During our fireside Christmas chat while the girls tromped around the yard (and with a slow flow of Prosecco as fuel) David and I set about combing over the past year and discussing our hopes for the new one.
Maybe it was the leftover wrapping scraps or the disorganized fridge, though I’d like to think it was more than just the day’s clutter, I was consumed by the urge for less. Less tangible items. Less expectations. Less spending. Less pressures. Less.
I believe it was while watching the girls giggle and create with only pine cones as props that I felt the desire so strongly that I declared boldly it would be my year of LESS.
At the time it made total sense (thank you Prosecco), but as we’ve fine tuned these focuses over the past week, the idea of focusing on less for an entire year became less appealing. I didn’t want that to trickle into gratitude or joy. I certainly don’t want less of those. I realized my intentions needed more clarity and a more positive focus. Then it came to me.
Simplify and solidify.
The words fit like a glove.
What I was (am) craving it less clutter in every aspect. I want to free my home from unspoken for piles of stuff. I want to free my mind from unnecessary and unproductive focuses. What does this look like in practice? I’m hoping to:
- Declutter. Organize. Give away. Assign everything a home. Though I haven’t read the book yet, I want to adopt the nugget of wisdom to discard anything that doesn’t spark joy.
- Say yes to saying no. I suck at saying no. It’s not just my desire to please, it’s also my true yearning for wanting to help and be a part of things. I know now that when you say yes to things you are inadvertently saying no to other, sometimes much more important people and things, and when you know better, you do better. So I will do better.
- Let go of unreasonable expectations. I’ve really grown the past few years and learned to let go of expectations I have of others and of events. Maybe I should dig more into this at some point because it’s incredibly freeing and makes life more joyful. However I also want to extend this grace to myself and look forward to figuring out how to do so.
- Get outside more. In 2017 we are looking forward to hiking, camping, family walks and more outdoor activities. For us, calm and focus is found in nature and we want to do better about seeking it out and having it be part of the girls as well.
2017 is going to be a big year for us. We are going to nail down some specifics in plans we’ve been talking about since we got married. The goals we’ve been working towards are slowly starting to come to fruition, and though we are still a few years out from reaching them completely, this year seems to really be about laying down a solid foundation in several areas:
- School. This year we will choose a path for our girls’ education. It’s not a forever choice, but it’s the path we will choose to begin on. Will we home school? We’ll decide for sure in about two months from now and that outcome will certainly make a difference in how I run my days.
- Finances. We are big on diversification and this year we are hoping to firm up the investments and incomes that work best for us and fully rid ourselves of those that don’t line up with our goal.
- This blog. Though I know in some sense it will be forever evolving (one of the things I love about this space), I want to firm up the way I approach it. I want this to be my place to explore, create and share. Though I do want it to continue to grow and will still add pinnable images and optimize appropriate content (recipes) for SEO, I’m done monitoring pageviews, searching for a niche to fit into and following “must do” suggestions that don’t fit my focus. Am I healthy living? A mommy blog? Lifestyle? I’m certain now I don’t need an answer and will write about whatever is on my heart. I will draw inspiration from my day to day and commit to blogging about my life, not living life so I can blog about it. I’m excited for this new freedom I’m allowing myself and the plethora of topics that might spring forth from it.
So as you can see I don’t want 2017 to really be about less at all. I just want a shift. I want my efforts to reflect the focus of my heart and our family. I want to better align my days with my priorities. And I look forward to sharing my trials and triumphs here in this space.
What are you aspiring to in 2017?
Is it a word? A specific goal?
I’d love to hear about it!
Heather @Lunging Through Life says
This sounds just like what my husband and I have been working on. We’ve been tearing through cabinets and such and if we don’t need it, it’s gone. So many things I hold on to “just in case” but it just clutters our house and makes me feel a mess (I say staring at boxes that need to be put in the attic!) I hope things go well this year for you!
