I’m trying to remember the first time I stepped foot in a Burn Boot Camp. It had to be over 2 years ago! I’m fortunate to live in the epicenter of where Burn Boot Camp started, just north of Charlotte, NC. Now, they have over 70 locations all over the US and are still rapidly expanding and helping women understand that investing in our health is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and our families.
So what is Burn Boot Camp? Julie wrote a great post that covers it well, but I’ll share the basics of what it is and why I am so in love with it.
Burn Boot Camp (BBC) focuses on 5 pillars: mindset, whole food nutrition, burst training, strength training, and community. It’s a women-only facility that offers 45 minute group athletic training classes WITH CHILD CARE. It’s certainly not for moms only, but as a mom, the free childcare is instrumental in me being able to make it to work out on the regular.
The classes themselves are always new, always challenging, and always working different muscle groups. In over two years, I’ve never done the same workout twice. I thought I had pushed myself with exercise in the past but I’ve never experienced anything like a BBC class. Honestly, it’s the only thing I’ve ever stuck with for this length of time. Through my years of attending regularly (I average 3 days a week and applaud the ladies that consistently rock 5 days), I’ve seen my body completely transform.
The Burn Trainers really deserve so much of the praise. They are incredibly knowledgeable and motivating. I definitely groan when Daniel drops 20 lb weights in front of me when I’m rocking 15’s, but Burn Trainers are supposed to be tough to push you to be your best. At the same time, they offer modifications for every fitness level and/or injury and are a big part of the encouraging atmosphere that BBC is so well known for.
Each Sunday, BBC posts the week’s protocol on their facebook and instagram pages so I can see what’s on deck for the week. I admit I sometimes use this to pick which days will work best with my schedule (full body met con and lower body are my favs!). All locations follow the same protocol as each other, though workouts may vary slightly. It’s pretty cool that I can chat with my best friend in Greeenville SC and we can both lament about the same sore muscles!
I asked Daniel (our head trainer and the reason for the #deathbyDaniel social media hashtag- meant mostly in a nice way- I kid… I kid…) if he’d put together an at-home BBC inspired workout for me to share with you guys and he delivered! If you can look past my awkward attempt at being a fitness model, you’ll see this an awesome at-home workout that you can rock anywhere, anytime without any equipment.
Burn Boot Camp At Home Workout
Warm Up
Complete 2 Rounds
20 Squats
20 High Knees
(2 sides equals 1 rep)
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
(2 sides equals 1 rep)
Work Out
Complete 3 Rounds
1 Minute Grasshoppers
(Four mountain climbers followed by a half burpee.)
30 Seconds Pick Up Cross Overs
(Legs apart, squat down and touch the floor, then jump up and cross your feet one over the other, then jump feet back apart into a squat and repeat.)
1 Minute Power Plank Push Up
(Complete a push up then jump your feet up beside your hands then jump feet back to a push up position. Repeat.)
30 Seconds Star Jacks
(Feet together, squat down, jump up in the air with feet apart like a jumping jack. Land back in squat position with feet together and repeat.)
1 Minute Heisman
(Start in a standing position with your knees slightly bent. Lift your bent right leg up. Quickly hop to the right, while lifting your bent left knee up to hip height. Hop to the left, lifting your right knee to hip height. Repeat.)
Drop Set Finisher
Starting at 12 reps and dropping 2 reps each round or 5 minutes worth of the exercises.
12 Butterfly Sit Ups
(Put the soles of your feet together in a butterfly position. Lay back then complete a sit up. Repeat.)
12 Bicycles
(2 sides equals one rep)
12 Plank Jacks
(Get into a plank position. While keep a flat back, jump your feet apart and then back together.)
Thank you Daniel!
What separates Burn Boot Camp from so many other programs is the strong community of women that support each other and lift each other up. It’s a very encouraging atmosphere full of high fives and good jams (quite often I find myself dancing along). I’ve cheered watching women who have never worked out before lose inches, gain confidence, and finally enjoy exercise.
If you are curious about Burn Boot Camp, see if there is a location near you. They all offer a 14 day free test drive and also hold free Saturday morning community classes at all locations. Just bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable (and supportive) athletic gear, and a more secured braid or ponytail than what I’m sporting here.
top sold out (similar) // leggings sold out (similar)
Burn Boot Camp is the first fitness facility I’ve been a part of and regularly attended for this long. It pushes me and as a result I am more confident in my fitness level and stronger than I’ve ever been.
If you have any questions about BBC, please ask away!
Is there a fitness style or place that has completely stolen your heart?
I was not asked or paid to write this post. I have received so many questions about BBC that I wanted to share my love for it with you. I’ve actually been such an advocate that I am now a BBC ambassador for my location and my membership fees are comped.
Photographs by Amanda Overmyer Photography.
John J. says
IMPRESSSIVE!! Ok, I’ll do more 🙂
sherry says
You could totally be a fitness model! What a great concept and group you have! One arm plank–impressive!!
Brittany Dixon says
My mom thinks I’m pretty special 😉 Remember when you did Burn with me?! You ROCKED IT!!
Megan says
I’ll definitely give this a try. I had my second baby at the end of December and am getting back into my regular workout groove. My past of 5:30 am workouts 6 days/wk is not feasible at the moment, so I’m being flexible and that includes at least one or two at home workouts a week now. I used to hate working out at home and felt it was less effective, but it’s fun to see what I can do in a short window of napping kids!
