Good morning, all! Monday again already? And mid-May? Man, time is flying… and I sure hope the world doesn’t end on May 21. That only gives us about a week. 😉
Moving on…
Another weekend means another CSA pick up and I am impressed again at the loot I scored!
A ton of fresh, organic broccoli- some which was a bit overgrown and beginning to flower, but still totally usable. I’m making casseroles! 2 cucumbers and a fresh tomato- my FAVORITE.
Organic spinach, organic lettuce, a cantaloupe- which was NOT local, but from Florida from a guy she knew. The secret to a sweet cantaloupe is HOT temperatures, and wherever in Florida has had unusually hot temps, making this one of the hands down tastiest cantaloupes I’ve ever had. I have to admit… it’s already gone. But it was so good.
We also got more ‘onions’. The purply things. Confession: I don’t have a clue what to do with them. What are they? Too big to be green onions… and too purply. Are the scallions? I’m begging any produce gurus out there to please tell me what to do with these guys…
And possibly my favorite thing this week? A tomato plant!
It’s a Black Cherry Tomato plant, and our CSA lady swears they are some of the tastiest tomatoes she’s ever grown. They should grow up to look like this:
And I can’t wait to sink my teeth into them! It’s already been planted, and let’s hope I don’t kill it 🙂
Now without further delay, thank you to everyone that entered the Love Grown Giveaway! The winner is…
True Random Number
Generator Min: 1
Max: 72
Result: 39
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Congratulations to Heather!
My favorite way to eat granola is in the trail mix that me and the two people I work with have been making. Peanuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, something a little sweet (chocolate chips or m&m’s) and granola. It is a lot cheaper to buy all the ingredients and make your own we have found and it is much fresher then buying it in the store.
Please send your address to me at and I’ll get the granola and the apron to you right away! 🙂
Now, I’m begging y’all, please help me with what to do with those ‘onions’…
Roz says
You got a tomato plant in the CSA delivery????? How great is that?????? Can’t wait to see the tomatoes that grow from it! Have a great day Brittany!
christina says
I am so jealous of your CSA tomatoes! I haven’t gotten any!
Holly @ The Runny Egg says
I have never heard of black cherry tomatoes??? So cute.
Katie H says
Awesome goodies! Those tomatoes look so interesting! I have no idea what to do with those onions haha- I have never seen one in person (I think!)
Rachel @ Rachel's Recipes says
Oh how fun—can’t wait to see how your tomato plant grows! I think those “onions” are leeks–although I’ve never seen purple ones? So I could be wrong. If they are, a good recipe to make would be potato leek soup. But there are lots of other things you can do with leeks. But they might not be leeks. Haha…
Brittany says
I think you’re right- the consensus seems to be leeks! Now if only I can chill out enough to consider making soup… 🙂
Sam says
those black cherry tomatoes look so cool! you will HAVE to show us the finished product once those babies grow up, i have never even heard of them before! As for your onion thing…I have nooo clue…Kinda looks like a purple leek? Do those even exist? good luck!
Samantha @ Health, Happiness & SKinny Jeans says
I am so jealous of all your fresh produce. I love that lil’ cherry tomato plant…so cute!~
Rachel says
I would not be surprised at all about the end of the world.. I mean, have you seen the weather forecast? It’s all rain 😉 I will be at Wrightsville on the 21st, maybe I should rethink that 🙂
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
I’m pretty sure those are purple leeks. Not that I know what to do with them…but that could guide you a little? [I just googled purple leeks and the pictures that came up look like that…so I think Rachel (from above comment) and I are both on to something…]
Also, I cannot believe you got a tomato plant from a CSA! [And I CAN believe you ate that cantaloupe. I need a CSA of melons alone…and I’d eat them all, I swear…melon overload…but I don’t care. :)]
Brittany says
I appreciate the googling! I’m going to just call them leeks now 🙂 It’s just so dang hot, but maybe I’ll attempt some soup anyways! Here goes nothing…
thehealthyapron says
I think those purply things are leeks? If so, there are tons of recipes out there for out to use them, although most I’ve seen are for soups (which might be hot this time of year, depending on where you live). ha
Allison @ PickyEatingRD says
I have never seen a CSA that came with a tomato plant. What a great idea!! I think you might have leeks on your hands but I am not positive.
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
that’s so exciting you got a tomato plant! i need to buy some next weekend!! i have no idea what your little purple guys are. sorry 🙁
Parita @ myinnershakti says
I love the idea of CSAs and wish it was something that was available to me where I live right now. Fresh produce?! Sign me up!
Melissa @ Be Not Simply Good says
How about Apple & Leek Quiche? Here’s a link to a recipe:
It’s been so interesting to see the differences in what you and I receive. It’s a huge climate difference, so no surprise.
Here’s a question for you: Is canteloupe the same thing as musk melon? Something we were pondering around here over the weekend.
pawsitivelife says
Can you cut the onions up in a salad? Thats a super awesome produce box, I have to look for one in my neck of the woods
Autumn @ Good Eats Girl says
I have no idea what the purple things are! 🙂 Sorry!
I’m loving that you got a tomato plant in your CSA box…how cool!
McKayla (green groats) says
Sorry. I’ve never seen that kind of onion before. I would probably just sautee them up in a stir fry or add them to soup or chili! I just love onions (except the watery eyes part).
Mmmm. Black cherry tomatoes! Love the sound of that – can’t say I’ve had them either.
Melissa says
Def looks like leeks. Make sure you soak them well in water. They hold lots of dirt. I would sauté them and add to oneness or frittatas. A Chinese like stir fry would be good too. Really I think anything you might use onion for, you can use leeks. But don’t quote me on that.