John J. says
Love your optimistic evolution clarifying the next phase of your life, family, finances and blog. To live fully is to developmentally evolve into the next iteration of your existence. You and David do such a wonderful job of communicating about moving forward, short term and long term. You continue to inspire and motivate. So proud of you!
Lee says
That sounds like a great goal for the year. Or goals rather, I suppose.
Mine is to feed Alexander better and, thusly, feed myself better too. I got lazy somewhere along the line and while he eats okaaayish, he eats a lot of processed foods.
Erin says
My word for 2017 is wellness. While it’s not all encompassing for my family and all of our goals, I want to focus the year on the things that make me feel the best like eating healthy foods, prioritizing workouts and sleep, meditation, playing with my kids, and being present in my life. Sounds like you have a pretty good plan. Happy new year!
Kimberly says
I love this post – I feel the same way! It is so inspiring to read your goals and aspirations. 2017 is going to be a good one 🙂
Jodi S says
More wine.
Less clutter.
More wine while working on said clutter.
More time w friends. While drinking wine.
All of what you said above, with wine. Except while hiking. Maybe wine to celebrate a good hike. 👊🏻
Karen says
Love this one…..wine to celebrate a hike is always a good idea;-)
Brittany Dixon says
As if I ever had any doubt as to why we are friends… 😉
Now stop planning the playdate party and bust out a wine bottle!!! xo
Michelle says
Love it! It seems to be a common theme for many people to simplify and focus on the important things, me included! Life is too short to be consumed with stuff in my opinion.
My word for 2017 is Love. It came to me last night and it just feels right!
Cassie says
Less stuff. More presence. More intention. More ease for me!
Heather says
Have you watched Minimalism on Netflix yet??!?! My husband and I watched it on New Years Eve and came up with a game plan to get the clutter out of our life! De-cluttering with kids is hard and there are some good resources in that movie.
I will say that one thing about that tidying up book is that it is a little rigid for me. I like colorful socks, I like personal items displayed in my house, I like my kid’s artwork on the wall (for a time and then it goes in a capsule or trash). One thing I find with all of the minimalism books/blogs I have read is that they all go beige and boring. I need a little color in my life, but I am going into 2017 with the intention that all color must mean something. I am not going to buy a painting at IKEA that means nothing to me just to fill a wall. I will take my time to find the perfect piece that means something to me and my family.
I am also going to make my purchase decisions as if I were my grandmother – not based solely on how cheap it is, but more on the quality of the materials used and craftsmanship. Yes, they will be more expensive but they will be lifetime pieces and hopefully made of more sustainable materials that are better for my family to be exposed to – less off-gassing for example.
OK – so that is a lot but I am really excited about this topic and of course you wrote about it! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Katie says
Minimalism is a concept I have just begun to read about, implement and embrace at the end of 2016- two resources I have really enjoyed that are NOT all beige and boring (I’m sorry I can’t do totally white walls, etc) are Joshua Becker (becomingminimalist.com) and Allie Casazza (she focuses a lot on how stuff negatively impacts our motherhood and how minimalism can free us up to be better, more present parents). I’ve started reading Joshua Becker’s book “The More of Less” and it’s very inspiring. Next up is his “Clutterfree with Kids”.
Needless to say, simplifying our lives and pursuing a more minimal, purposefully life is a goal of ours in 2017! 🙂 Happy New Year!
Brittany Dixon says
Clutterfree with kids… is that possible?! 😉 I need that book in my life- thank you!
Brittany Dixon says
I haven’t watched it but will now- thanks!!
And yes to quality over quantity. I’ve slowly gotten better at embracing the concept over time and it’s such a better way to go. Love that focus!
Samantha says
I love that your blog doesn’t fit into any one niche–I connect the most with what you write about since I am in the same season of life as you and often have the same focuses.
I just finished a wonderful book last night you might like–it’s called Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. A lot of what you shared reminded me of what she shares in the book.
My word for the year is “Stillness”. We are radically changing our focus this year on our farm, and I want stillness and calm at the eye of the storm as we bring on big changes.
