the challenge will be to drive the little one to school on icy roads and keep fingers crossed that the Tube is running a reliable service into central London for work!
Annie says
We live in Boston and have driven up to Portland Maine a few times to go to the Allagash brewery- that’s one of my husbands favorite beers!
Kathleen says
What kind of snow suit is Kaitlyn wearing? I’ve been on the lookout for one for my 1.5 year old!
Brittany Dixon says
The writing on the tag is worn off because I’ve had it so long (it was Hailey’s!). I don’t remember where I got it either, I’m sorry! I know Hailey’s snowsuit now is Hanna Andersson
Tracy says
I’m impressed with your snow gear supply considering it rarely snows there! Looks like you all had a lot of fun.
We get more than enough of the white stuff here in Kansas City and I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska (3 hours North) where we were hit with even more each winter. I might feel the same as you if it only snowed once or twice, but I am definitely NOT a fan! I’m a warm weather girl at heart!
Katie @ Live Half Full says
I love it! In Chicago we surprisingly have zero snow but it is COLD! Our weekend was similar. Low key and family fun!