There is a Burn Bootcamp opening near me soon…no specific date but I signed up so I will get updates. Looking forward to trying it out. How much is a membership?
Brittany Dixon says
Membership fees vary by location and contract duration but generally range from $99 – $199 a month. However, each location offers different deals, including possible groupons, so it’s best to reach out to them directly. Plus if you are a member, you can workout at any other location when traveling/on vacay!
Rebecca says
A Burn Bootcamp is opening near me as well and I’m interested in trying it out. How much is membership?
Brittany Dixon says
Membership fees vary by location and contract duration but generally range from $99 – $199 a month. However, each location offers different deals, including possible groupons, so it’s best to reach out to them directly. Plus if you are a member, you can workout at any other location when traveling/on vacay!
Carrie This Fit Chick says
I’m definitely a lover of all things HIIT and weight focused- I’ve fallen in love with that style!! This sounds like a fun and solid workout! Also, the back of your top is incredible!
Brittany Dixon says
Thanks! It’s one of my favorite tops because it makes me feel trendy- ha!
Sara says
They opened one right near me in Raleigh! I’m thinking about trying it. How much does it cost per month at your location (I’d imagine Raleigh and Charlotte prices would be similar)?
Brittany Dixon says
Membership fees vary by location and contract duration but generally range from $99 – $199 a month. However, each location offers different deals, including possible groupons, so it’s best to reach out to them directly. Plus if you are a member, you can workout at any other location when traveling/on vacay!
Heather says
Thanks for sharing the At Home Workout! I’m definitely going to give it a try!
Erica says
There is a location right up the street from me in Lake Wylie! Definitely bookmarking for after delivery once I’m back up to regular workouts. Personally, I love spinning. I have a spinning bike in my home which along with some light weights and a yoga mat has been my primary workout source since I was pregnant with my first in 2014. I’d love to get out into a more community atmosphere and do some different things though! I’ll have to try your home workout first lol! Thanks for the post!
Christina says
ummm this place looks awesome. i love bootcamp bc they’re usually a great mix of cardio and strength. and i love their pillars! glad to see nutrition as one since it’s essential for overall wellness. you’re looking great!
Annie says
I so badly wish I had a Burnt Boot Camp near me! I live just west of Boston and there are basically NO fitness studios with child care
Brittany Dixon says
You would think being close to Boston there would be a ton of options! Maybe open one up yourself?? 😉
montessoriishmom says
I wish there were a location near me! I’m generally intimidated by fitness classes, but have heard this one is really supportive. Thanks for the at home version!
Brynn says
I have heard such great things about BBC and wish there was a location near me. But now I can give the at home workout a-go. Thanks for sharing!
melissa says
you look fantastic. this post is very motivating, thank you for the at-home option. With a toddler and newborn, I look forward to being cleared to exercise again!
Brittany Dixon says
Thank you! And congratulations on your new baby!! I miss those newborn snuggles <3
Erin says
They just opened one by me last year and based on your recommendation and from some other preschool moms I decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did. I love it!! Thanks for the rec!
Brittany Dixon says
It’s addicting isn’t it?! So glad you love it as much as I do!
Laura says
There is one opening near me soon! Looking forward to try it? How much is a membership?
Brittany Dixon says
Oh that’s exciting!! Membership fees vary by location and contract duration but generally range from $99 – $199 a month. However, each location offers different deals, including possible groupons, so it’s best to reach out to them directly!
Lindsay @ Hot Mess, Cool Day says
I wasn’t sure what this place was, but I live right by one in Huntersville! I’ll have to try one of the community classes or (gasp) commit to going enough to warrant the 14th days!
Jennifer says
They opened one up near me and was super excited about it! I liked the workouts but the price tag is astronomical! Why is fitness SO expensive? It’s sad really!
Katie @ Live Half Full says
This makes me so excited! Apparently there are five opening in Northern Illinois and I can’t wait!
Jennifer says
Ugh, I wish they had one in Baltimore! Looks like an amazing place!
Joy says
Tried this workout last night and LOVED it! I was in a huge pinch for time since work ran late and this did the quick sweaty trick 🙂
Thanks for sharing!!
Jennifer says
I have always been intimidated to try a boot camp style workout. I am a cardio fiend and know that I am neglecting strength training. I wish there was a BBC location near me! (I live in New York). I may look into taking a boot camp class at my local Y. Any suggestions for someone getting started? Thank you!
Brittany Dixon says
For me, finding any class that incorporated strength was a good place to start. Now that I’ve been doing it for so long, I know the form so much better and love the difference I’ve seen in my body. Hope you find a class that works well for you!
Paige C. says
I completed this workout yesterday and loved it! I totally understand why you love this place so much! I wish they’d migrate down to Gainesville (hint hint). Thanks for sharing!
Brittany Dixon says
I’ll pass the hint along 😉 So glad you loved the workout!!
Jodi Price says
I am addicted to Beachbody at home workouts -I’m a coach for them as well – as a mom these work so well for my schedule, but I love mixing it up too and trying all different workouts too! I have heard that BBC does a FREE saturday am class? One of my soccer friends is a member and I plan on attending a few Saturdays with her! P.S. Stumbled across your blog as I was looking for a healthy apple cinnamon oat muffin recipe – going to give your recipe a go – I live outside of Charlotte too! (Matthews). Small world! 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Small world indeed! 🙂 Yes, BBC has free Saturday workouts (co-ed too!). I like switching things up too- hope you love it as much as I do!