Brittany Dixon says
I have heard SO many wonderful things about Present Over Perfect. It’s next on my lost to read after Nightingale. I love your word for the year. It definitely reflects a lot of what I am craving too. Beautiful!
Karen says
I love hearing you are going to spend more time outdoors finding peace. You live in a prime spot to do this outside(I was so jealous how you spent Christmas outside) year round!!!!
It may not be camping or hiking your family finds peace doing but eventually you will find “that” activity that brings you peace and tranquility.
We will be near your area in about a week(if our plane gets off the ground with all this snow) and I cannot wait to spend a little time in nature again without five layers of clothing on.
Happy New Year.
Brittany Dixon says
Oh that’s awesome!! Where exactly will you be going? I’m sure you know my area better than I do for prime outdoor spots. If you discover any place you love, please let me know!
Dana says
Love this! So inspiring….My word for 2017 is LIVE! I kept going back and forth with the right word but this seems to resonate with me. To live purposely, to live fully and to live and enjoy every moment! Happy New Year !
Liz T says
I love your goals. Sounds wonderful. And I love hearing how you and David have these heartbeat talks about goals, etc. So Type A and inspiration to hear about. It motivates me to spark these conversations with my husband, too. I am all about getting rid of stuff. All the STUFF really takes away from the space you have to live in and enjoy freely when you always have to “put away” or “tidy up” – with less stuff there is less of that required! It’s hard though, living in a consumerist society that we live in. Preach it, sister, I can’t wait to hear more.
Julia @ Drops of Jules says
I suck at saying no too. Reading this on your blog this morning has really made me want to change that about myself. I don’t want to be a sucker for doing everything others want me too.
Julie says
I look forward to reading whatever you choose to write about in 2017. 🙂 And if it’s a post on letting go of expectations, even better! 😉 I also couldn’t agree more about getting out & enjoying nature.
P.S. So glad you’re back! I missed you over the holidays. I think it’s great that you unplug to enjoy the time w/ your family, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss you while you’re “gone”. 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
That comment pretty much makes my day! I missed this space so much too (and your comments!) and am excited that I was able to get some clarity for 2017. I hope you had a wonderful break too Julie!
Heather says
I really like some of your thoughts! Definitely inspires me to get my butt in gear and motivate myself in the new year. So happy that you had a chance to unwind over the holidays. I missed following you over the break! 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
I missed y’all too Heather!! xo 🙂
Elise says
Not letting work situations carry over into home life
More quality family time
More reading, less TV
Love your family goals for the year!
Brittany Dixon says
Yes to more reading!! I started last night on a new book (Nightingale) and look forward to sticking with it better in 2017.
Jessica says
I love what you have chosen to focus on. Such perfect words and I love how you are incorporating them into every aspect of your life. I honestly enjoy your blog just the way it is, but I get wanting to have more of a specific way to approach, but know you don’t have to do that for your readers because we love you as is. I have been trying to decide on my word for the year and I think I have it. Embrace. I want to really embrace every aspect of my life and just enjoy. I too am a people pleaser and I need to be better about that. I also need to embrace myself a bit more and take that time I need to remember who I am. Also, as a wife I don’t always embrace every aspect. I get frustrated with my husband at times and I want to just let that go and grab hold tight. Girl, I could keep going. MAybe we need to get coffee. 😉
Brittany Dixon says
I’d totally be up for coffee! We should find a time and the kiddos can play 🙂
Emily K says
I love how you put your goals. Still working on fine tuning our family goals, but right now I think we leaning towards Joy, health and giving ourselves more time to be.
Erica says
Wonderful New Year post! It is always such a pleasure to read your family-centered thoughts and ideas! I’m due with my second child in 10 weeks (can you tell I’m counting down!?!) and my motivation is at a definite low point. I do have a focus word for 2017 though, which is “Calm.” It seemed appropriate for a year with a new baby and a toddler 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
You’re almost there!! Congrats on the new baby on the way 🙂 Calm is a great word for your year ahead! And grace. Those first few months with two kiddos, grace most certainly helps. 😉 You have so much joy and love ahead of you! <3
Katie @ Live Half Full says
LOVE This! My word for 2017 is contentment. I’m not setting big goals, but instead taking things month by month. For January I have a few small goals and will share those on my blog tomorrow. From there, we will see!
Jodie says
I enjoy your blog most because it doesnt fit one specific type of corner in the blog world. Your blog encompasses living.
I am excited to hear which route you go with schooling!
My word for the year is LOVE.
Brittany Dixon says
I don’t think there can be another word better than that- love it! <3
Belinda says
This sounds great! I’ve been interested in simple living for the last few years. In case this is helpful for you, Brittany, these are some of my favourite blogs that have some really practical advice:
Slow Your Home (http://slowyourhome.com/)
Be More with Less (http://bemorewithless.com/)
A Life Less Frantic (http://kellyexeter.com.au/)
A couple of them have children too, and often cover topics like decluttering with kids.
Other big figures in the simple living community are Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus (known as “The Minimalists”), Leo Babauta, and Joshua Becker.
Good luck! 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Oh these are so helpful- thank you! I’ll be adding them to my reader. Love finding inspiration for more simple living!
Betty says
I love how organized and focused your 2017 goals are! Our family focus this year is “presence”. We get so caught up in multi-tasking and constantly checking our phones and planning for the next day, etc. that we seem to have lost our ability to just focus on one thing at a time. To be present. My husband and I had a great conversation about this (also with wine involved) with regard to how fast it seems like our daughter is growing up. Even though we can’t slow down time, we are going to make a better effort in 2017 to be present so that we can enjoy her, and each other, even more.
PS. I love that your blog is a mix of everything!
Brittany Dixon says
Betty, it’s like you’ve been in my head! I try to remind myself daily that I can’t slow time down or possibly capture it all on camera so all I can do is savor and enjoy. I love your 2017 word and hope to follow suit! 🙂
Christine says
My goal is to have a healthy and fit pregnancy. I’m going to be pregnant for the next 6.5 months and I really want to focus on being fit. With my first I gained 60lbs (thank goodness I lost it). I remember after getting home with my son how miserable I was with the weight I had gained. I will give myself some grace – I’m a big believer in that my body will do what it needs to do to sustain the pregnancy BUT I think I can control a little bit of the weight gain. I also want to unplug from my phone more – Instagram is my addiction. My first step is to buy an alarm clock for my night stand so that my phone no longer charges in our bedroom – I lived without a phone for years, I can live without it each night, right!?
Looking forward to following you in 2017 – love your blog! You’ve given me so many great tips and tricks for raising my 2 year old (I just bought the cupcake silicon cups and he loves eating bite sized food from them!) I also love reading your views and opinions on certain topics – while I may not agree on some, I do love getting a different perspective on things!
Brittany Dixon says
Congratulations on your second pregnancy- that is so exciting! Thank you for the blog feedback as well. It makes my day to hear I have been helpful in some way and like you, I enjoy reading others’ perspectives on topics, even if I don’t agree. I think it makes for good conversation and can help me understand other viewpoints better. I hope you have a wonderful 2017 and thanks for reading 🙂
Kelli says
Welcome back to blogging Brittany…missed ya! I love the idea of less ‘stuff’ and recently watched the documentary Minimalism on Netflix and found it inspiring. I don’t think I could ever take that drastic of a minimalistic approach but it did inspire me to clean out my closet 🙂 my hope for 2017 is to take on a meditation practice to help with my anxiety. Happy New Year!
Maria says
I too always have a strong desire to have less (particularly when it comes to my home), but I agree that simplify sounds much more fitting! Downsizing the amount of stuff we have actually does not make sense for me at all this year. Maybe my word should be more about quality over quantity? Or maybe I’ll just steal your words 🙂
Very excited that you are solidifying your goals and hope to follow you along in the journey. Would love to hear more details.